The fair little hands suddenly clenched.

Bai Suzhen, who always showed gentleness, could not help the anger in her heart.

She gritted her teeth and said,"These villains are worthy of being called immortals."

Not to mention her current body.

This calculation has been plotted on her own child. She has been calculating since she was born, step by step.

To get involved, accept the cause and effect, and cultivate into a human form.

For thousands of years, she has been under the surveillance of others, which is fine.

Even the soul of the child is going to be devoured.

How can these immortals be worthy of her identity?

Fahai smiled silently, picked up the bottle of wine and drank it all. After knowing the truth, isn't he just like her?

Why would there be feelings of betrothal?

It was the matchmaker who tied the red thread.

After a long while, Bai Suzhen suddenly raised her head and said in a firm tone:"I have decided that I am willing to serve the Eternal God and I don't care about this disgusting world."

"I thought you wanted to stay and help me wipe out these hypocritical guys, what a pity..."

Fahai was somewhat bored.���The chicken leg was thrown out of the window.

"Then please stay for a few days, and wait for the old dragon king to choose a dragon girl, and then prepare to hold a sacrificial ceremony."

"Thank you. I'm resting in the back hills. Call me when you need me."

"Wait, Miss Bai, please accept this gift."

A book on eternal meditation fell into Bai Suzhen's hands.

She frowned and said,"What is this?"

"The method passed down by my god, you can go to heaven to enjoy the blessings, but what about your sister Xiaoqing?..."

"Thank you for your gift, Bai Suzhen will remember it."

The white shadow stepped out of the door and disappeared.

Fahai also showed a happy expression....Isn't this the way to get the girl of destiny?

And I can also do her a favor. Kill two birds with one stone.

The lively election outside the door is still going on.

In the end, Ao Qian found the dragon girl he liked, a little dragon girl who was only two hundred years old. If she turned into a human form, she would probably look like a little loli.

But her bloodline is very mellow.

She is the descendant of one of Ao Qian's grandsons.

"Everyone else, go away. Let's choose Ao Li. Remember to remember my instructions when you go back. If I find anyone pretending to obey, I, Ao Qian, will bite those evil dragons to death with my own mouth!"The dragon girls were so scared that they trembled all over. They quickly nodded in agreement.

They all had the Eternal Meditation Method in their hands.

This was a gift from God, and it was also the way for the dragons to ascend.

What could they gain by submitting to the Heavenly Court?

At most, they would not attack.

But by submitting to the God of Eternity, they could gain powerful strength and a true path to the outer world.

This was the result of the negotiation between Ao Qian and the Four Seas Dragon Kings.......

At this time, a guest arrived in the Heavenly Palace.

The ruler of the Western Lingshan Mountain----Mahavairocana Buddha

"Did you see Fahai's actions? Hangzhou has been completely occupied, and the underworld's ghost soldiers can't go in to collect souls."

"What the Buddha said is very true, but what should we do? Ordinary immortals and gods cannot defeat Fahai. It takes people with great magical powers."

The Jade Emperor and the Buddha sat together, looking for a way to defeat the God of Eternity.

Neither of them dared to do it themselves, for fear that the terrible evil god would show up again and kill them.

According to their guess, the evil god could not leave Fahai's side.

Otherwise, the Buddha of Lingshan would have died long ago.

But at present they don't know whether Fahai has any trump card to summon the evil god.

The Sun Tathagata narrowed his eyes and smiled,"If you don't kill him, what about suppressing him?


"Huh...Buddha, do you mean to control Fahai?"

"That's right, since we can't kill him, then we should suppress him."

The evil god appeared when Fahai was about to die.

If Fahai didn't die, would the evil god not show up?

Now the dragons of the four seas simply ignored the call of the heavenly court, and some places even killed the heavenly soldiers and generals who were monitoring them.

This matter has been bothering the Jade Emperor for the past few days.

Since he found that Fahai was not right, why didn't he kill him earlier?

He had to make some weird things.

Now, Guanyin Bodhisattva was beaten to death.

"Now that we have agreed, let's go....If we delay any further, something might happen!"


The Jade Emperor stood up and began to call on Wang Lingguan outside to start dispatching troops. A full 100,000 heavenly soldiers, with several generals, were ready to go to Hangzhou City to capture the demon monk Fahai.

On the other side, Lingshan also dispatched 100,000 Buddhist soldiers, and brought tens of thousands of monsters.

The two sides added up to nearly 300,000 soldiers.

One day in heaven is one year on earth.

Even if they gathered faster, they were not as fast as Fahai's preparation.

When Fahai and Ao Qian saw that something was wrong in the sky, they understood.

Heaven and Lingshan were finally ready to take action.

"I'll lead the dragon clan to stop them for a while, you better hurry!"

"Don't worry, I'm prepared."

Fahai looked calm and composed, which made Ao Qian very satisfied.

The next moment, a blue dragon soared into the sky.


The angry dragon roar awakened countless people in Hangzhou.

Even within a thousand miles, people were attracted by the dragon roar.

This was a huge dragon with a body that stretched for thousands of miles. Its body was covered with various scars. Its head drilled into the clouds, but its body was still under the clouds.

Such a shocking scene shocked the world.

"This is a dragon..."

"Ancient Blue Dragon...Is it going to destroy the sky?"

"I don't know, but there are countless heavenly soldiers and generals above the clouds."

For cultivators, this little cloud can't bother them. What really shocked them was the appearance of Ao Qian.

It has been a long time since they saw such a terrifying dragon with rich blood.

This is the last real dragon in the world.

In the Yellow River.

An old turtle slowly raised his head, his eyes full of doubts.

Is this old dragon crazy?

The water vapor in the entire Chinese territory is gathering towards Ao Qian, and the sky and the earth are changing color.

Three hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals.

In Ao Qian's view, they are just a group of shrimps.

What really concerns him.

Or Wang Lingguan's group of immortals and gods

"Ao Qian...You are already old, why are you still stirring up trouble? Hasn't the dragon and phoenix disaster in ancient times made you wake up yet?"

Wang Lingguan shouted at the old dragon in the distance.

Ao Qian smiled grimly, and his dragon claws stretched forward.

A large amount of water vapor confused.

Tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers didn't react.

Their bodies were frozen by the water vapor, and then turned into minced meat and exploded.

Xia Fahai walked out of Jinshan Temple and chanted the Buddha's name.

"Now that the immortals and Buddhas are unkind, I, Fahai, have gained the trust of the Eternal God and will bring a new order to this world. I will offer sacrifices to the gods today.

I will use the mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas, as patterns, and the earth as an altar.

I beg the Eternal God to come!"

In the entire city of Hangzhou, all residents knelt down.

Countless spirits and ghosts in the mountains who had received the gift also knelt down.

They chanted the eternal name of God and meditated on the Dharma body of God.

As time passed, a large amount of blood of immortals and Buddhas turned into bloody rain and kept falling from the sky.

Ao Qian's fighting power was still very terrifying.

Whether it was his physical body or his terrible magic, they were no match for those heavenly soldiers and generals.

At this moment, a big hand stretched out from the west and slapped Ao Qian.

The old Dragon King was instantly knocked off the clouds.

Then countless immortal weapons and magic weapons fell one after another.

Ao Qian's body was a sharp weapon before, but now it has become a living target.

The flesh and blood were constantly peeled off.

But Ao Qian did not cry out in pain, but looked at the sky with a mocking look.

The contempt was obvious to anyone.

After seeing this scene through the magic mirror, the Jade Emperor was furious

"Four Heavenly Emperors, please kill this unrepentant evil dragon!!!"

"Here!" Four Heavenly Emperors wearing fairy armor appeared in four directions: east, south, west, and north. The Great Emperor Zhenwu of the North looked at the old dragon with a sigh in his heart. The last real dragon in the world was going to die in their hands. It was sad and lamentable. He took off the long sword at his waist and cooperated with other Heavenly Emperors to attack downwards. The sword light fell. The dragon head flew up. Ao Qian, a generation of real dragon, died today!

"In this way, the water veins of the Yangtze River can be considered recovered. Although 100,000 heavenly soldiers were lost, it is not a loss!"

The Queen Mother next to him said comfortingly.

The Jade Emperor said coldly:"Don't be happy, there is still a demon monk below."

The real big boss is still here

"My dear friend, Ao Qian...Feeling the ridiculousness of the heavenly and earthly immortals and Buddhas, I am willing to sacrifice my own body to the eternal God."

Fahai's voice suddenly penetrated the clouds and resounded throughout the three realms.

"One of the chief priests of the Eternal God Cult, Fahai...I beg the great and merciful Eternal God to look upon this world, which is full of corruption and deception."

"All living beings worship the gods and Buddhas, but they have become their toys...."

"Great and supreme God, please listen to the call of believers and beg you to come...."

Prayers one after another.

Constantly reaching everyone's ears.

From the sky to the underworld.

Whether it was the common people of Dawn or the emperor and nobles.

At this moment, they all heard Fahai's voice.

This is the blessing of the water veins.

With the earth as the altar and the water veins as the lines, summon the eternal god.

The sacrifice is the body of the real dragon Ao Qian and more than 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals.

Its area is even larger than Zhang Fan's mountain and river altar.

At the foot of Lingshan, the Buddha who was meditating suddenly opened his eyes and said in shock and anger:"No, quickly kill this evil monk, and don't let him complete the sacrifice!"

No one expected these two guys to be so crazy.

They actually used the water veins and their own lives as sacrifices.

Fahai has never left the Hangzhou area.

Those who set off are the dragon sons and daughters.

Now the water veins of the world are praying for the name of the eternal god.

Except for the Yellow River, most of the water veins have fallen into Fahai's hands.

The four emperors received the order and pointed their spearheads at Fahai.

He was about to deliver a fatal blow to him.

At this moment, a dreamy glass-like water droplet floated in the sky.

Then came the second, the third, and the���...

The water veins were glowing.

Even the dragon girl, who had practiced with the water veins for hundreds of years, did not understand what was happening.

"Why don't you do it? What are you waiting for?" The Jade

Emperor saw the four people in a daze and couldn't help cursing! Upon hearing this, Zhenwu Emperor smiled bitterly and said,"Your Majesty, we also want to do it, but our bodies won't obey us."


The three realms shook.

A pair of terrifying eyes came from the ancient times and looked at all living things.

The Jade Emperor, who was still jumping up and down just now, looked at those eyes and fell silent in an instant.

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