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Tải ảnh: 0.125s Scan: 0.058sThe real owner of this jewelry store has already fled to the hospital to see his arm. Only the tourists from Sincerity Travel Agency, Huang Youcai, and three American blonde waitresses are left in the store.

Huang Youcai wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape from the crowd, but he was dragged back by the collar by the tourists who had just been hit by several baseball bats.

Everyone was afraid of these Americans, but when they saw that Lin Tian and his men were so powerful and beat the hooligans to a pulp, they became more confident and rushed up to surround Huang Youcai.

"Liar! Return the product!"

"That is, according to what you said before, you have to compensate us three times the damages! Hurry up! Return the money!"

"Did you fucking hear that?"


Huang Youcai used to be very popular in front of tourists with his superb deception skills. He was worshipped by people. When had he ever encountered such a scene?

Being surrounded and scolded by people, it seemed that if he didn't pay the money, he would not be able to escape the real social beating today.

Huang Youcai was a little stunned. How could an actor like him get so much money to pay them? He worked hard to perform a day's play here, and he could only earn a few hundred dollars. The bulk of the money was taken by the yellow-haired boss, and he only got a small commission.


The strong male tourist who had just brought Huang Youcai back, probably because he was hit by the gangsters with baseball bats, couldn't stand Huang Youcai at this moment, and slapped him directly.

Huang Youcai was stunned and stood there, looking at the tourist who slapped him in the face with a shocked face.

Seeing that Huang Youcai dared to stare at him, the tourist immediately slapped him again.

Other tourists also held a grudge against Huang Youcai, a liar, and they all rushed forward.

Some pulled his hair. Huang Youcai's shiny, slicked-back hair was pulled down by a tourist. It turned out that Huang Youcai was wearing a wig! He still had a big bald head.

Some punched and kicked him, some pinched him with their hands, and some hit him in the face with high heels. In short, Huang Youcai was beaten horribly.

The three American beautiful waitresses at the side saw this scene, and they were all scared to death. Their faces turned pale, and they curled up in the corner, trembling. This was too horrible!

Lin Tian didn't want to let the yellow-haired boss go, but after thinking about it, he didn't chase him because there was a big liar and a tour guide here anyway, and he couldn't escape.

When Lin Tian turned around to talk to Huang Youcai, he was surprised to see Huang Youcai, who had been beaten horribly by the tourists behind him.

"Stop it!"

If Lin Tian hadn't stopped the tourists from venting their anger in time, Huang Youcai would have passed away in a while.

The tourists present were very willing to listen to what Lin Tian said. As soon as Lin Tian opened his mouth, all the tourists stopped and stood aside.

Only then did Lin Tian see the horrible appearance of Huang Youcai, who had been surrounded and beaten just now.

There were more than a dozen big lumps on his bald head, his nose and face were swollen, his eyes were red and swollen as if they were about to bulge out, blood was still flowing out of his nostrils, the two front teeth in his mouth were all knocked out, and the suit on his body was torn to shreds, and the exposed flesh was all purple and blue.

Lin Tian stepped forward and asked

"Tell me, who is your boss? What is the relationship between this store and Zhenshe?"

Huang Youcai didn't look like a boss at this moment, he looked like a beggar.

Huang Youcai was afraid that the tourists would attack him again, so he hurriedly said

"I say, I say! Our store is called Jack, nicknamed Big Brother Fei, and we have a cooperative relationship with the Sincerity Travel Agency that you are registering for a group tour. They are responsible for sending tourists to our store, and we give them a certain percentage of commission when we sell things!"

Lin Tian sighed, it turns out that it is easy to be cheated when registering for a group tour!

"Does your boss only have this jewelry store?"

Lin Tian felt that this yellow-haired man must have more than one store.

"No, all the places you go next, except for the real attractions, all other stores where you can buy things are opened by our boss, one-stop service!"

Lin Tian recalled their travel route this time, and the shopping items seemed to include a brand clothing store, a cosmetics store and a brand handbag store!

"Are the products sold in those stores fake?"

Lin Tian asked Huang Youcai, squinting his eyes.

"That's right, they are all fake."

Huang Youcai no longer dared to hide anything from Lin Tian. Just now, his boss had his hand chopped off just because he pointed a gun at Lin Tian's head. It was too horrible!

Lin Tian nodded and said to Huang Youcai

"Come on, lead the way, go to your boss's other store."

Huang Youcai was stunned for a moment, swallowed his saliva, thought about it and didn't dare to refuse, so he had to get up from the ground and limped out with Lin Tian and the others.

The tourists in the room also followed Lin Tian and the others and walked out of the jewelry store together.

The female tour guide and the bus driver knew that the matter was exposed and ran away without a trace.

Lin Tian and the others took a look and saw that the tour bus was still parked in the parking lot of Times Square, so they let Soap drive and took Huang Youcai and all the passengers to the other stores of the yellow-haired boss. Lin Tian

's idea was very simple, he must not do something that would not be appreciated. Since the travel plan was ruined, then Someone should compensate for the loss of the tour group expenses.

Under the guidance of Huang Youcai, the tour bus soon arrived at the brand clothing store of Boss Huangmao.

Soap parked the bus directly in front of the clothing store. Lin Tian and Huang Youcai got off the bus first, and the passengers on the bus also got off the bus one after another. A group of people walked into the clothing store with the Nike brand. At this time, there were tourists from other countries looking at clothes in the store.

The waitress in the store thought that Lin Tian and his friends were also a tour group coming to shop, so she hurriedly greeted them with a smile. Unexpectedly, before the waitress could speak, the tourists from Sincerity Travel Agency dispersed and smashed things in the store.

"They are all fake! Liars!"

"Don’t look at it, they are all fake. We have been cheated once, everything in this store is fake!"

"Yes, don’t be fooled by them, their boss is a big liar!"


The tourists saw that some people were still looking at clothes, so they drove them all out, and then threw all the clothes in the Nike store on the ground, trampled on them, and smashed the glass counter.

Lin Tian and the members of the Tianlang Mercenary Group did not take action, but just watched from the door.

The reason why Lin Tian did this was only one purpose, to attract the escaped yellow-haired boss.

The waitress of the clothing store saw so many people rushing in to smash the store, and hurriedly called the yellow-haired boss.

""Hello? Boss, something bad has happened! A group of tourists suddenly rushed into our clothing store. They were like crazy and smashed our store. Come quickly!"

The waitress looked at the tourists who were smashing the store crazily and was so scared that she quickly reported the situation to the yellow-haired boss. The yellow-haired boss had just had an operation on his hand and had more than 30 stitches on his wrist. He only had his left hand left in this life. He hated Lin Tian to the core.

"What! I got it, I'll go back right away!"

The yellow-haired boss, who had just finished the operation, ran out of the hospital with one hand hanging off, hailed a taxi, and called his gangster boss in the car.

"Hello? Brother Xiang, my store was smashed!"

A hoarse voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Dafei, when did you become so bad that your store was smashed? Okay, which store is that arrogant bastard in now? I'll take people there immediately."

"Nike store, Brother Xiang, that bastard broke one of my hands, you must avenge me!"

The yellow-haired boss cried to the gangster boss Zhou Daxiang on the phone.

"What! You lost one leg? Don't worry, I promise to let him use both hands to compensate you!"

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