Now! Global Players Are Recruited By Me

Chapter 65 This Cooperation! It's A Blast! [Seven More! 〕

Many players have also discovered such things as personal panels. The nature of human beings makes human beings like to compare, so all of a sudden everyone compared their combat effectiveness.

This is also the reason why many money-making games have a combat power evaluation system.


It is the driving force for players to recharge.

It is the biggest contributor to stimulating player consumption.


The reason why Li You joined the combat power evaluation system was naturally not to cheat the players of their soft sister money, he just wanted to boost the motivation of the players to fight.

If everyone values ​​combat power, those with low combat power will definitely find ways to work hard, and then burst out with their stronger "liver ability".

Once these players pursue the numerical value of combat power, then the players will inevitably become the ultimate soul emperor, and only the heartiest ones will play the game.

that kind of scene.

It is exactly the situation that Li You wants to see the most, and it is also the situation that is most beneficial to him... I have to say that Li You has thoroughly studied the psychology of players.

This is not.

After some comparisons, those players with relatively low combat power were all very unconvinced, and some people with hot tempers rushed out directly... Don't get me wrong, they didn't want to hit someone, but a Excited, I want to fight 05 monsters to improve my combat effectiveness.

after all.

You can gain power by killing monsters.

Although it has now become experience points, as long as the experience points are full, you can still gain strength and greatly improve your combat effectiveness.

"10,000 experience points... I don't know how many monsters to fight."

In addition to the functions of the personal panel, everyone also found that there is a long experience bar at the bottom of their line of sight, and there are detailed values ​​​​marked on it.

Because of this.

Stimulated by the experience bar and combat power, many impulsive players rushed out aggressively, catching those little Balrogs and wanting to fight monsters and upgrade.


There is the great demon king who feels a little ashamed because his combat power is too low.

"Look at me becoming a Saiyan overnight!"

The Great Demon King roared indignantly.

"Come on!"

Several players who rushed out together, after running around, finally found the target, brandishing their pickaxes, they wanted to sneak attack a little Balrog.


One of the players whose footing was unstable, tripped over a stone, staggered for a few steps, and fell straight into a hole in the ground.

It is full of magma full of sulfur smell.

The head of the player who fell into it was directly burned off, and the two legs that were exposed outside were swinging indiscriminately, and kicked the three players who were following him.

Ever since.

Everyone lined up to enter the magma... The four Doubi who died before they left the school turned into streamers, and their souls returned to the scorched earth world to be reborn.

"Fortunately, I am flexible..."

The Great Demon King rolled around like a donkey, avoiding the critical attack from his teammates in a very embarrassing situation.

"Damn! You cheated your teammates, almost cheated me to death."

"What the hell! Can this still wrestle?"

The few remaining players who were not affected made complaints with lingering fear, still maintaining a charging posture, and rushed towards the ignorant little Balrog.

They dared to come to fight monsters without the help of extraordinary players. Naturally, it was not just that they had a brain twitch, but that they had a certain degree of confidence.

The little Balrog who had been fighting with extraordinary players for so long before.

Many players have discovered the action pattern of the little Balrog... Yes, because the little Balrog has no intelligence, its behavior is very single and simple.

After getting familiar with it.

It is easy to avoid the attack of the little Balrog, and because of this, it also gives the players a feeling that the little Balrog is nothing more than that.

The players who ran out under these impulses relied on the fact that they were already familiar with the little Balrog, so they had the idea of ​​​​running out to "level up".

It's not a completely insane impulse.

"Shoot it in the eye! Hit it in the eye! Blind it first!"

An experienced old Yinbi, as soon as he got close to the little Balrog, he unceremoniously talked about the iron pick, trying to smash the little Balrog's eyes.

The same goes for the other three players following him.

They all attacked the eyes of the little Balrog... However, this "little Balrog" didn't dodge, opened his mouth and sprayed fire at several players.

That battle.

As fierce as a flamethrower.

The three players were immediately scorched and scrambled, their bodies exuding the fragrance of barbecue, and they all screamed and rolled crazily on the ground.

"This is not a little Balrog! This horse is a Balrog with skills!"

"Damn! Who of you found the target! Didn't you see that it has horns on its head? Although it's small, it still has horns. Even the three extraordinary players with horns can't do it!"

"I raised my hand, I attacked, I'm about to die, I don't want to say anything, I just want to scold my trash teammate before I die!"

Three players struggle to try to put out the fire.


] regarded as little Balrogs, but in fact they were first-order Balrogs, with a playful look in their eyes, and the flames kept spraying on them.


The three guys were burned to charred corpses.

Very "peaceful" Rollback Scorched Earth resurrected. At this time, the fighting power was only three points, and the Great Desolate Demon King, who ran much slower than others, came late.


The Great Demon King looked at the charred corpses left on the ground by the three hiccupping players.

I was dumbfounded.

He originally just wanted to follow others, engage in sneak attacks, maximize damage, and then gain a little experience after others killed monsters.


But I didn't expect it at all.

This is just a face-to-face effort.

All my teammates hung up, and I was left alone... This is a horned Balrog, and I am a garbage with a combat power of 3 to take the lead?

"Well.....I'm here to make soy sauce....I'm not familiar with's just that they look the same. In fact, I don't know them at all."

The Great Demon King and the Balrog in front of him stared wide-eyed and held back for a long time before they could say a word, with a hint of a sneer on their faces.

This guy is also a weirdo.

He actually planned to make amends to the Balrog in front of him, and then slowly retreat while making amends. Unfortunately, his plan 827 has not been implemented in time.


The Balrog opened his mouth immediately, and a strong flame was brewing inside.


He didn't intend to let go of the human being in front of him.

"Go to Nima! Even labor and management die! You have to die with dignity!",

Knowing that he couldn't run away, the great demon king of the wilderness simply lost his heart, threw away the iron pick in his hand, and threw himself in the direction of the Balrog without saying a word.

Almost exerted all the strength of the whole body.

That aggressive look.

It frightened the Balrog, who had already begun to gain wisdom.

It also thought that the guy in front of him had some special ability, which could only be displayed after getting close to him, and subconsciously flashed to the side area.


Just dodged.

The Balrog, who was conscious of being dangerous, discovered that the position where the great demon king jumped was not where he stood just now, but a cave full of magma next to him. That upright creature who looked down on death as if it was about to perish with there a wave of suicide?!

The Balrog is not a race with violent mood swings.

But even so.

At this moment, the Balrog's face could not help but be filled with capitalized question marks... Especially when he saw in the magma, the upright creature was clearly being melted by the magma.

While drinking magma, he raised his middle finger to it. Even if it doesn't know what the middle finger is, it still clearly understands what it means to be confused.

Where am I?

What the hell did I encounter?

What the hell is this thing?

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