Now! Global Players Are Recruited By Me

Chapter 77: The Beginning Of The Flame Queen

This moment.

The image of Xiao Yuxi really fits perfectly with Gollum in The Lord of the Rings.

In the eyes of Qian Ketongshen and his wife, it is simply an Oscar-level acting skill... His demeanor and movements are undoubtedly textbook-level interpretations of the role.

"If you really like acting, I'll buy the remake rights of The Lord of the Rings and invest 100 million yuan for you to play." Qian Ke made a joke in a clever way.

"Stop playing... Let's go back quickly and see how to exchange contribution points." Yao Yaoling said helplessly, covering his forehead.

Although Xiao Yu Xixi behaved so strangely.

But Qian Ketongshen and Yaoyaoling didn't take it seriously, thinking that Xiao Yuxixi was deliberately teasing them, so they both shook their heads with amused faces.

Started to coax Xiao Yuxi.

But they didn't expect it at all—the fact was not what they thought, Xiao Yuxi's weird behavior was not a funny show at all.

She does everything.

In fact, I didn't realize it myself.

This is a performance that is not under Xiao Yuxi's control at all.

This moment.

Xiaoyu Xixi is like a demon, and his thoughts are not controlled by his will at all. In fact, she didn't even know what she was doing.


It's all just driven by instinct.

The brain is completely in a muddled state... Well, it is similar to the state when people sleepwalk, and they don't know what they are doing at all.

"Stop messing around." 817 Yaoyaoling tried to step forward to hold Xiao Yuxi back.

But who knows.

"My! My! No one can take it from me!"

Xiao Yu Xixi actually grinned at the two of them.

Seeing two people getting closer.

Just like she was a monkey in her previous life, she scrambled holding the [Flame Molten Core], rolling all kinds of things on the ground, and in a blink of an eye she even ran away with the ball for a long distance.

After completely distanced herself from the two of them, she let go of her vigilance, hugged [Flame Molten Core] obsessively, and stuck her whole body on it.

From yelling to pulling extreme distances.

It's only a short ten seconds, the flowing movement, not only rolling with the 【Flame Molten Core】, even Xiao Yu Xixi regards herself as a ball.

Rolling clucking, don't mention how fast it is.

Qian Ketongshen and Yaoyaoling were simply stunned.


This smooth rolling posture.

The circus didn't dare to act like this... What has this girl experienced to be able to do this kind of rolling skills? Both of them were dumbfounded.

They are just ordinary people from the earth.

Affected by the earth's environment and development direction, there is naturally no way to explain Xiao Yuxi's behavior—but it would be different if Li You were here.

If Li You hadn't been busy organizing players to go to the "new map" trial ground to practice, his eyes would still be on the three people who conquered the Balrog World.


He was able to explain Xiao Yuxixi's weirdness.

Xiao Yu Xixi wasn't playing tricks, nor was she trying to be funny...but, she was truly attracted by [Flame Molten Core].

In general.

【Flame Molten Core】Naturally, he wouldn't have such an impression on people.


It's completely different under unusual circumstances... As I said before, [Flame Molten Core] is the source of power of the Balrog, and the foundation of the Balrog race.


It is also a source of energy that can be contained and used. After the Balrog advances to become the second-level Balrog Commander, this [Flame Molten Core] can even help the Balrog Commander revive.

Because of this.

Not only does it contain the extremely pure power of the fire element, but it also contains traces of extremely weak, but still existent, laws of the fire element.

This fire element law is for normal people.

They can't feel it at all.

But for those extremely rare people whose souls are compatible with it, it is another special feeling. Things with rules are like addictive drugs to them.

Especially those who have never been exposed to the law before will be attracted by this extremely advanced power.

[Flame Molten Core] In Xiao Yuxi's eyes, it is full of a very special allure like this, which is a desire from Xiao Yuxi's soul.


That's right.

Xiao Yu Xixi is one of these extremely rare people.

Don't ask why the three of them are all players who have been shaped by Li You's godhead to form a unified digital body. Why are the other two people not attracted except for Xiao Yuxi.


Do you understand the difference between souls?

and. (afeg)

In fact, even if it is a uniformly shaped body, there will be many differences to some extent.

Just like the same nine-year compulsory education, there is a big difference between the people who read it. The shaped body will be affected by the soul and change.

And it seems that the souls who have not yet embarked on the path of practice, but can still sense the power of the law, are like what I said before-very few.

This kind of soul that can be compatible with it is extremely rare. Yaoyaoling and Qian Ketongshen did not resonate with the law, but Xiao Yuxixi's soul was completely different from the two of them.

She is that extremely rare group of people who can resonate with the law.

Because when I killed the Balrog just now, I got the intermediate fire elemental affinity and the intermediate fire element control ability from the [Plundering] feature.

The talent deep in Xiao Yuxi's soul has already been stimulated a little, but she never thought that she would come into contact with [Flame Molten Nucleus], ​​the core that contains the law of fire.

Ever since.

under the influence of many factors.

The talent hidden in the depths of her soul, which was covered up and sealed, began to slowly awaken... Because of this, her thinking fell into a kind of chaos.

It's a self-protection mechanism.

Awakening is a very dangerous thing, and it requires a huge amount of energy. That's why Xiao Yuxixi, who was in a daze, became so weird. Instinctively, she hugged [Flame Molten Core] tightly, and refused to approach and share with anyone.

In the eyes of Qian Ketongshen and Yaoyaoling.

Xiao Yu Xixi's behavior is incomprehensible, and it is very similar to the behavior of a female eater.


In fact, Xiao Yuxi's soul is resonating with the law of the fire element in [Flame Molten Core], and it is also absorbing the only fire element energy left in it.

If Li You were here.

He could definitely sense what was going on with Xiao Yuxi.


it is a pity.

Just like the heavens were joking, Li You, who was busy organizing players to participate in the trial and collected tickets and collected tickets, happened to miss this event.

have to say.

This is definitely a great loss.

So that when it is discovered in the future.

Li You was secretly annoyed for a long time. Because he didn't discover Xiao Yuxi's specialness in time, he didn't cultivate Xiao Yuxi in the first time.

A general.

I don't know how long it took to grow up... Even if it was only a few months, it still lost several planes. What? Impossible to be so exaggerated?


It has been said that this kind of talent is extremely rare.

How rare is it?

There are probably dozens of planes, and only one person can be bred... In different planes, this kind of person is called differently.

And the most common name.

It is the name given to this kind of high-quality believers in the textbooks of god civilization-the supreme fire department.

If you regard the development of Shenyu as a card game.


This kind of Tianjiao who has been dubbed the title of Supreme of a certain department.

It is a standard SSR-level believer-the kind that does not charge money and does not give away. .

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