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Tian and Ghost quickly killed two enemy mercenaries patrolling the forest with one shot each.

"There are people patrolling, which means the warehouse is just ahead."

Lin Tian thought that since he had already encountered enemy mercenaries, it meant that he was not far from the warehouse where the biological and chemical weapons were stored.

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took the lead and walked forward. He came to the bodies of two enemy mercenaries who had been shot dead. After confirming that the enemy had indeed been shot dead, he continued to move forward.

Lin Tian walked forward for a few dozen meters and saw a brightly lit warehouse base below.

Lin Tian turned on the night vision goggles and observed the base below.

"There is a truck that should be transporting biological and chemical weapons."

Lin Tian said as he observed and shared this information with all the team members.

"There are no military personnel below, they are all mercenaries."

As soon as Lin Tian finished speaking, Ghost stepped forward and said

"Boss, let's just go down and do it!"

Ghost was already impatient to kill.

"Why are you in such a hurry? You can give him an airdrop first when you have the chance!"

Lin Tian has already asked Swart to return to the base to fly the bomber, and he should be here soon.

""Swarte, Swart."

Lin Tian called Swart through the headset.

"Got it, boss, I'll be there soon."

Swarte had already arrived over the border of South Asia in his bomber.

"The enemy is in the north, and unless there are special circumstances, you can attack."

Lin Tian has already confirmed that there are no military personnel at the foot of the mountain, so he can just launch an airstrike first!

"Got it!"

While Swart was speaking, he had already arrived above the Misty Forest, locked onto the position of the northern side of the warehouse below, and directly dropped ten tons of white phosphorus bombs!

The moment the white phosphorus bombs were dropped from the bomber, the entire dark Misty Forest was illuminated as if it were daytime, and the scorching temperature instantly covered the entire enemy warehouse.

White phosphorus bombs are considered the most vicious of all bombs, because the temperature of white phosphorus bombs can reach up to 1000 degrees at the moment of explosion!

As long as a little spark jumps onto a person's body, it will instantly burn through the skin and even burn the bone marrow. The pain is indescribable!

Ten tons of white phosphorus bombs bloomed in the air of the Misty Forest, like the most beautiful, dazzling, and most vicious fireworks in the dark night!

Then, in the warehouse base below the hillside, miserable wails were heard.

"Quick! Someone attacked the warehouse base!"

"Quick, prepare for battle!"

"Shit! It's a white phosphorus bomb!"

"Ah! Help me!"


Lin Tian looked at the fires all over the warehouse base at the foot of the mountain, turned around and said to Kui

"Let's go find a sniper point."

Aoi nodded and walked towards the higher ground with the sniper rifle.

Lin Tian turned to look at Omo and said

"Do you see that three-story building? Aim at that and blow it up.

Lin Tian could tell at a glance that the person living there must be the leader of the group responsible for escorting the biological and chemical weapons. As the saying goes, to capture a thief, you must first capture the leader; to kill an enemy, you must first behead him!

Even if you can't blow up their leader, you must scare him out of his wits.

Omo couldn't wait any longer, just waiting for Lin Tian to say this.

He took off the mortar on his back, found a flat ground nearby to set it up, adjusted the firing arc of the barrel, aimed at the three-story office building, and fired a shell.

The cheetah in the office building rushed to the first floor of the office building as soon as the warehouse base was attacked by the white phosphorus bomb.

As soon as he ran to the stairs, the mortar shell landed on the roof of the office building.

The entire third floor was instantly blown away, and the second floor was also cracked.

Only the first floor was still stable and had not collapsed!

"Fuck! You actually used mortars, damn bastards, I will skin you alive today!"

Cheetah ran out of the office building with a rocket launcher on his back and a submachine gun in his hand. As soon as he rushed out, another shell landed on the office building that was bombed with only two floors left. This time the building completely collapsed. Cheetah took a deep breath, exhaled a long breath, and cursed.

"Fuck! Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would be buried now!"

Lin Tian looked at the building being razed to the ground by the mortar, nodded with a smile, and said

"Let's go, it's time to clean up the battlefield!"

Lin Tian asked Omo to blast a gap in the high wall next to him and went down through the gap.

Lin Tian walked in front with M4A1, and Judge, Ghost, and Soap followed closely behind.

"Attention, an enemy mercenary was spotted at three o'clock! Kui, I leave it to you!"

Lin Tian hid behind the tree and said to the headset

"No problem."

Kui had already found a good sniping spot. He looked in the direction Lin Tian said, quickly locked onto the target, and shot him in the head with a sniper.

"Sirius, solved"

"Got it!"

Lin Tian continued to explore downwards and soon came to the warehouse base.

At this time, the warehouse base was ablaze. As soon as he came down, he could still feel the high temperature released by the white phosphorus bomb just now, which caused the temperature in the warehouse base to rise a lot. Fortunately, it was still within the tolerable range.

"Go forward, leave no one behind!"

Lin Tian understood the truth very well. Being kind to the enemy on the battlefield was cruelty to oneself. Since they were already enemies, they would fight to the death! This was especially true for the two gangs of mercenaries. They were all paid to do things for others. If they met on the battlefield, they would be ready to pay the price of their lives!

Entering the base from the north gate, if there were any enemy mercenaries on the ground who had not been completely burned to death by the white phosphorus bombs, Lin Tian would take the opportunity to relieve their pain.

The watchtower gradually collapsed to one side due to the high temperature caused by the explosion of the white phosphorus bomb, and it just happened to hit an enemy mercenary.

The man's body was ignited by the sparks, and he stood up in pain and walked towards Lin Tian, still saying��

"Please, save me, I don't want to die!"

"Boss, be careful, he's on fire!"

Ghost reminded hurriedly, because he saw that the burning enemy mercenary was about to pounce on Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked at the enemy mercenary in front of him, raised the assault rifle in his hand and shot him in the head without hesitation.

The man fell down, and then his body was surrounded by the flames on his body and burned violently.

Although Swart airdropped ten tons of white phosphorus bombs to the warehouse base, there were still some enemy mercenaries hiding in the warehouse and survived. They rushed out of the warehouse with guns.

Enemy mercenary:"They are here, kill them!"

Originally, Lin Tian and others hadn't seen him hiding behind the container on the side. He roared and immediately exposed his position. Lin Tian raised his gun without hesitation and fired a wave of shots sideways, sending him directly to the underworld.

However, because of the roar just now, it did attract many enemy mercenaries, including the leader of their operation this time, Cheetah.

Cheetah:"Fuck! Dare to come in! I'll blow you into pieces!"

Cheetah took off the RPG on his back and rushed towards Lin Tian and his men.

Lin Tian glanced at the surrounding enemy mercenaries and said

"Scatter, clean up the battlefield and then gather back here!"

"Got it!"

The Judge, Ghost, and Soap who followed Lin Tian started to clean up the battlefield in different directions. Basically, before the enemy could react, their guns would send them to hell.

Lin Tian found the door of the warehouse and wanted to open it with the assault rifle in his hand. Just as he was about to shoot, he heard a whoosh from the side, and then heard Kui's exhausted shouting in the headset.

""Tian Lang! RPG!"

Kui's shout made all the members of the Tian Lang Mercenary Group who were cleaning up the battlefield feel nervous!

They turned around and looked at Lin Tian, only to see a big bald man with an evil smile holding an empty rocket launcher that had been fired, and the direction of the rocket was aimed at Lin Tian.

When the Judge saw the rocket fired at Lin Tian, he ran at full speed and rushed towards Lin Tian with a worried expression on his face!

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