Now! Global Players Are Recruited By Me

Chapter 96: The Second Test Of The Newbies Joining

The eager second-test players have been waiting on the earth for a long time.

The channel is open.

Two hundred players was actually a lot, and they all went online at the same time as quickly as possible.

"Holographic virtual screen! It really is the same as in the legend! It's just blown!"

"Oh my God, I can even feel the breath of the breeze and the scorching heat in the air. This is exactly the same as the second real world."

"I've always heard that it's the black technology of aliens. I thought it was a marketing strategy of the game company. I didn't expect the picture to be the same as the reality."

"The game is so beautiful! I feel that this game can sweep the world."

Not surprisingly.

After the souls of the players were transferred into the virtual body, they all fell into the shock of the first batch of closed beta players when they first entered the scorched earth world.

There is even a special game player among them, because a car accident a few years ago led to amputation, at this time, he burst into tears after entering the game.

"I can feel my legs again! I'm standing up!"

The face of the high-level player of this game is full of tears, and the shock he received is stronger than that of other players. No one knows how hard it is for a disabled young man to live in reality.

He can only sit in a wheelchair every day, and needs the care of his parents when going out.

this life.

It made this disabled player extremely painful, and because of this, he was addicted to the game all day long, and was finally selected by Li You as a game master.


Self-esteem is stronger.

It also made him want to prove himself even more, so although the game talent is not good, but through hard work, he has become a player who meets Li You's selection criteria.

It can be said to be his luck.

Many years have passed.

After experiencing the wonderful feeling of having legs again.

The mood of the disabled player was uncontrollable.

God knows how many times he has fantasized about the feeling of having legs again, not just every day, every minute and every second he recalls the beauty of his healthy days. He applied for the internal test qualification just to see if he could recover in the game, and he didn't have much confidence at all.

Never thought about it.

In the past, this seemed to be just a delusional dream.

A miracle that modern technology simply cannot achieve.

He really got a perfect response in [Era of Gods and Demons]... He really stood up again, just like before he lost his legs.

Even though it's just a game.

But it still moved the player to the point where he couldn't be more moved.

He crawled directly on the ground and kissed the ground under his feet—this is to express his gratitude to this game, and to [Era of Gods and Demons] for giving him the second chance to stand up

Such deep courtesy.

Naturally, it also attracted the attention of others.

And this group of players who just entered the game, after learning about his situation, in addition to expressing their sympathy, gave the player comfort and hugs.

They were even more shocked by the era.

"I can recover my health in the game without my legs... Do you think that if a person is blind and deaf, can he recover in the game?"?"

"It feels very possible, this is black technology after all."

"If it is really possible, then this game will really benefit all mankind."

"Yes, in our country, no, there are many blind, deaf-mute and other disabled people in the world. If we really want to give them a second life, this game will definitely become the greatest game in the world. Inscribed in the history of human beings around the world."

Two hundred new players were disabled and recovered their health after entering the game, so they didn't feel the gameplay of the game at the first time.

Instead, they have considered those vulnerable groups.

Everyone is very excited.

Especially a small number of players with disabled relatives at home are even more excited and almost lost their minds, as if they can't wait to let their relatives and friends try it immediately.

To this.

Li You who was quietly watching all this in the temple didn't feel strange.

He understands very well.

What it means to empower the underprivileged with healthy experiences.

Through the method of soul traversal, getting rid of the broken body before, traveling to this world to obtain a new life is equivalent to giving them a second life.

How precious is it?

Such shocking news was learned by the players, especially the players who experienced the charm of [Era of Gods and Demons] for the first time, which undoubtedly left a great shock in their hearts.

"`#It seems to work well."

Li You nodded slightly.

Regarding the player with a real disability, Li You also knew it when he was selecting the player. He chose this player by accident except for the player's own qualifications.

I also want to send a message to the earth——Apocalypse is not just a virtual game, it can also give human beings a second life in the true sense

This is something that the earth's technology absolutely cannot do.


The influence of the Era of Gods and Demons on Earth will definitely usher in a new height again. In the future, it will be more convenient for Li You to recruit those outstanding talents from abroad.


After the Shenjing is abundant, the threshold for recruiting people will be lowered a lot, and then it will be the time to truly benefit mankind and let those disadvantaged groups get a new life.

Let alone people with acquired disabilities, even people who are born blind and deaf.

Came into this world.

It is still possible to become a healthy person with complete senses and life. .

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