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"Xiami Flight 8633, calling from A Command!"

"Xiami Flight 8633, calling from A Command!"


The staff in the command room called several times in a row, but the flight 633 from Xiaguo to the United States did not respond.

The staff hurriedly picked up the public phone next to them and called the commander's office.

"Hello? Commander, something happened. Xiami flight 8633 lost contact just after it left the country and reached the international airspace!"

"I'll be down right away!"

The commander on the other end of the phone heard that Xiami Flight 8633 had lost contact, and immediately hung up the phone and ran down from the office.

As soon as the commander rushed to the command room, he couldn't help asking

"What's going on?"

The staff member in charge of contacting and commanding Xiami Flight 8633 immediately stood up and said nervously

"Xiami 8633 had just crossed the border and entered international airspace when the radar signal disappeared. I called the intercom several times but received no response.

The commander shouted into the intercom.

"Xiami Flight 8633, A Command Center calling!"

There was silence on the intercom, no response.

The commander switched the intercom to the public channel again and shouted:

"Please help me call Xiami Flight 8633."

Just as the commander finished speaking, calls from flights from all over the world began to ring through the intercom, but there was still no news of Xiami Flight 8633.

Li Lizhi drove a red Porsche to the Southeast Military Region Family Quarters, parked the car in front of an old villa with a separate gate and courtyard, opened the door, and walked towards the gate of the villa with the supplements she bought for her grandfather. When

Li Lizhi walked to the iron gate, she found that the gate was locked. She frowned and said with a puzzled look on her face.

"Grandpa is not at home? Where can I go at noon? Did I go to the activity center for senior cadres in the military district?"That was the only place Li Lizhi could think of, because that was the place the old commander went to most often.

Li Lizhi drove to the activity center for senior cadres in the military district's family community. There were not many people at the activity center for senior cadres at noon today, and only a few people were singing inside. Li Lizhi asked an old cadre who often went there, and he said that he didn't see the old commander today.

Li Lizhi hurriedly took out her mobile phone and called her grandfather, but it was turned off.

Li Lizhi suddenly felt a little uneasy and hurriedly drove towards the Southeast Military District.

She was very familiar with the commander.

When Li Lizhi was young, she often went to the military district to play.

The old commander had no time to take her, so he asked the current commander to take her out.

Although the two were not siblings, they were better than siblings.

In front of the gate of the Southeast Military District, the guard reached out to stop Li Lizhi's car, asked the reason, and hurried to call the headquarters.

The commander was processing official documents in the office when the phone rang. It was from the duty room of the headquarters.

"Hello? What's up?"

The commander picked up the phone and asked.

"Commander, the old commander's granddaughter is here. She is now at the gate of the military region. The guard at the gate said that she looked very anxious. The guard in the duty room of the headquarters told the commander the situation described by the guard.

The commander never expected that the old commander had just left and the precious granddaughter came right after.

The commander shook his head helplessly and covered his forehead, feeling a headache.

"It's really a worry. What excuse can I come up with to fool her?"

The commander has been taking care of Li Lizhi since she was a child. He knows that this girl is very smart and can't be fooled by ordinary lies.

"Commander? Let her in?"

The guard heard no one on the other end of the phone and asked tentatively.

"Well, let her in."

The commander hung up the phone, stood up and paced back and forth in the office, thinking about what excuse to use to hide it from Li Lizhi.

After a while, the roar of a supercar sounded outside the commander's office window. As soon as the commander heard the sound, he knew that Li Lizhi had come.

Li Lizhi looked anxious, took off her high heels and ran barefoot to the commander's office door, pushed the door open, and said anxiously as soon as she came in

"Commander brother, it's bad, my grandpa is missing!"

The commander was already sitting at his desk, pretending to look down at the documents. When he heard Li Lizhi's voice, he raised his head and said with a smile.

"Li Zhi is here? Don't worry, your grandfather is not missing, don't worry."

Li Lizhi was stunned for a moment when she heard the commander's words, then she thought of something and asked hurriedly

""Commander brother, do you know where my grandpa is?"

The commander smiled and nodded. Just as he was about to tell the lie he had racked his brains to come up with, he was interrupted by the ringing of the office phone. The commander could only look at Li Lizhi and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, the old commander is not missing. I'll take a call first."

The commander took a look at the phone number and found it was the internal number of Minister Xia of the National Biosafety Department.

"Hello? Old Xia, what's the matter?" the commander asked with a smile.

"Commander, this is bad! The news just reported that the plane that Dr. Luo Ning was on to the United States has lost contact! Please check it out!"

Minister Xia said anxiously.

"What did you say! Lost contact!"

The commander's face turned ugly when he heard it, because there was not only Dr. Luo Ning on the plane, but also the old commander, Li Lizhi's grandfather!

Li Lizhi was also shocked by the commander's sudden reaction. She didn't know what could make the commander brother, who was always calm and composed, show such a panic expression.

After hanging up Minister Xia's phone, the commander hurriedly turned on the computer. Sure enough, the headline of today's must-see news was that a passenger plane flying to the United States lost contact innocently!

Li Lizhi also came over and took a look. She saw the news that a passenger plane flying to the United States lost contact.

"Commander brother, what happened?"

Li Lizhi asked cautiously.

The commander stood up with a grim look on his face. He looked at Li Lizhi and was a little undecided. He didn't know whether he should tell her the truth.

Li Lizhi was very smart. When she saw the commander looking at her, she felt a little uneasy.

"Commander, is this about my grandfather?"

The commander didn't expect Li Lizhi to be so smart and guessed it right away!

Since she had already guessed it, he couldn't keep it a secret any longer, so he simply told Li Lizhi about it.

"Lizhi, your grandfather came to see me yesterday and said that he was too bored staying at home all day. He wanted to go out for a walk while his legs and feet were still flexible. He was most worried about you, so he asked me to take good care of you during his travel."

The commander said and looked at the expression on Li Lizhi's face. Li Lizhi was stunned for a moment, and when she heard that her grandfather was traveling, her panic disappeared instantly, and she couldn't help but laugh and scold.

"This old man Li went out to play without telling his granddaughter, but came to you instead.……"

Before Li Lizhi finished speaking, she suddenly thought of something. The one who came yesterday and left today just reported that a passenger plane to the United States had lost contact, so the commander's expression was so ugly!

Li Lizhi connected all the information in her mind and deduced a terrible result. Her grandfather must have been on the missing passenger plane!

"No, definitely not!"

Li Lizhi looked up at the commander, tears welling up in her eyes.

The commander nodded and said

"You guessed it right. The old commander left on that passenger plane this morning.……"

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