Now! Global Players Are Recruited By Me

Chapter 20 See You On The Platform On Monday

Really don't say it.

Players are just such a bunch of guys.

There is nothing they dare not think about, and there is nothing they dare not do.

Especially when Lu Liang didn't even know what the third-order life meant, he was already fascinated by the cool picture in his imagination.

You don't know.

Not to mention that Li You doesn't intend to go in the direction of conquest, even if Li You wants to use players to conquer planes and enslave third-order life, it will be extremely far away.

Third-order beings are no longer ordinary extraordinary existences, and once the power of a certain life only needs to exceed sixth-order.


It is completely comparable to the newly born gods of the Celestial Race. Well, that's right, for a god like Li You who is just starting out, his combat power is currently only at level six.

As a player who exists in the world as a believer, if he wants to enslave a third-order life, then the player must have at least a fourth-order, or even fifth-order power.

The upper limit of the player's strength will always be three levels lower than the main god... Think about it, if they want to enslave the third-level life, how high they have to push Li You's strength.

Lu Liang continued to YY in his mind.

But the Fire Demon King has already locked him.

"Intruders! This is not the place for you!"

As the king of the third-order life, the Flame Demon possessed extremely high intelligence and thinking. Instead of launching an attack immediately, he yelled at Lu Liang loudly.

Lu Liang, who was still in YY, did not find out.

In the eyes of the Fire Demon King, which were like small suns, behind the burning pupils of the flames, there was a faint look of fear that flashed away.

do not know either.

After seeing Lu Liang who suddenly appeared in this world, what did it think of? In short, he did not attack Luliang immediately.

"What are you talking about?"

it is a pity.

Lu Liang couldn't understand the language of the Fire Demon King at all.

After all, this is not a real game world, countless planes naturally have countless languages, even if Li You comes without a translator.

His eyes were darkened.

I can't understand what the natives of other planes are saying.

"Exit my world, invader."

The Fire Demon King raised his arm, and a flaming hammer appeared out of thin air. It wanted to intimidate Luliang, but it probably never dreamed of it.

This move had exactly the opposite effect.

"The prelude to the boss's attack?"

"The next step is to use skills... no! I'm a player! How can a player die by being captured with bare hands!" Lu Liang said nothing.

He directly ignored the difference in strength between the two sides, and raised the only weapon in his hand in the direction of the Fire Demon King - the miner's iron pickaxe that was sold at a wholesale sale.

Or two... After the death of the Great Demon King, the pickaxe belonging to him remained. If you die in the outer plane, the equipment cannot be brought back to the scorched earth world.

"bring it on!"

"Let's have a hearty battle..."

Although the two sides did not understand each other's language, the Flame Demon King still understood Lu Liang's provocative actions, which directly and completely annoyed this third-order life form.

Horse eggs.

You little pussy.

Ant-like creatures.

How dare you declare war on me, the majestic Fire Demon King!

"court death!"

The Flame Demon King roared furiously, and before Lu Liang could finish his harsh words, he directly smashed down with a hammer, bringing raging fire that surged down like a waterfall.

There was no surprise at all in how things developed.

Lu Liang was smashed right away so that there was not even a scum left.

The dead can no longer die.

Those two mining picks, which were originally wholesale goods, also melted into molten iron under the blow of the Fire Demon King, and there was no possibility of running away to find them.

"Hello player, your character has died, because he died on the road of the expedition, so all your data and props will be completely cleared."

"Creating a new body for you..."

In the pitch-dark environment, Lu Liang, as the second player who died, could not help showing a slightly stunned expression when he heard the system's notification tone.

He was actually expected to be dropped by the boss in seconds.


What he didn't expect was.

The punishment for death in this game is so severe, once you die outside the range of "New Village", all data and props will be cleared directly.

Depend on.

Can you be a little more hardcore?

Is it a soul game? I'm afraid it's not so hardcore! This is not a stand-alone! This is an online game! It takes time and liver function to run an online game!


One failure.

It is possible to clear all the hard-earned belongings directly! ? What kind of insane planning is it to make such inappropriate settings in the game!

"I'm really old, so what..."

Lu Liang really wanted to yell "What kind of rubbish game is this?" However, he recalled the particularity of the game, as well as the cool modeling and skill performance of the boss just now.

But he swallowed back his complaint again—OK! Your game is great! you win! We players do not deserve to have the function of resurrecting with data!

This moment.

Because Lu Liang was already alone, although he didn't have much loss, he still seemed to see that in the near future, countless players were killed by the wild monster boss and sent back to their hometown due to a mistake. The scene of crying father and mother together.

At that time.

There will definitely be a lot of "gatherings" to meet on the rooftop.

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