Not Cold [Interstellar]

Chapter 80: TheNewEnd20

Lan returned to the main ship in a daze. The moment he saw Zhong Yue, he suddenly regained consciousness.

In the command center, Ke Wei, who arrived one step ahead of him, didn't have time to greet him. He was held in his arms by Zhong Yue and looked at the real-time view of the barren star ground in the holographic screen with everyone.

They couldn't hear the sound, and they didn't know what Mo Bai said to the insect king. The insect king hooked up Mo Bai with a insect foot and lifted him up to his own eyes as if he had understood what he said.

Compared with the insect king, the volume of Mo Bai is too small. Holding Mo Bai in front of him in this way is like the insect king grabbing food and sending it to his mouth.

Lan turned silently and walked out. When Zhong Yue saw him, he stuffed his son into Ke Wei's arms and ran over to catch Lan at a speed of 100 meters.

Zhong Yue said angrily: "You calm down! What are you going back to do now? Are you going to die?"

Lan was stopped by Zhong Yue, and only stayed for a while, then stubbornly continued to leave. Zhong Yue clutched his shoulder with a headache: "Mo Bai hopes you are alive, don't let him down."

Lan bit her lip and said stubbornly: "I can't leave him alone..."

Ke Wei was surprised: "Zhong Yue, look!"

Lan and Zhong Yue looked back together.

Mo Bai tilted his head and smiled and showed his long wormtail, swinging in the air.

He looked very relaxed, as if he was recounting the past with the King of Insects, without the slightest tension.

So the next moment, when Mo Bai took off on the insect king's raised feet, they didn't even immediately understand what Mo Bai was going to do.

Until they saw Mo Bai whirling around in the air, using his worm tail to fiercely penetrate into the eyes of the worm king.

The insect king's carapace is hard, and his eyes are the only fragile place. After being hit with full strength by Mo Bai, the painful half of his body lifted off the ground, wailing in the air.

Its howling triggered a major earthquake.

All the Zergs guarding the side rushed towards Mo Bai, but Mo Bai took the lead. With half of his body caught in the eyes of the Insect King, he stuffed something backhand into the broken eyes of the Insect King.

They did not see the picture of Mobai being torn apart by the Zerg.

The dazzling white light came out of the broken eye first, engulfing the whole picture in an instant.

After that, they no longer need to stare at the screen.

They only need to raise their heads, and through the glass of the command room, they can see that the barren star transforms into a huge blue fireball in a few seconds.

Silently blasted the entire barren star.

The gas of the planet was instantly ignited, and only the outermost Zerg escaped. But these insects caught fire and screamed miserably in the universe, until their bodies were burned, the flames finally stopped.

The human warship went up easily, sweeping away the remaining Zergs on the periphery.

In this way, the great war faced by mankind disappeared into the invisible.

All the people in the command center are silent, and they have witnessed the burning of life together on this planet engulfed by flames. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Zhong Yue finally didn't need to catch Lan again.

Lan softly knelt on the ground.

Zhong Yue regained his sense of shock, looked at Lan, feeling unbearable, and knelt down and touched Lan's head. Unexpectedly, Lan burst into tears immediately, hugged Zhong Yue's legs, and buried his face on Zhong Yue's knees. After a few breaths, he cried until he choked.

Zhong Yue was slightly startled, but did not push Lan away. Instead, he patted Lan's back comfortably to calm him down.

Ke Wei held Zhong Han and walked to Lan's face.

Zhong Yue said: "Ke Wei, I will ask the doctor to do a comprehensive examination for you, your face is too ugly, I will wait for you."

Ke Wei was very haggard, and there were still wounds on his exposed skin. But they all know that this is definitely not the time to relax.

Zhong Yue couldn't rest, the Holy See had already put pressure on him, and he needed to find a way to explain what had just happened.

And... Lan.

When Lan's mood calms down, he will face endless questions about their group of black hole traversers.

Zhong Yue and Ke Wei were not naive to believe what others said. They needed to collect information from Lan in order to make their own judgments.

When Lan's mood calmed down a bit, he was taken away by Hoshalen himself.

Zhong Yue and Ke Wei finally had some time alone. The military doctor also checked Ke Wei's body: "You have lost too much blood. According to your current situation, it is better to need some blood transfusion. After that, pay attention to rest and don't get tired. , To replenish your body, and you will be able to regain it slowly."

Ke Wei remembered Jin Ran's words: "Wait a minute, you may not be able to lose this blood bag to me."

The military uniform said in a puzzled way: "Why? I have chosen blood that matches your blood type, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Ke Wei took out the blood bag he was wearing next to him, and handed it out: "You take a sample and test it for any difference. Put the rest in the freezer. No one can move except me and Zhong Yue."

After the explanation, Zhong Yue accompanied Ke Wei back to his living room. Ke Wei took a shower and washed away all the blood before he came out wrapped in a bath towel.

Zhong Yue was at the bedside, checking his wounds little by little, very pity, thinking of the creators of these wounds, he didn't know what it was like, and he sighed again.

Ke Wei understood what he was thinking, shook his hand and said, "Forget it, it's all over."

Zhong Yue asked: "Can the stickers on your wounds be waterproof?"

Ke Wei nodded: "Jin Ran helped me deal with it."

"Jin Ran...?" Zhong Yue looked puzzled: "You told me before that Jin Ran saved you? But when you evacuated, he didn't come out with you?"

Ke Wei didn't know how to explain it at all: "If I said, I don't know how he entered the bunker of Silent White, and how he left, would you believe it?"

Zhong Yue thought for a while before he said, "Believe it. But baby, you also have to know that from our perspective, on our one has ever seen Jin Ran."

Ke Wei was startled. He suddenly woke up, Jin Ran appeared and left out of thin air, he didn't even have any evidence to prove it all.

All the human and physical evidences were buried in dust as the barren star exploded.

"You said he came, how did he come? There is only one entrance to the bunker. How did he go if he didn't pass there?"

Ke Wei went through the matter in his mind again, and slowly said, "But he did come. He rescued me, took me to find Zhonghan, and gave me gold foil that can isolate the magnetic field of Zhonghan. I had a bag of spare blood, and I wrote a piece of paper to tell me a few things I must pay attention to..."

He pulled out the carefully folded letter from his pocket, and unfolded it, but was stunned to find that there was no familiar handwriting on both sides of the letter, only a blank space.

Ke Wei was completely stunned.

Zhong Yue carried his son to the bed, and helped Ke Wei lie down on the bed: "Don't think too much, you need to rest. I can still hold you like this, I'm here peacefully, there is nothing else I want."

Ke Wei was a little bit incredulous. While he was meditating, he lay on the bed following Zhong Yue's strength. Zhong Yue covered him with the quilt: "You and your son are sleeping well, I will go out first."

Ke Wei knew that Zhong Yue personally sent him over, he was already busy squeezing time. For the next period of time, he will be very busy and tired.

In the face of his lost lover and children, Zhong Yue was actually very reluctant to leave in his heart.

His son Zhong Han in his previous life broke into his life completely disrupting the rhythm in a way he had never expected. Not to mention that Ke Wei, who had finally been together after two timelines, had just returned to him safely.

Zhong Yue can't wait to take root here, tease his children and hug his wife, so he doesn't care about outside affairs.

But the idea was just thinking about it, and he knew it was impossible.

Zhong Yue watched Ke Wei lying on his side, watching Xiao Zhonghan who was half asleep, and quietly closed the door.

The military doctor is very efficient. In just a short time, he can already report the results to Zhong Yue: "The blood provided by Lieutenant General Ke has been compared with me...Uh, the DNA match is his own blood. He saved himself beforehand. Blood? Why is there no registration in my blood bank?"

Zhong Yue also felt strange, but he didn't show it: "I see, you store Ke Wei's blood separately, and his genetic information is not allowed to leak."

The military doctor naturally did not dare to disobey Zhong Yue's order.

During Ke Wei's short rest period, Zhong Yue led the army to clear away the remnants of the Zerg.

Although from time to time other Zerg races will fly in the direction of the barren star, as long as they do not arrive at the same time and crush the human legion in absolute numbers, they can be divided and destroyed one by one.

Surprisingly, a few hours later, Xuan Mian, who was supposed to stay at Ai Bino, rushed over in person.

Zhong Yue frowned and asked him: "The Mansha who asked you to study, did you get it so soon?"

Xuan Mian didn’t complete the boss’s task for the first time, and his embarrassed face blushed: “My mother and colleagues personally operate in the laboratory. I will analyze the data remotely and guide the direction of the experiment. I’m here this time. I feel... If I don't come, I'm panicking. I have to come to verify something personally."

Zhong Yue stopped worrying about him: "Alright, you just came here, and you can be used here, so you can stay here, go to the military doctor and help me check Ke Wei's blood."

Xuan Mian took the order.

Zhong Yue returned to the command center, but just in time for a wave of red alarms.

"The space ahead is extremely unstable, and there are different dimensions of space generated... What does this mean?" Zhong Yue looked at the red dots marked on the star chart, and said in surprise: "How come there are so many suddenly? What are these? ?"

Hoshalen temporarily stopped the inquiry and released Lan. Lan took a look and said with certainty: "This is nearly two hundred folding spaces, and the Zerg is opening a passage from inside."

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