God's Domain World.

Liu Che looked at the prompts that sounded one after another from the system, and his heart was filled with laughter.

"Ding...Your followers sacrificed blood to the people of the Qi Dao League, triggering a hundredfold increase. You obtained the immortal skill [Nameless Sword Heart】"

"Ding...Your followers sacrificed the people of the Yiqi Dao League, triggering a thousand-fold increase, and you obtained the divine skill [Ji Lan Bing Yun】"

"Ding...Your followers sacrificed the people of the Yiqi Dao League, triggering a thousand-fold increase, and you obtained the divine skill [Destroy the Sky】"

"Ding...Your followers sacrificed the Daughter of Fate---Dongfang Huaizhu, triggering the ten thousand times increase, you have obtained the blood of the spirit race, additional triggering rewards, you have obtained the supreme divine art [Six Dao Qianyan】"

"Ding...Your followers sacrificed the great tree of suffering, triggering a billion-fold increase, and you obtained an ultra-rare law.---【The Way of Love】"

Note: The giant tree of bitterness, which was supposed to be the pillar of the world, absorbed the power of love for countless years and finally transformed.

【[The Way of Love]: The laws that have not yet been born in the world of gods are integrated into the divine body. You will be the true master of the Way of Love.

There will be no restrictions, and no one will be able to spy on your divine power.

Liu Che's pupils gradually dilated, and he said in a lost voice:"Complete laws!!! I actually got a copy of the law of the opposite."

The world of gods.

What is the most precious?

Not the fragments of the world.

Not the believers.

Not the divine power and magical powers.

But the real law.

The vast world is constantly developing, countless gods rise, and countless gods fall.

But...The gods who truly stand proudly on the mountaintop undoubtedly have one characteristic.

They possess a law that belongs to them alone.

For example, the law of light. Although Liu Che possesses the supreme divine art, he does not master the true law.

It is said that the complete law of light was shattered from the moment the world was born.

There is no telling how many there are.

It is almost endless. How difficult is it to gather a true law?

"I didn't expect that the Fox Demon World would give me such a big surprise. I really didn't expect it."

Liu Che looked at the Law of Love excitedly.

He slowly pressed it on his body.

This law was pink, like a peach the size of an apple, and looked cute.

But the power contained in it was definitely the highest quality law Liu Che had ever seen!

It was complete.

If outsiders knew about this, it would cause a war.

Everyone wants to transcend, and this law is the key to transcendence!!!

【The law of the Way of Love was integrated into the divine body.

The divine world stopped time.

Space also stopped.

A moment.

The magnificent power instantly swept every corner of the world.

The divine world began to expand.

The infinite divine haze enveloped the sky above the world, helping the world to move.


Accompanied by thunder, the divine world became more vast.

And it began to have layers.

The mass of the sun was higher because Liu Che had a second supreme divine art.

This time it was the fire system.

If it was just like this, it would definitely not have achieved such a terrifying effect now.

Then the transparent Way of Love spread throughout the divine world.

Becoming one of the main rules of the world.

Until the movement of the divine world stagnated, the divine space had expanded to the size of tens of thousands of solar systems.

Ten nebulae slowly appeared.

And Liu Che was promoted to the main god in the true sense.

This is the power level.

And his true power has long surpassed the ordinary main god level.

The creatures in the divine world.

Only then did they slowly wake up.

The world has changed.

The first to realize this was Ao Qian Dragon King.

As the starry sky dragon in the divine domain, he was responsible for exerting the power of the stars and for transportation.

Now he felt that he could wander around and bump into things at will.

Ao Qian sighed,"The power of God has become stronger again!"

Li Laoer sat in the palace at the top of the fairyland, looking at the vast starry sky, and said speechlessly,"My status has declined again!"..."

Originally, he could still see that terrifying sun.

But now, his fairyland has been forgotten in a small corner.

The sun above his head has also turned into a small chicken.

This is the Golden Crow derived from the magic of the power of fire.

Because Li Shimin's world can no longer resist the eternal fire of the main god stage, he will naturally be transferred to the edge.

Not only that, Liu Che also set up a newly born Golden Crow for him.

The divine domain derives living beings.

This is the way to the creation stage.

The current Golden Crow is only spiritual but not invisible.

If it is really born from the sun, then I will be the creator god.

That is the stage of Master Xiao Luan now.

But he is a nine-star creator, even if I achieve creation, it is only one star.

This is the gap.

However, without strong strength, I can't suppress Chihuang Liuyan as the controller of a lineage....

At this time, the outside world.

Because Liu Che mastered the law of love.

The starry sky of the entire world of gods was reflected with countless laws of love.

But these were scattered fragments.

There was no real law.

Xiao Luan sat on the Infinite God Tower, looking at the stars in the sky, and exclaimed:"The laws echo, someone has integrated the complete law, how is it possible!!!"

The beautiful face was full of surprise.

Complete laws, how rare are they.

Even in the entire great god system of Chihuang Liuyan, there are not many gods who have one.

And the owners are all gods who have escaped from this layer of space!

They are the masters.

High above, looking down on all living beings and the world.

Xiao Luan was excited and began to use the micro-piece of the law of love outside to deduce who that person was.

Similarly, in this space.

All the nine-star creators were calculating.

As a result.

Apart from seeing a piece of pink light, they could no longer find any information.

It is impossible to deduce at all!!!

"damn it...The essence of power has exceeded the limits of my power!"

Xiao Luan opened her eyes helplessly.

The power of the complete law is too protective and too hidden.

It is impossible to calculate.

It is impossible to approach.

It is impossible to grasp.

It is worthy of being promoted to the master.

This kind of power makes people excited and desperate.

She sat on the bed with a dull look, and the corners of her pouting mouth were almost enough to hang a bottle of oil.

It can be seen how angry Xiao Luan was at this time.

"Forget it, let’s not think about those annoying things.

She sat up and wanted to ride the Starry Unicorn out for a walk, but she didn’t expect that as soon as she went out, she felt that a disciple had broken through the main god stage.

And the breath was still so familiar.

"Liu Che? He has made a breakthrough."

Xiao Luan was a little surprised.

Then she teleported to the other party's room.

A diffuse pink aura was as thick as clouds.

If she still couldn't figure out that it was the law that Liu Che had comprehended, then she would be really stupid.

""So you are this little guy!!!"

Xiao Luan gnashed her teeth and said, her eyes full of emotion.

The power of the complete law.

She couldn't resist it at all.

"Damn stinky kid..."

Xiao Luan stamped her feet in anger and quickly fled from here.

However, she did not see the pink gas forming a peach heart in her divine domain.

The Way of Love.

All gods have it.

As long as it is a living thing, it will have love.

This terrifying law is unheard of, but it is hard to guard against.

Xiao Luan thought that she would be fine if she left here, but she had no idea that the Way of Love had already subtly influenced her divine domain.......

In the divine world,

Dongfang Huaizhu came to the stone steps of Ziwei Palace to worship the gods.

She was wearing a green coat with a plain skirt underneath. In her hand, besides a green flute, she only had a jade pendant that symbolized the Fire God family.

A typical oriental beauty.

Gentle and virtuous. With a transcendent temperament.

""See the Eternal God." Dongfang Huaizhu heard footsteps coming from above.

He said in a soft voice, his forehead pressed to the ground, his delicate body trembling slightly.

"Lift your head"


Dongfang Huaizhu glanced at the God of Eternity, with a little surprise in his eyes.

Because this god actually looks like a human.

But there are countless streams of light behind him.

He looks extremely noble.

"Don't look directly at the gods, you weak goddess."

Hina Yi, who was standing next to him, saw Dongfang Huaizhu staring at him for a long time and couldn't help but get angry.

Why don't these goddesses know the rules?

Just a glance is enough. But staring at the gods all the time, how can that be allowed?

Dongfang Huaizhu lowered her head quickly, her cheeks slightly flushed.

She didn't know why it was like this.

Was this a heartbeat?

Dongfang Huaizhu didn't know, but her heart was beating fast, like a deer running wildly.

"It's okay. I am not insignificant. The blood of the Dongfang family is a little weaker here. I will give you the blood of the spirit race.

The fragment of the law of fire.

Practice well. When you reach the level of eight stars, you can go down to the world to visit your relatives."

"Thank you for your gift."

Dongfang Huaizhu was delighted, and when he looked up, he found that the spirit had disappeared.

Hina next to him snorted:"Don't think that you can be proud of the gift from God. It still requires countless efforts. As for the issue of sleeping with the gods, unless the gods choose you, you should practice well.

Many people are waiting in line."

"Yes, I understand."

How can such a young girl always talk about sleeping with the emperor?

How embarrassing."

Dongfang Huaizhu muttered to herself.

Then she followed the other party to the training ground. On the way, she saw many goddesses, some of whom were as elegant as fairies, and some were as strange as demons.

Just one look made Dongfang Huaizhu feel frightened.

She couldn't help but asked in a low voice:"Is there such an evil power in the God Realm?"

"Then what do you think is justice and what is evil?"

Hinayi stopped and asked back.

There was a hint of contempt in her beautiful eyes.

Dongfang Huaizhu thought deeply after hearing this.

The other party definitely did not ask casually. Since he asked her, there must be a reason.

Before she could figure it out.

Hinayi explained to herself:"The Eternal God is the only one, and all things are derived from him. Your little understanding is wrong. The so-called evil and righteous ways are just powers of different attributes.

In the eyes of God, they are all parts of themselves.

It's just that the light looks sacred, and the dark looks evil. You still have a lot to learn."

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