Jinyun City is close to the Xuanshui and Linghuo Empires on the border of the entire Martial Blood Empire, because countless merchants and traders will go to other countries to sell Martial Blood specialties, so Jinyun City, which is one of the few border cities, has become a necessary place for countless people who want to go to the two empires to resell and make money.

At the same time, because it is close to the border, Jinyun City is very strong in terms of cultivators and garrisoned troops, and the merchants coming and going have driven the development of the city, making Jinyun City's prosperity also ranked first in the entire Martial Blood Empire.

However, there are also many native wealthy merchant families in the prosperous Jinyun City, and the Wu family is one of them.

The Wu family is a scholarly family and has strong financial resources, family business everywhere, family training is to value peace, so there are many friends who have been doing business for many years, but for some reason they have always been sparsely popular, and they have always been a single lineage, and the contemporary family owner has a son named Hanshi.

It is said that this name was changed by his son after he began to study, because he liked literature and was indeed gifted in literature, but he was not interested in martial arts.

Therefore, he has been inspired since he was a child, and he has become a university scholar with a vast amount of learning and poetry.

His own son had such ambition, and the old man of the Wu family naturally readily agreed, and tacitly agreed to change his name to Hanshi.

However, there were unforeseen storms, and the Wu family, which was extremely prosperous at that time, was unrecognizable overnight, I don't know if it was because of the secret suppression of fellow enemies, or as rumors later, in short, the Wu family not only fell overnight, but also owed a large debt.

Almost overnight, the people and wealth were gone, all the guards, servants and maids were gone, the ancestral house where they lived was also taken away to pay off debts, and those former friends and business partners were also closed, and finally the Wu family lived on the streets.

Wu Hanshi's life also fell from heaven to hell.

Not only that, since that night, countless rumors have begun to circulate in Jinyun City, such as what shady things the Wu family secretly did, such as the old man of the Wu family robbing people's daughters.

These rumors are becoming more and more serious, and gradually began to describe the Wu family as a family that is extremely evil and evil, and it was the undercover investigation that was detected by people with intentions and persevered, and finally discovered the true face of the Wu family, and then kept silently collecting evidence, until one day who gathered a group of chivalrous and courageous people killed the Wu family in one fell swoop.

At first, some people will question it, but whenever such people appear, they will be defeated by a lot of so-called hard evidence.

Over time, under this so-called various ironclad evidence, everyone thought that the Wu family was really just like these rumors, which led to the Wu family becoming a rat crossing the street in Jinyun City, and everyone shouted and beat them.

Old man Wu was depressed from then on, and he left not long after, and his wife also fell seriously ill after the old man left, and insisted on walking away with the old man after a few months.

And Wu Hanshi has been living alone on the streets since then, suffering countless insults and white eyes, he tried his best to find all the people he knew well, but either closed the door, or sneered, and in serious cases, some people even punched, kicked and beat him.

Walking on the street, ordinary people are unwilling to help him and give endless ridicule, and sometimes some inexplicable city gangsters deliberately trouble him, or those former colleagues who have not been disguised, in the final analysis, because the Wu family has stinked.

"Perhaps what people are most happy to see is a person falling from a cloud to a miserable situation where he can be bullied at will." This was Wu Hanshi's only thought for several years.

As she grew older and heard a lot of gossip, Wu Hanshi already understood that the fall of her family must not be some anecdotal rumors, and it must be fueled by the black hand behind the scenes.

But what makes him desperate is that even if he knows this, it will not help, through these years of encounters, these people have become more and more unscrupulous, Wu Hanshi even if he is stupid, he knows that these enemies have been monitoring him all the time to enjoy happiness, they will not stop torturing themselves, unless they die.

He also thought about leaving Jinyun City, going to another place first, and then coming to take revenge when he developed in another place.

However, when he was about to walk out of the gate of Jinyun City, those guards did not let him go no matter what, and even added their fists and feet.

Unwillingly, Wu Hanshi wanted to sneak out at night, but after being caught several times and thrown back like a dead dog, Wu Hanshi was already dead.

Wu Hanshi, who had been living in Jinyun City to survive, was already full of despair in life and wanted to seek death countless times, but whenever he really faced it, the fear in his heart defeated him.

No, so Wu Hanshi has no thoughts and hopes for everything in the world, and only hopes that an accident can suddenly end her ups and downs in life.

However, just when he was hungry and thinking that it would be good if he starved to death like this, he overheard Liu Cai's rumors.

The hungry body and consciousness urged him to drag his tired and weak body to the Jincai Restaurant, looking at this slightly familiar restaurant, Wu Hanshi swallowed her saliva fiercely.

As the eldest young master of the Wu family before, this kind of top-ranked restaurant in Jinyun City, which one was not broken by him, and he knew the mountains and sea inside.

Looking at Liu Cai, who was standing at the gate dealing with these stray children, Wu Hanshi thought in her heart that if it had been before, Liu Cai would have been waiting at the door to greet him before he arrived.

Instead of seeing yourself but turning a blind eye to it like now, really I haven't figured out this gap for so many years.

Wu Hanshi wanted to smile bitterly, but found that she couldn't laugh.

After a long pause, his heart was at war, and he understood that there were only two possibilities, one was to be severely humiliated, and the other was nothing more than being humiliated and then beaten.

He was used to it, because that's how he came over the years.

But the physical hunger overwhelmed his mind, making him unbearable, and even though he knew it was impossible, he wanted to try it.

Wu Hanshi's every move, Liu Cai has always looked at his eyes, seeing him standing dumbfounded for a while and then walking towards him, Liu Caina still doesn't know why.

For this old diner, Liu Cai didn't want to be contaminated with the slightest relationship, who didn't know about the Wu family's affairs in Jinyun City, he was afraid that those behind-the-scenes masters thought that they had any kindness to him and cause him to become angry.

What's more, he thinks that he is not a good person, and at the same time, in order to get rid of him, there is no need to have a good face for Wu Hanshi.

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