Mu Xiao stopped the movement in his hand when he heard the sound, and couldn't help but look in the direction where the voice sounded in surprise.

Lin Xiao fixed his eyes, and saw two figures appear in the distance, chasing one after the other, these two people were the Great Elders in charge of the two pavilions inside and outside.

Lin Chen, Mu Wu.

Just now, it was a white-haired man in the front, wearing a cyan robe, watching the roar of the old man in his old state.

Immediately behind the old man, an old man with the same white hair, but dressed in white, smiled and said: "Lin Chen, you have been running since the beginning, you are so evasive and boring, let the junior let them come by themselves, let's beat the two of us."

Lin Chen scolded without looking back: Mu Wu, you are a shameless old thing, you have not been able to win Lao Tzu since you were a child, and you still can't win until now, if Lao Tzu hadn't been yin by you at the beginning, he would have killed you today!"

Mu Wu was scolded by Lin Chen so mercilessly, his face suddenly turned cold and said, "Since that's the case, then you can give it to me!" "

Tianmang Dao!"

Saying that, a large knife suddenly appeared in his hand and slashed forward, and then a peerless blade appeared in the air that almost covered the sky and slashed towards Lin Chen in front.

Lin Chen looked at the huge sword behind him, he couldn't dodge it at such a distance, and he didn't dare to be careless in his heart, and a more graceful long sword appeared in his hand.

Lin Chenhun's body surged with spiritual power, and a large stream of spiritual power pulsed into the long sword along the tendons of his palm.

With a sword sound, Lin Chen held the long sword and reflexively stabbed towards the huge sword.


Then, the entire space seemed to go white for a moment, and the two who followed had already fought each other.

In fact, after delaying such a while, Lin Long had already opened a hole for people to enter and exit in the Guardian Array.

Immediately found an opportunity to flash to Shui Linger's side, pulled up Shui Linger, picked up Lin Jue on the ground, and flashed out of the big array.

Mu Xiao saw that things were not good, and he was stunned, and the prey to his mouth was about to run away, and he was immediately very annoyed in his heart, and he followed out without saying a word.

Lin Long and his wife who came out of the large array sharply found that at the exit of the Xuanjie in the distance, there were some black-clothed people and the corpses of some others.

Presumably, Mu Xiao and the others arranged to stop the idle people and other people from entering and leaving at the exit, but it seems that it has been solved by the black shadow that went out.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, the two were a little silent, but they didn't have time to think about it, the two couldn't compare to Mu Xiao's speed, and now Mu Xiao had reacted, and in the blink of an eye, he had already followed behind the two.

If the family can't escape today, then Mu Xiao and others will definitely leave the husband and wife together with the children in order to eliminate the future troubles forever.

At this moment, several lightning-like shadows crossed the sky, led by Lin Long and the others.

Seeing that the exit is getting closer and closer, Mu Xiao behind is only a few feet away from the two, once they let them escape, it will really be a sea with fish jumping, the sky is high and birds fly, and it is almost impossible to catch them again.

At the moment when Lin Long and the two arrived immediately, Mu Xiao behind finally couldn't help it, and shouted: "Huateng hand!" I

saw that Mu Xiao's arm suddenly turned into five vines, and the tip flashed with a faint green light at the top, and shot towards Lin Long and the others fiercely and quickly.

Lin Long felt the change and murderous intention in the rear, and did not have time to react too much, immediately threw away Shui Linger, and quickly turned around, while his fist was shrouded in an illusory green dragon claw, and he slammed into the vine hard.

The spiritual power of the two collided together, and burst out a burst of green light and dust that shone into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, an explosion sounded in the sky, and I saw Lin Long being blown out of the dust in embarrassment, and his hands were covered in blood.

At the moment when Lin Long was blown out, two vines suddenly shot out from the dust, making Lin Long unable to react quickly, and suddenly wrapped his injured arm.

Lin Long saw that the situation was not good, his other hand raised to make a knife, and chopped down, who knew that this vine was extremely flexible and extremely strong, and the sharp hand knife only cut half at once.

At this moment, Mu Xiao rushed out from the dust, holding an ancient hammer in his other hand, attached to a faint green light, and raised the hammer and smashed it on the top of Lin Long's head.

Time seemed to be slowed down for a few seconds, and at this critical moment, Lin Long's face suddenly turned red, and a tree shadow several meters tall, crystal clear as if cast as a gemstone, appeared behind him, and there was an emerald green dragon shadow encircled on it.

The phantom quickly faded from solid to solid, looking more and more like an entity, and the body of the dragon became clearer and clearer, and even the dragon scales like exquisite jade on the dragon's body could be clearly seen.

Suddenly, the dragon's mouth opened widely, and there was a dragon roar that resounded throughout the heavens and the earth.

And at this moment, Lin Long's body was flushed, his flesh was twice as high, and after the virtual body behind him turned into reality, he vomited out a large mouthful of blood, and then the dragon body behind Lin Long rushed to the sky and rushed towards Mu Xiao.

Seeing this dragon rushing towards him with the momentum of the world, Mu Xiao felt a burst of fear in his heart, and he couldn't raise the idea of resisting a little, so he abruptly stopped his downward rushing figure and dodged sharply.

After dodging away, Mu Xiao's eyes widened and he looked at Lin Long, who was full of momentum, and said, "This is the green dragon?!" Your martial spirit has a companion soul! It was actually the essence of the green dragon, one of the four holy beasts! Are you the son of the green dragon?! "

... ...

It is rumored that tens of thousands of years ago, the Terrans were far from as powerful and prosperous as they are now, and the protagonists of the battle in the world were various divine beasts, such as the four holy beasts Qinglong, Vermilion, White Tiger, and Xuanwu.

Shirasawa ....

Kirin ....

Phoenix, Phoenix....

When the Terrans slowly rose, these divine beasts suddenly disappeared and hidden, no one knew where they were, although occasionally some divine beasts would come out from time to time, but it was 10,000 years ago since the last time the green dragon showed its posture in the world.

Because of the difficulty of the green dragon to reproduce, for countless years, only this green dragon, although there are many heirs under the knee, but none of them have inherited the true pure bloodline of the green dragon.

Therefore, 10,000 years ago, the green dragon appeared in the world, and in front of some people who heard the wind, it separated one-tenth of its essence and blood.

Let the essence himself go to find a person or beast that can become a green dragon clan, just when the essence mixed with essence blood rises up into the sky and cuts across the sky like a shooting star, the green dragon also uses great magical powers to disappear in front of everyone because of its own separation of essence and essence blood, resulting in weakness.

This matter was immediately publicized by some well-intentioned people, when there was an uproar on the mainland, and the search for the son of the green dragon intensified, almost turning the entire continent over, and the result lasted for hundreds of years without being found, which gradually faded out of sight, but this legend has also been passed down.

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