Now! Global Players Are Recruited By Me

Chapter 3 Goldfinger Will Never Be Absent!

"Let me think about it... the first step in developing the plane should be to establish your own kingdom of God in this plane." Li You flipped through the memories in his mind.

Through the experience belonging to the predecessor in the memory, I slowly communicated with the godhead in the body... I don't know if I don't communicate, but once communicated, Li You was shocked.

"what's the situation!?"

Li You's complexion changed.

There was an expression of disbelief all over his face.

There was no accident in the communication with the godhead, but after entering the sea of ​​consciousness where the godhead existed, he was shocked by what he found.

The Godhead of the Earth and the Hills is still the same.

Sallow grayish yellow.

A feeling of dirt.


Next to this very ordinary godhead.

However, Li You sensed another godhead, a brand-new godhead that exudes a mysterious aura, is colorful, and is simply magnificent!


It turned out to have two godheads!

" could this be..."

Li You has the memory of his previous life, which naturally means that he knows that in the development system of god civilization, a god can only have one godhead.

This is something written in the textbook.

For countless epochs.

An axiom that no one has ever broken!

Even the emperor who opened up the development direction of the gods' civilization and single-handedly created the glory of the entire gods' civilization, only has a godhead of the highest level!

The... second godhead?

This is something that scholars of countless god civilizations have proven, both in theory and in practice, that it is absolutely, absolutely impossible to be compatible!

Now it just quietly appeared in Li You's mind!


Not only did it fail to agree with the conclusions drawn by those scholars, it clashed with another godhead and reacted unstablely, causing the god Li You to explode directly.

on the contrary.

This newly emerged godhead.

It is still faintly dividing special energy, nourishing the godheads of the earth and the hills little by little, making the godheads of the earth and the hills slowly transform!

Although this speed is very slow, as the owner of the godhead, Li You can clearly perceive that the mysterious godhead is evolving his original godhead!


"The time traveler cheats!?"

Li You sensed the special godhead slowly flowing in the sea of ​​consciousness. After the initial shock, he subconsciously seemed to understand something.

The traverser must open and hang.

This is also an axiom.


This traveler axiom is greater than the axiom in the god civilization that a god can only have one godhead.


A second godhead was born in Li You's mind.

It is still a godhead that does not belong to the godheads in the nine development directions in the records of the gods' civilization, and any one of the rules belongs to the godhead.

"From today onwards, I'm going to be a beep..."

A burst of excitement surged in Li You's heart again, impatient, very curious to try to communicate with this new godhead, wanting to see what the use of his cheat is.


【Godhead of Virtual and Reality】

The information of the new Godhead was presented in front of Li You... Even though Li You had been prepared and received the information, he couldn't help showing a mixed expression of surprise and shock.

The Godhead of Virtual and Reality!

A godhead that can digitize planes, godheads, believers, and people!

This is completely different from the godheads of all types of development in all directions in the civilization of gods. If you have to say something, it can be called the tenth development direction!

And... the potential is terrifying!

Not to mention that under the power of this godhead, all life under Li You's control can be digitized, and Li You can also use the power generated by this godhead to resurrect himself infinitely in the world of the kingdom of God created by this godhead Believers and people who died in battle!

Just looking at the four characteristics that this godhead has just condensed, Li You can conclude that its potential even exceeds that of the Deity Academy.

That genius who is known as a rare genius in a million eras——Liu Weiwei! Even if it is rare to see in a million epochs, Liu Weiwei's godhead only has three initial characteristics!

And Li You!

Then there are four of them!

Still four completely unreasonable initial features!

[Conscript: The owner of the godhead can recruit the living people in the original world and let them become your believers in this world in the form of souls. 】

[Plundering: The owner of the godhead, as well as the believers of the godhead owner, will get this feature, which can plunder some power from the life that is killed by themselves]

[Eternal Life: The owner of the godhead, as well as the believers of the godhead owner, will get this feature, and time will no longer be able to erode your life. 】

[Shenyuan: The owner of the godhead is the source of everything. Half of the power gained by the believers of the godhead owner will be sacrificed to the godhead owner]

Li You perceives the four characteristics of his new godhead.

All of a sudden.

It's hard to calm down, and I don't know what to say at all.

You know, if you take out any one of these four initial characteristics, they are definitely capable of sensationalizing the entire god civilization and possessing extremely terrifying power.

Extremely exaggerated.

Don't talk about being reasonable... These characteristics are nothing but martial arts, each of which actually represents a very special power.

Change to another god.

If there is no special opportunity and talent, generally only after being promoted more than ten or twenty times and becoming a god king, can one have the opportunity to obtain a similar godhead characteristic.


It's just a chance!

Even god kings are extremely eager for special power rules. Now, as a newcomer who has just become a god, Li You has not even condensed a trace of divine power, but he already has four of them. These four godhead characteristics, They are all just the initial characteristics of his godhead!

According to the research theory of the god civilization [God Promotion Rules], the godhead characteristics obtained after the gods are promoted will never be lower than the initial characteristics.


The characteristics born of Li You's godhead will be similar to the four initial characteristics, and even the rules represented are somewhat stronger than the original characteristics.

What does this mean?

The general deity gains the upper limit of divine rank characteristics.

But it's just Li You's lower limit!

In this regard, Li You, who has not been in contact with too many gods, can't clearly and intuitively understand what this means. He just knows this new godhead... No, this cheat is a little too powerful. He was a little shaken, shaken by his previous inspirational idea of ​​becoming a super logistics supplier.


After thinking about his BUG-like new godhead, once other gods know about it, it will definitely get him into trouble, and even lead to great danger.

Li You immediately gave up the idea of ​​changing careers again.

He didn't want to take any chances.

If the upper echelon of the god civilization knew that he actually had a second godhead, which was such a powerful special godhead, then he would probably be arrested immediately for experimentation.

Anatomical research.

Dig godhead.


It can all happen... Li You is not a gambling dog, he knows that the eternal dog is king.


He turned his attention to the characteristic of [recruitment], the heart of a "farmer", and in a blink of an eye, he immediately became hot again.

Free labor is not in vain.

The earthlings from the original world were recruited to appear in this world in the form of souls, and then Li You used the power of the godhead to give these people digitalized bodies.

It might sound a bit convoluted.


to be honest.

In fact, it is to summon the fourth natural disaster - players!

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