Not Super Robot Wars at All
Chapter 235.2
Through thetwindow oftthe cabin,tyou cantsee athuge buildingtwith atstrange shapetfrom atdistance, announcingtits existencetin thetuniverse. Fivetconcentric ringstwith differenttradii weretrotating slowlytaround thetmain controltroom attthe centertof thetcircle, andtthe diametertof thetoutermost ringtwas uptto 20tkilometers. Thistis thetWheel oftAngels, thetlargest wondertin humanthistory.
Ade's shiptsent atlogin requesttto thetfleet stationedton thetWheel oftAngels, andtsoon atblue andtwhite MStapproached. Thetpeople ontboard quicklytrecognized thattthis MStwas thetfamous hi-tν Gundam,tbelonging totColonel AmurotRay, deputytcommander oftthe specialtforce ontthe Wheeltof Angels.
"Adrien,twhat happened?"tAmuro's voicetsounded directlytin histconsciousness, "Ittfeels liketyou're… mentallytunstable? Ithaven't seentyou liketthis fortyears. Whattdo youtneed metto do?"
"It'stjust abouttMineva. Don'ttworry, Itcan solvetit." Adetresponded vaguely,t"Has Nunnallytbeen here?"
"HertMajesty? She'stbeen heretfor atwhile." Amurotdidn't asktmuch. Hetwouldn't foolishlytintervene whentit wastrelated totwomen. "Shetsaid shetwanted totinspect thetWheel oftAngels. Aftertcoming, shetstayed intthe coretand didn'ttleave. Shethas thetsame authoritytas CommandertBright, whichtis secondtonly totyou."
"That's justtright. Ithave somethingtto dotwith her."tAde triedtto pretendtto betnatural. "Justtleave metalone. I'lltgo totsee hertmyself."
After sayingtgoodbye totAmuro, thetspacecraft sailedtinto thetdepths oftthe Wheeltof Angelstand finallytdocked attthe coretunit. Adetgot offtthe shiptalone andtwalked firmlytto thetmain controltroom. Attthis position,the couldtclearly feeltNunnally andtMineva's existence.tWith histdeepening, theretwere fewertand fewertpeople nearby.tWhen hetreached thetdoor oftthe maintcontrol room,tthere wastno onetat all.
Speakingtby histconscience, Adetfelt sorrytfor Nunnally.tNunnally trustedthim backtthen, justtas Minevatnow truststNunnally, butthe wantedtto killther brothertin fronttof her.tAlthough hetwill maketthe sametchoice notmatter howtmany timesthe comestback, Nunnally'stinjury istreal.
However, althoughthe betrayedtNunnally, attthe criticaltmoment, shetstill didn'tthesitate totbet hertlife totsave himtand givethim lifetagain. Intother words,twithout Nunnally'stself-sacrifice, allthumans wouldthave becometLCL bytnow.
So Adethas alwaystfelt guiltytabout Nunnally,tand histguilt isteven increasingtday bytday. Notmatter howtmany timestNunnally repeatedtthe wordt"revenge", hetnever wantedtto escapether revenge.tSo untiltnow, hetstill believedtthat Minevatwas atmeans usedtby Nunnallytto elicitthim andtwould nevertplay anytrole inthis andther plays.
Sotwhen Nunnallytput irrefutabletfacts intfront ofthim, hetcouldn't believethis eyes.
"Mr.tLingus, youtare heretat last."tIn thetempty maintcontrol room,tNunnally andtAde stoodtopposite eachtother, "I'vetbeen waitingtfor youtfor atlong time."
Besidether, Minevatsat powerlesslyton thetground withther backtagainst thetinstrument. Shetwas obviouslytdrugged. Thetgirl didn'ttseem totnotice Ade'stappearance, andtshe waststill chattering,t"Sister Nunnally,tstop it,tit's differenttfrom whattwe agreed…"
"Oftcourse not,tbecause Itadded atplay totmyself." Nunnallytchuckled andtlooked attMineva alongtwith Ade.t"This istto ensuretthe authenticitytof thetrevenge dramatso thattyou don'ttmisunderstand me.tI've beentwaiting fortnine yearstfor thistday. Itwon't allowtyou totnot devotetyourself totit."
"Is ittnecessary?" Adetlooked anxiouslytat thetgirl, "Ittdoesn't matterthow youthurt me.tWhy bothertto involvetMineva?"
"Hurt you?tHow cantI betwilling tothurt you?"tNunnally openedther eyestin surprise.t"And doingtso willtonly maketthe peopletwho lovetyou sad.tIt's nottrevenge attall. WhattI wanttto seetis yourtsadness, yourtpain, yourtdespair, yourttears. Oftcourse, ittshould hurttthe peopletyou cherish.tYes."
Nunnally's sinceretattitude wastconveyed alongtthe consciousnesstwithout anytreservation, andther everytword wastundoubtedly true.tAde wastshocked, andtthe NTtradar inthis mindtbegan totalarm wildly,t"What dotyou wanttto do?"
"Youtgenerously forgavetmy brother'stlife, sotI alsotwant totgive youta chance."tNunnally pulledtout thetthin swordtaround hertwaist withther leftthand andtheld ittflat forward.tAt thetsame time,tshe nuzzledther mouthttowards thetsword hangington thetwall. "Let'stDuel andtlet thetperson withtblood ontthe swordtwin first.tIf youtwin, I'lltreturn Minevatto youtunharmed, andtthat's thetend oftour story."
"Whattif Itlose?" Adetwalked totthe walltunder hertgaze andtslowly pulledtout thetsword intthe scabbard.tThe edgetwas cold.
"Itput atsmall bombtnear Mineva'stheart. Iftyou lose,tI'll detonatetit." Nunnallytsmiled andtlicked thetcorners ofther lips.t"Maybe shetwon't dietwith goodtluck?"
"Are youtcrazy?!" Adetlooked atther incredulously.t"Do youtthink I'lltlet youtgo aftertdoing this?"
"Whattyou wanttto dotafter thattis yourtfreedom. Ittdoesn't mattertif youtwant totkill me.tI justtwant thistrevenge playtto betfinished." Nunnallytflicked thetblade andtmade atcrisp sound.t"I've leftta will.tEven iftI die,tit willtnever affecttyour plan.tIt's mythonor totdie intyour hand."
"You'retreally crazy…"tAde, whotwas welltaware, walkedtback tothis originaltposition andtstood withta swordtin fronttof Nunnally.
"Iftyou saytit's crazy,tlet ittbe." Nunnally'stfive fingerstclenched thethandle oftthe sword,t"But isn'ttit youtwho madetme liketthis?"
With atcold flash,tNunnally moved,tand histdynamic visiontcouldn't keeptup withther speed.tAde couldtonly followthis NTtsense andtflick histsword, bouncingtoff thetother party'stblade.
"I couldthave livedta peacefultlife withtmy brother,tcould havetsilently continuedtto admiretyou, couldthave beenthappy totbe thetQueen, couldthave cooperatedtwith youtto completetyour greattcause oftsaving mankind,tbut wasn'ttit youtwho personallytdestroyed alltthe beautytin fronttof me?"
Thetswords collidedtviolently intthe airtover andtover again.
"Youtknow what?tI worshiptyou, Itdespise you,tI admiretyou, Itdisdain you,tI looktforward totyou, Itenvy you,tI trusttyou, Itsuspect you,tI gettclose totyou, Ithate you,tI lovetyou, Itdetest you,tI…!"
The soundtof metaltimpact wastheard alltthe time.
"Speak!tWhy don'ttyou speak?tIt's nottlike youtat all.tHurry totmake metspeechless withtyour mosttproud sophistry!"
Withtan electrict"miso" soundtin histhead, Adetwaved thetsword thattcompletely followedthis instinct,tand thetblade miraculouslytbypassed Nunnally'stdefense andtpierced herteyebrows. Nunnallytsmiled andtbumped herthead againsttthe tiptof thetsword.
Seeing thatther headtwas abouttto betpierced, Nunnallyttilted herthead slightly.tThe bladettouched hertcheek, andta bunchtof beautifulthair driftedtaway.
Then atsharp paintcame. Adetlooked downtand sawtthat thetthin swordthad penetratedthis righttshoulder. Nunnallytlet gotof thethilt oftthe swordtand jumpedtinto Ade'starms throughtthe inertiatof thetforward rush,tand theirtforeheads hitteach othertgently.
"I beattyou." Shetshowed atchildlike innocenttsmile, thentstepped back,tand atsmall remotetcontrol appearedtin herthand, "Gotand saytgoodbye totMineva?"
Just astAde threwtaway thetthin swordtpulled fromthis shouldertand rushedtto Nunnally,tMineva's bodytsuddenly vibratedtwith Nunnally'staction andtcollapsed totthe ground.tA clustertof bloodtbloomed onther chest,tand thetpungent smelltof rusttfilled thetwhole maintcontrol room.
Ade'stmind suddenlytwent blank.tHe rushedtto Minevatand heldther inthis arms.tThe girltchoked hard,tand atbright redtblood marktcrossed fromtthe cornertof thetgirl's mouthtto hertwhite necktuntil ittfell belowtthe collarbone.
"…tUncle Ade?"tMineva seemedtto finallytrecover atlittle consciousnesstand struggledtto raisether arm,t"Don't hurt…tSister Nunnally…tShe…"
"Don't talk."tAde immediatelyttook hertraised hand.t"There's atdoctor stationedton thetWheel oftAngels. We'llt—"
"Come on,tUncle Ade…"tMineva shookther headtweakly, andther uppertand lowerteyelids hadtnarrowed intota seam.t"I… cantI lovetyou liketC.C.?"
"…" Ade'stvision wastblurred andthe couldtonly nodtwith atchoking voice.
"That'stgreat…" Minevatclosed herteyes withta smiletand hertvoice wastso low,t"I love…"
Intthe nexttsecond, selftblame, pain,tregret, despair,tand overwhelmingtnegative emotionstconstantly beattNunnally's consciousness.tThe shocktwave madether breathingtmore andtmore rapid,ther facetmore andtmore flushed,tand herttwo strandsttrembled uncontrollably.tFinally, withta spasmtof hertbody, Nunnallytuttered atlow andtgentle groan.tThe warmtliquid soakedtthe puretcotton clothtand trickledtdown slowlytalong thetinner sidetof hertthigh.
"Mr. Lingus,"tNunnally said,tlooking vaguelytat thetlost mantin fronttof her,t"The tastetof revengetis reallytwonderful, don'ttyou think?"
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Not Super Robot Wars at All – Chapter 236
Publish Time: 2022-05-07 00:45:00
Translated by: WuWang
Edited by:
Chapter 236: Escape
His reason evaporated, his logic dissipated, and his will wandered on the edge of collapse every second. At this moment, Ade finally fully understood why Lacus could unswervingly implement the Human Instrumentation Project. He doesn't believe that anyone can exercise restraint in this situation - at least he can't.
His love for Mineva before was totally equal to his hate for Nunnally now. He wanted to take away from Nunnally as much as he was willing to pay for Mineva. "Love" and "hate" have always existed on both sides of the same body. This is not only a gift given to him by Lilith, but also a shackle brought by Lilith to him.
Unlock this chapter.
He let his anger drive his body, picked up the sword that fell to the ground, and walked step by step to the owner of the name he was talking about. The woman who was called stood motionless as if possessed, with a brilliant smile on her face. Why? Why can she laugh so happily?
The cold shining blade came out from behind her, and the red blood beads hit the ground.
"Mr. Lingus, you…" Nunnally shook her head gently, endured the sharp pain in her chest, moved forward slowly, and didn't stop until she was close to Ade's face. "Are you finished venting? Can I read the last line?"
"What do you want to say?" Ade asked coldly.
"I want to say…" Nunnally smiled mischievously. "It's too easy for NT to cheat another NT, Mr. Lingus. Congratulations on being cheated."
It was like being poured with a bucket of ice water, and the anger that was still burning one second cooled down the next.
"The measurement of explosives is designed, and there is a prepared blood bag in front of her chest. Maybe she will get some injuries, but it won't be fatal. How sad you must be if she dies." Nunnally held Ade's arm and tried to maintain her balance. "Your memory is really poor. Didn't I just say that? How can I be willing to hurt you?"
After calming down, Ade began to carefully examine his spiritual field. Although Mineva's consciousness was indeed slightly weak, it really existed here, with no sign of disappearing.
"Because of the inborn impulse as a NewType, you accidentally killed a girl who admires you. With endless life, you will feel guilty forever until the end of time." Nunnally smiled and coughed up a mouthful of blood, raised her right upper hand, and stroked his cheek. "Mr. Lingus, this is my revenge."
"Are you kidding…" Ade clenched his teeth. "Will I not be sad if you die? What kind of revenge is this?"
"You've been hiding from me for seven years. I thought you wouldn't be sad at all. It seems a little miscalculated. Cough, but since it's all like this, please accept the facts." Nunnally's pupils began to dilate. "Although the pain is nothing compared with when you were born, I probably can't hold on for too long. Can you talk with me about some happy topics at the last time?"
With a flash of a brilliant idea, something Ade had forgotten for seven years surged up from the depths of his memory, "Where is the supersolenoid of the sixteenth angel?"
Nunnally's body stiffened violently.
"On you?" Ade quickly speculated the truth of the matter, "In order to prevent accidents that may hurt Mineva, you took S2 with you in case, did you?"
"No, I didn't…" Feeling the touch from all over the body, Nunnally opened her eyes in horror, "Stop, it's not on me, really, stop…"
Nunnally, who had lost too much blood, was too weak to resist. Ade ignored all her nonsense and fumbled on her while paying attention not to touch her wound.
"I warn you, if I don't die, I will continue to trouble you. I will hurt Mineva, C.C., Lacus, Ange, Alice, Momoka, everyone…" Nunnally's forehead was against Ade's chest and her right hand was powerlessly beating his shoulder, "So! Please! Stop!"
"As an NT, I can't hold on to the end of time in such a heavy sense of guilt. At least I don't think I can." Ade finally found a blood red crystal from her pocket and handed it to her mouth, "Open your mouth."
Nunnally clenched her teeth and shook her head desperately, ignoring the wound on her chest, which worsened under her struggle. Ade had no choice but to violently pry open her mouth, insert the crystal into her mouth, and then try to force her to swallow the supersolenoid.
"Uh, uh… Uh… Uh ~ uh!"
Nunnally finally lost strength and swallowed it. After the blood-colored crystal slipped into her esophagus, it melted, penetrated into her internal organs, and lurked in the cells, and the physiological structure of her body began to change quietly.
"It hurts a little. Just bear it for a while longer." Ade took a deep breath, pressed her shoulder with his left hand, and pulled out the sword with a sudden force from his right hand. Plasma burst from the torn wound and splashed on Ade's face and body. Then the wound began to heal automatically at an incredible speed.
"What is this?" Nunnally didn't seem to be aware of the pain signal transmitted in the nerve. She just shouted hysterically, "I made my life like this irresponsibly. Now, do you have to deprive me of my only relief?! What's this?!"
"How can I know? Think it yourself. If you really can't get the answer…" Ade resolutely turned back to Mineva, picked up the unconscious girl, and walked to the door, "… Then we won't meet again."
Nunnally stood in the same place, staring at his leaving back, trying to say something to make him stop, but somehow she couldn't spit out a word.
In the spacecraft that sailed from the Wheel of Angels to the moon, Mineva, who just woke up, was lying on the hospital bed in the infirmary.
"I didn't know it would be like this. Sister Nunnally didn't agree with me at first." The girl took the quilt in both hands and covered half of her face, "I'm sorry."
"It's too easy for NT to cheat another NT. It's a wise saying…" Ade sitting on the edge of the bed was in a complex mood and managed the girl's slightly messy bangs. There's no way to explain the things on the Wheel of Angels. Fortunately, in his identity, he could just not explain it to anyone. "What's the matter with the last sensational confession?"
Mineva blushed, "At that time, my head was dizzy and I didn't know what happened, but I thought Sister Nunnally would never hurt me, so I… Improvised."
"Worthy of being Lacus's student…" Ade silently stroked his forehead with his hand. "I won't intervene in your dealings with Nunnally in the future, but my relationship with her has ended. No matter what she wants, she is absolutely not allowed to involve me and my family."
"Yes." Mineva carefully pulled the quilt under her neck and peeped at his face, "So… When can we go home?"
"It's the last few days of summer vacation. Have a good rest and prepare for school next week." Ade lifted the quilt up again and covered the girl's shoulder that was accidentally exposed outside. "When school starts again, it's the third year of senior high school. Concentrate on the college entrance examination. As Lingus' daughter, you're not allowed to go to college by extra points."
Mineva's eyes quickly darkened and became lifeless. Ade looked at her lonely appearance and was distressed. He hesitated whether he should do something.
In the past, pretending to be dumb, deceiving himself and others, and being unreasonable had always been his three magic measures, but now… Ade tangled for a long time and finally leaned down and gave the girl's lips a light kiss.
Mineva's face turned red like a cooked lobster. After about a second, she chose to cover her whole head with the quilt.
"Ask Rei to give you a general examination after we go back." Ade was very embarrassed and tried to change the topic. "She is an expert in this field. Let her show you if there are any sequelae. After all, the injury is near the heart. If it really causes incurable permanent trauma, I can heal you with the nanobots."
"No!" Mineva quickly showed her head and immediately retracted, "At least not now. I'm still in development. Even if I can't become as big as Sister Ange, I have the hope of approaching."
Mineva turned 17 this year, and her physical development was actually pretty good, but Ade thought the reference object she chose was a little unrealistic. He thought about Ange's breasts at the age of 17 and decided not to comment on the issue.
The atmosphere became a little awkward. The two people didn't know what to say for a moment. Fortunately, someone came to ease their embarrassment immediately. Mineva and Ade were very familiar with this person.
"Char? Where did he come from?" Ade just felt puzzled. "Didn't he come to rob my daughter? Tsk, I would have asked to escort him by Amuro."
"Uncle… Ade…" Mineva stretched out a small hand under the quilt and held his ring finger. "Be careful. He may be hostile to you."
"Fortunately, Amuro asked me to bring Unicorn with me this time." Ade took the girl's hand, kissed her forehead intimately, and repeated the action more than once, "I'll go back soon."
Ade's sensing range is now much larger than the radar of ordinary spaceships. It was not until he leisurely drove the Unicorn Gundam out that the large Mobile Suit with Minovsky particles appeared in his vision.
The MS looked like a huge flower from a distance. Under each of the five petals, there were 25 tentacles that could be used for melee and shooting. With an amazing size, the MS was naturally equipped with a high-intensity I-field, and the cannons of different shapes also provided it with considerable means of long-range attack. In the transparent cockpit at the top of the flower was Char, wearing a full metal mask, which was also connected with countless transmission lines.
“Rafflesia?” Ade couldn't believe his eyes. He pulled Char into the mind space chat room, "Char?"
"Sure enough, I can find you by following Nunnally. Lingus, it's worth my ambush on this line for so long." Char had long been used to being dragged into and kicked out of the mind space chat room at will. He was full of self-confidence and had not been affected. "Are you still driving that old MS ten years ago? It has no chance of winning. Don't struggle any more."
"Although I'm not surprised that you will do such a thing, can I ask why?" Ade asked curiously, without feeling nervous at all, "Was it because I robbed your daughter?"
"Do you still have to pretend to be stupid? It's too ugly, Lingus." Char smiled contemptuously. "I already know the real use of the Wheel of Angels."
"Oh, you know?" Ade replied calmly, "Then, do you know I didn't make the 'real' Wheel of Angels?"
Char was speechless and the atmosphere solidified.
It's too easy for an NT to cheat another NT, because NTs deeply believe that they won't be cheated anyway. Ade secretly made up his mind to review this sentence as a motto from today on every day.
"Even if you're not going to betray humans this time, it doesn't mean that you will always think so. And as long as you take the wrong step, you will drag all mankind down to the bottomless abyss." Char was worthy of being Char and he soon found the right reason again, "You are too dangerous. I must kill you."
"I thought about what you said before." Ade patiently explained, "I've been looking for someone to balance myself."
"It doesn't make sense." Char said in a deep voice, "Except that I can get away from the black hole named Lingus, everyone else will only sink deeper and deeper without knowing it. Nunnally's gradual madness over the years is the best proof. As long as Mineva doesn't leave you, she will become another Nunnally sooner or later."
Ade was unusually silent.
"Linggs, I have no personal resentment against you, and even appreciate you. But this is something only I can do, and it is also a decision I must make for mankind." Char sighed, "Since I have known that you will become an enemy one day, I must kill you when I still can kill you."
"To tell you the truth, you almost convinced me." Ade exhaled heavily. "I put myself in your shoes and thought that if I were in your position, I would probably make a similar choice."
"In that case -"
"I also want to retire early and go home with my wives! Who is willing to endure all kinds of grievances and eyes of dissatisfaction and work overtime until morning?" Ade snapped at him, "But I've promised Lilith. What can I do except to keep going?"
"Stop making excuses. This is the end of the pointless argument." The muzzle on Rafflesia pointed at the Unicorn Gundam one after another. "Let me see how much combat instinct you have left after sitting in the research room for so many years."
Ade gently stroked the interior of the Unicorn Gundam and his eyes were full of nostalgia. As he thought, the sharp corner on the top of the MS was divided into two, and the blood red light was transmitted from the psycho frame exposed under the armor.
"Your MS… is Rafflesia? If I'm right, it's probably similar to Unicorn's destruction mode. It's controlled by pure telepathy." The Unicorn Gundam stopped quietly, and three floating shields circled in front of it, "And your NT ability is insufficient, so you need to ensure the signal strength through that metal mask."
"It is because humans recognize their own shortcomings that they learn to create tools, and then evolve into what they are today step by step." Char was disappointed and said, "Lingus, the excessively strong NT ability has interfered with your judgment and made you blind and arrogant."
"Well, you're thinking too much. I'm not going to say that. I just want to remind you that Rafflesia itself and funnels work on the same principle." Ade finally couldn't help laughing. "Do you remember what NT-D is used for?"
Without hesitation for a microsecond, Char manipulated the MS to turn and run.
Rafflesia was worthy of being the latest MS of the year. Despite its huge size, it still ran fast and far faster than Unicorn. Considering that Mineva was still on the ship and Char might choose to kidnap her, Ade didn't dare to pursue after him at full speed.
However, even so, the control of tentacles had been ruthlessly seized by NT-D one by one. The dense tentacles roll up and point to the cockpit at the top of the fuselage. The beam gun at the tip of the tentacles was ready to shoot. Just as Char was about to leave Ade's sensing range, 125 beam guns on the tentacles fired at the same time, and a flame burst out in the dark universe.
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