In the eyes of the gods, there are no subordinates.

There are only believers.

Tianshan Tonglao nodded in confusion. She naturally didn't understand the doctrines and rules of the Eternal God Religion.

Murong Fu saw that she was a talent.

He took her to the palace and talked while walking.

As for the Dali royal family, it was completely destroyed today.

Duan Zhengming had completely given up and devoted himself to the management of the God Religion.

When he returned to the palace, he found a golden dragon hovering in the room.

"What is this?"

Duan Zhengming walked over, and when he touched the golden dragon, he realized that it was a dragon of national destiny formed under the catalysis of divine power.

The stronger it is, the stronger Dali will be.

No, such a precious thing must be offered to the gods.

Let's notify the chief priest first!......

In the Wanjie chat group,

Master Murong uploaded a video.

After a while, the group was in an uproar.

Li Laoer:"Brother, you are pretending again. This is not good, not good!! Despise.jpg."

Master Murong:"(⊙﹏⊙), when have you ever pretended? I am reminding you that I really don’t know what you do every day."

Ninja Scientist:"What do you mean? What do you mean? Explain it quickly!""

Chu Dashanren:"I don’t understand either. I feel that the sacrifice is no different.""

Spirit of the Demon Sword:"I don’t see any difference either.""


There is no difference in the video.

Kamui is the same as everyone else.

What exactly is he trying to remind us?

Monkey·D·Long watched it over and over again, and finally found a clue.

This is a national festival!

Not an ordinary festival!

Could it be that!!!

Long quickly flipped through the previous videos, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"As expected, the different levels of sacrifice will bring different gifts....National Festival, it is still a national festival after all!"

The first person to offer sacrifices was Orochimaru.

This guy made a wooden altar and began to offer sacrifices to the gods. Although he received the grace of the gods, the reward was just so-so.

The second time, he used a ninja village to offer sacrifices. As the number of people increased, the grace of the gods also began to increase.

Then came the others.

In detail, the more believers a festival has, the stronger the gift from the gods.

But...That's not right. Tanjiro and his group only have a few dozen people. Chu Dashanren only has one man and a cow.

Long watched it again and finally understood the source.

Pirates of the Caribbean:"Don't hide it. Just say it. We are all messengers of God."

For Peace:"I think I understand what Mr. Murong means. I just watched the video of your sacrifice repeatedly and understood a truth."

Mr. Murong:"(), you finally understand! It's worth my reminder..."

For peace:"Yes, I finally understand. Now let me explain my understanding."

"The sacrificial rituals uploaded by His Majesty the Eternal God are divided into several levels, including living sacrifice, dead sacrifice, and blood sacrifice."

"There is also a description of the construction of the altar."

"Even the offerings are classified"

"But have you ever thought about this question, why do we prepare sacrifices to worship the gods?"

The group fell into a long silence.


Why do we have to offer sacrifices?

This question is a bit profound.

Sacrifice, literally speaking.

It is to prepare sacrifices to pray to the gods for help, to exchange things for the blessings of heaven or gods.

This ancient ritual exists in every world.

For peace:"In my opinion, this is a means of contacting the gods, to transform the sacrifices through the altar into messages to tell the gods where we are and we need your help...."

The Spirit of the Demon Sword:"Very appropriate, and very reasonable!"

Li Lao Er:"Brother Long, you are amazing. You are so knowledgeable that you can even analyze this."

Master Murong:"(⊙⊙)

I did n't expect such a profound meaning."???"

Mr. Chu:"Damn, what do you want to say?"

Mr. Murong:"I just think that it is too much trouble to ask the gods for some trivial things or when encountering difficulties.

So when I conquered a country, I chose to offer sacrifices.

I call it a national sacrifice!

With the power of a country, I offer sacrifices to my gods."

Mr. Murong:"(⊙⊙), I became a three-star priest, and changed my job to become a sword fairy."

For Peace:"What? You became a three-star priest, and changed your job...I really want to punch you to death!"

The Spirit of the Magic Sword:"You are really fast, and you came from behind. It's a pity that I am only one star, but I will soon reach Miaojiang. When I take this place down, I will also hold a national sacrifice!!!"

The Good Man Chu:"Damn it!"...One step to the sky, my eyes are now full of lemons, wait for me...Next time I will sacrifice the whole of China to my God!"

Tanjiro:"Envy +1"

Pirates of the Caribbean:"I have now conquered four islands, I guess it would be nice to go back and sacrifice a hundred islands."

All the group members were jealous.

Three-star priest is the highest position at present.

Murong Fu is the first.

Everyone knows that the stronger the strength, the more terrifying the moves that can be learned.

Young Master Murong:"I am just explaining, I don't mean to show off, @For peace, don't stop, I'm kneeling for you."

For peace:"Since you are so sincere, then I will continue."

"According to the teachings of God, we need to be sincere, and sincerity will work.

This is what God said himself, so Tanjiro was able to obtain God's grace and revive his family.

Secondly, the world of Chu Dashanren has saved tens of thousands of people from suffering and made them real living people.

He used blood sacrifices. He sacrificed countless strange beasts to the gods, and used the method of carving mountains.

It is commonly known as sacrificing mountains, rivers, and seas. Am I right?"

Chu Dashanren:���Yes, I thought the altar was too small and I didn't have the materials, so I chose this risky method."

The Spirit of the Magic Sword:"So that's how it is. The terrain altar is more advanced than the artificial altar!"

For Peace:"That's right. The better the altar, the stronger the power the gods can bestow, not based on the will of the heart. I guess the gods may use too much power and the world will be destroyed."

The Good Man Chu:"666...I didn't even think about these things."

For Peace:"If you say Murong Fu is thoughtful, a country must have at least millions of people. Can you calculate how much faith that requires?"

There was silence in the group.

Blood sacrifice plus the faith of millions of people.

No wonder he was promoted to a three-star envoy.

So that's how it is.

With such a large population base, it can indeed be said that he was promoted to a three-star envoy.

For Peace:"Do you still feel jealous now? Do you still feel envious?"

Pirate King of the Caribbean:"Don't say anymore, I'm going to work hard to conquer England this month! I'm going to preach...."

Li Laoer:"I'm not envious, I'm just a little curious. Brother Murong, how did you get your current sword immortal profession? Tell us about it."

As a person who also controls the sword.

Li Shimin naturally wants to know the gap between his two-star divine envoy and the three-star divine envoy.

As for envy?

He is not envious. Now he has conquered Pegasus Ranch, captured the beautiful owner inside, and has also become one with Lingnan.

If it weren't for the Sui Emperor, he would have fled to the border with his army.

Now he can be emperor.

Dali has only a few million people.

The entire Central Plains has a population of tens of millions.

If you want to do it, do it the best. A temporary lead is nothing.

Seeing Li Shimin's honorific, Murong Fu smiled very proudly.

In the past, he had to lick his face and beg others.

It was Murong Fu who called himself.

Now he is treated with honorifics.

Sure enough, strength is the best proof.

Murong Gongzi:"I haven't tried it yet. After all, the work in the sect is the most important. It happened that a group of people came to make trouble today. After witnessing the divine power, they all chose to surrender. It is estimated that there must be tens of thousands of people."

"As for the profession of Sword Immortal, it was given to me by the gods. At that time, I had three Dao fruits in my mind: martial arts, alchemy, and swordsmanship."

"The swordsman I chose is probably strong enough to split a thousand-meter-high mountain with one sword."

Tanjiro:"Can you split a mountain thousands of meters high?...You must take me with you in the future."

Chu Xuanfeng looked at the chat in the group and frowned slightly.

He felt that it was not very powerful to cut off a mountain thousands of meters high with one sword.

Because he could do it now.

Is this the only power of the three-star god?


Eternal God:"Don't be misled by him. At present, Murong Fu's strength is still very easy to destroy the moon."

Tanjiro:"What? Moon...The moon!!!"

Li Laoer:"The moon hanging in the sky can be destroyed, my god!..."

Pirates of the Caribbean:"..."

The Spirit of the Magic Sword:"The moon can be chopped into pieces. The power of the three-star envoy is so strong."

Chu Xuanfeng, who just felt something was wrong, was speechless in an instant.

It seems that guy doesn't know how strong his own power is.

One sword can destroy the moon.

That's a planet.

Is this the power of the three-star envoy? Chu

Dashanren:"God, if I sacrifice the entire China, how many stars can I become a envoy."

Eternal God:"I don't like people who talk big."


Li Lao Er:"This is so funny, @楚大善人...Just do your work and don't bother with it...."

Master Murong:"My Lord God, I have a problem here and would like to ask you a question."

The God of Eternity:"Speak"

"Master Murong:"Not long after you left, the former emperor Duan Zhengming brought a golden dragon here, saying it was the dragon of luck for the country. It seemed to be manifested after the earth veins absorbed divine power. What should we do?"

Dragon of luck?

Such a thing was actually born.

Liu Che laughed when he heard it.

I didn't expect that the world of Tianlongbabu was not bad.

Luck is something illusory, and it is difficult to find a physical entity in the ordinary world.

That's why they choose to seize it from believers. For example, this is the first time I have seen a dragon of luck. I have only seen it in books before.

This kind of thing is a great treasure.

God of Eternity:"Cultivate it well, take it to conquer other countries, and it will become stronger by swallowing the national luck!" ps: Thank you for the rewards from the boss Qingcheng-Mengqiu, thank you for your support.

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