At the moment when the tip of the sword was about to pierce Lin Jue's head, two spiritual powers of different colors in that pitch-black space were about to shoot into the invisible shackles, and they could break through in the next second.

However, at this moment, the power of both sides stopped, and it was a hand that made both parties stop.

That's right, a big rough hand.

That hand tightly grasped the blade of the long sword, and no matter how hard the person holding the sword tried, it did not move, like a rock.

Immediately, the man also knew that since he stopped it, it would prove that the matter had come to this, and Lin Jue could not be treated today anyway, so why do useless work again.

Immediately sighed, the hand holding the hilt of the sword was slowly released, and the owner of the big hand saw that the man's killing intent had temporarily retreated, and the hand holding the blade was also released.

But the spread palm did not have any cut wounds, not even a trace, which showed the strength of the comer's flesh.

And the two thick spiritual powers in the pitch-black space gradually receded, and at the same time, there was a joyful and relieved emotion in the space.

The sun-like glow slowly faded until the small saplings and dew hidden in it were revealed.

What is different from before is that both of them are actually a little listless at the moment, and there is a feeling of overwork.

With the return of spiritual power and the dimming of the light, the space once again returned to its boundless pitch black, and only the fluorescent light rising around the small sapling illuminated a small space.


The real world at the moment.

As the man holding the sword unwillingly withdrew his hand, the owner of the big hand gradually approached Lin Jue and squatted down.

An expressionless face of the national character reflected Lin Jue's somewhat chaotic consciousness and blurred eyes, even so, Lin Jue recognized the owner of this face at a glance.

Tian Zhen.

Lin Jue wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, he felt that there was always a Sika in his throat, making him unable to make a sound, he wanted to cough, but now he was so weak that he didn't have the strength to cough.

Tian Zhen indifferently glanced at Lin Jue, who was lying on the ground weak, and then got up and slowly spoke to the person beside him.

"Desen, let's stop here for this matter first, I will give you an explanation about Lin Jue's affairs."

"I know that you have many illegitimate children, and Fang Lu is the least productive one among them, and the most unworthy of you."

"At the same time, I know what is going on in your head."

"So be it beforehand today."

Saying that, Tian Zhen grabbed Lin Jue's tattered shirt and lifted him up.

Lin Jue was treated so roughly, and the nerves that had been tight finally relaxed, and he fainted all of a sudden.

Seeing this, Tian Zhen sneered cruelly, and the big hand that grabbed Lin Jue's clothes shook it fiercely twice, then raised his legs and walked outside.

It can be imagined that although Tian Zhen looked expressionless, he was actually extremely annoyed by Lin Jue's behavior.

Fang Desen opened his mouth in the back, as if he wanted to say something, and then closed his mouth tightly.

Tian Zhen carried the unconscious Lin Jue all the way out of the dilapidated house, and the sight was full of people standing outside the house.

Presumably, they were all attracted by this huge movement, after all, it was a strange thing for such a big movement to occur in the Blood Brakes Gang.

Tian Zhen's face was cold, and an air of not anger and self-esteem spread.

Originally, all the onlookers whispered softly and exchanged ears, and seeing the face of the hall lord was so bad, they couldn't help but be silent.

The atmosphere was silent for a few moments, until Tian Zhen glanced at them and said, "Nothing happened, let's disperse."

Then, without waiting for anyone to react, he carried the unconscious Lin Jue and disappeared in a few flashes.

The remaining group of people glanced at each other, and immediately dispersed, after all, Tian Zhen, the hall master, had absolute right to speak here.


Lin Jue's chaotic consciousness woke up slowly, and he immediately smelled a pleasant sandalwood smell.

This surprised him and hurriedly opened his eyes, but what he saw was a ceiling made of stone bricks.

Lin Jue's mind froze for a moment, and the consciousness in his mind was still a little chaotic, until the picture in his mind was frozen on a national character face.

Lin Jue then remembered that he was finally saved by Tian Zhen before he fell into a coma, but why he woke up in a completely unfamiliar environment made him a little confused about reality or dreams.

Suddenly he thought of Xue Xining...

Xue Xi Ning!

Lin Jue's eyes widened fiercely, because he thought that he was unconscious at that time, and when he woke up, he was not at his home...

That means that he is not by her side, and what will happen to Xue Xining is completely unknown!

At the thought, Lin Jue was anxious, and hurriedly wanted to get up, but before he could sit up, the next sharp pain in his body kept coming like a tide.

In pain, he fell on the bed, gritting his teeth fiercely and moaning silently, his consciousness began to hurt to a blur, and a drop of sweat visible to the naked eye on his forehead formed until it fell.

After a while, the huge pain in his body eased a lot, and Lin Jue breathed a sigh of relief, and his consciousness slowly recovered and eased.

Immediately, he knew that according to his current appearance, there must be no way to find Xue Xining, so he had no choice but to turn his head and look at this room.

As far as the eye can see, the whole room is incomparably spacious and empty, and the four walls are made of pitch-black stone bricks, highlighting the darkness and oppression of the room, only a few oil lamps shine in a place in the middle of the room, and he is in the very corner of this room, covered with bandages.

And the few objects in the whole room are also there, very simple, two chairs and a stone table, and in the center of the room is a futon.

On the futon, there was a burly figure sitting on it, and when Lin Jue's line of sight just saw the figure, he saw that the figure was already staring at him, which made Lin Jue's face stiffen.

Looking at the expressionless national character face, Lin Jue slowly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but his heart lifted again.

Because Lin Jue looked at his expressionless face, he couldn't figure out what Tian Zhen was thinking in his heart, which made Lin Jue, who had re-recognized reality in his heart, feel quite apprehensive.

Time passed minute by minute, the two looked at each other silently, I don't know how long it took, Lin Jue felt that his eyes were sour and wanted to blink, Tian Zhen, who had been silent, spoke.


This sudden question caught Lin Jue's head off guard, and his eyes looked at Tian Zhen suspiciously.

Tian Zhen obviously saw the doubt in Lin Jue's eyes, and then spoke, "Why did you kill Fang Lu?" "

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