"Miss Shinobu Kocho, do you want to sacrifice yourself in exchange for your sister's resurrection?"

"Yes, my sister is ten times prettier than me, gentle and strong, unlike me with small hands and feet..."

Thinking of the past, a relaxed smile appeared on Shinobu Kocho's exquisite little face.

She hadn't smiled like this for a long time since her sister passed away.

Occasionally she smiled, but it was a fake smile.

She smiled on her face, but there was always hatred in her heart.

She hated ghosts.

She hated herself.

She even hated the whole world.

Why don't good people have a good ending!

The same goes for the adoptive family who adopted them, and for her sister who trained her to be a swordsman.

On the contrary, ghosts can be very free.

Seeing that she was a little emotionally unstable, Tanjiro quickly comforted her,"Don't worry, I'll tell you when the altar is ready."

"Well, thank you, Tanjiro."

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Kocho Shinobu stood up and left.

Because she also wanted to assist in the processing of the altar.......

The world of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Jack has been completely insane since Liu Che exposed his lies.

First, he attacked a bay and robbed all the gold on it.

Then he defeated the governor's army.

He captured Elizabeth Swann and threatened the craftsmen on the island to build a golden altar and embellish it with gorgeous jewels.

Now the three-day period has arrived.

The altar is only a little bit away from completion.

Because the gold reserves are very small, he can only build a smaller altar.

It is only one meter high, but it is divided into six layers.

The bottom is pearls, and the top is emeralds and rubies.

Jack looked at the clock in his hand and urged:"Is there anything left to be built? There are only three hours left."

At this moment, his eyes were full of bloodshot. In three whole days, he had not slept for a minute. He was supported entirely by willpower.

Seeing that he was anxious, the blind man ran over to check.

Then he shouted happily:"It's done, Captain...The altar is finished!!!"

""Okay, bring Elizabeth and the sailors up, and prepare for the blood sacrifice!!!"

Jack pulled off his hat and shouted excitedly.

In order to appease the anger of the gods, he no longer cared about anything.

The captured sailors had been imprisoned, and the garrisons in the bay were all beaten half to death by them.

Just for this scene today.

Tens of thousands of people gathered on the flat square.

The people looked at Jack and his gang in fear, but dared not say a word, because those who resisted him were all hanged.

"Hi...Ladies and gentlemen, I called you here today so that you can see the miracle."

"Maybe you hate me, maybe you want to kill me, but...Have those who rule over you never killed anyone?"

"bring it on...Please welcome our most beautiful white swan, Miss Elizabeth Swan, who will be offered as a sacrifice to the great eternal god."

After Jack's speech, a beautiful woman in a white dress, with blonde hair and blue eyes, came to the altar.

At the same time, thousands of meters of navy followed behind her.

Although it was a moonlit night, the brightly lit square was as bright as day.

Elizabeth Swan came to the altar and knelt gracefully on the mat.

She was rebellious and really wanted to struggle.

Just like she had resisted the engagement before.

However, her sweetheart, Will Turner, was ruthlessly killed, and his body was thrown into the sea.

If she dared to make any small moves, the next person to die would be her father.

"head...The time has come, and there is only one hour left to reach 72 hours!"

""Okay, I'm going to start!"

Jack winked at his men, and then the navy was killed.

The hot blood was all over the ground.

Along with the ups and downs of the prayer, a thunder sounded in the dark sky.

Here it comes!

Jack was overjoyed.

The God of Eternity has finally come.

"Great God, I have prepared blood and will sacrifice the souls of 3,000 navy soldiers to you to appease your anger.

At this time, I have prepared the most beautiful woman in this sea area, Elizabeth Swan.

The entire island, and even this sea area, were subconsciously attracted by the thunder above their heads.

Has anyone seen three-color thunder?

Purple, gold, and blue.

The three colors of divine thunder echoed each other, completely tearing the dark sky apart.

The wind blew.

The sea surface was turbulent.

The rocks shattered and collapsed due to some kind of pressure.

The creatures on the seabed were also pressed into the soil.


Accompanied by a huge sound.

A dazzling light fell from the sky.

Two suns appeared in the sky.

A terrifying breath poured down.

The entire sea surface was distorted, seawater poured back into the sky, and the wind tore the earth apart.

Is the end of the world coming?

Everyone's face was pale and their breathing became rapid.

They were afraid that the next moment, they would not be able to withstand this pressure and would die directly.

"Woohoo..."Mom, are we going to die?"

The child in the square was so scared that he wet his pants, and his mother had no choice but to hold him tightly.

【Ask for a flower ticket】

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