Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 10 - Frontlines

After some time, a jeep came up I got in the jeep. It started moving. There are some RPG's, hand grenades, mostly bullets in there. I just stored few of each in my inventory. Suddenly I heard a firing towards our jeep they killed the driver and started looking for the keys for the back door of the jeep to take stuff from us.

When they opened the gate. I shot the nearest one in the head and took my knife, threw it toward others heart. In less than a second both were dead.

I went back to jeep and went towards the frontlines.

Near the front lines. Soldiers were screaming under the heavy fire and a tank was approaching them.

Soldier 1: "We won't, make it."

Soldier 2: "I just want to see my daughter, on last time."

Kyle: "You will see it yourself, brother:

Saying so I placed the RPG over my shoulder and pulled the trigger. The tank blew up. Under the sound of explosion, I went near the enemy bunker and thew a grenade inside.

I went near them to check their belongings,��� Can I copy skills from the dead?' thinking so I initiated system.

'System Initiate Copy'

[Initiating copy]

'It worked!!!' I am very happy now.


German Proficiency 3 min

German Information Decoding 5 min

Brainwashing 30 sec

'System Copy all Skills'

'Copy All skills'

When I was Copying Skills. Somewhere in a basement a bulky person was sitting with head down with a woman near him. Yes, they were Steve and Agent Carter.

Steve: "I want to go to frontlines, Agent."

Colonel came with the Mayor.

Col: "You are Experiment, Boy."

Steve: "But the serum boy"

Col: "But we got you, only you and you are not enough"

Colonel went from there. The mayo came to Steve.

Steve: "With all due respect to Colonel but maybe you are missing the point. I have seen Experiment, you in action Steve. More importantly the country has seen it. Son you want to serve your country in the most important field of war…"

Steve: "Sir, it's all I want."

Mayor: "Then, Congratulations Steve, you just got promoted."

{Back to the frontlines}

I just copied the skills and took all the intelligence reports from the dead elite soldiers and went back to the frontlines.

Soldiers: (in unison) "Thank you for saving us. If you weren't there at the right time. We won't be here."

Kyle: "Don't sweat about its man, we are doing it for the same cause."

Ser: "You did well, soldier. Now rest up and it let me take care of the remaining for you."

Kyle: "Sorry sir, but I can't wait here I have to report something to Colonel."

I took the jeep back to the camp and went directly towards the tent where all the higher ups were discussing further plans. The American army was in a very bad positions, whoever went to the frontlines never returned with a report. I was given priority over other things.

Col: "Report, soldier"

Kyle: "Sir, we were attacked by some Elite German soldiers on our way to the frontlines, they took our rations and reinforcements, When I reached there, I found then under heavy fire. After I took care of them, I found some intelligence report."

I gave them the sheep skin parchments with all the intelligence reports in German and it was encoded.

Col: "What, Holl* shit. Fury, go and call the specialists to decode it."

Kyle: "There won't be any need of that sit. I have already cracked it."

Everyone including, Fury. Yes, Nick fury the future director of S.H.I.E.L.D was here with me a s a soldier. All of them were shocked to their bones.

I was dismissed and wait till evening for my further instructions. I just went to the grab the news and guess what I saw in the frontlines. An advertisement of Steve playing Captain America and selling bonds. I was laughing my Ass out. Everyone was surprised.

I told them about Steve and How he and I are friends and now is working as clown for senator. Everyone was poised on Captain America but they said nothing to me.

During Evening I was called by the Colonel to the same police before. He discussed the report with them and asked me if anything is missing in there.

Col: "So I will make four units to capture all the Hydra bases. They will be supervising by four sergeants"

Kyle: "Which unit I am in, sir"

Col: "No, boy you are not going with them."

I was frustrated with the news. Seeing my face, the Colonel just chuckled.

Col: "You are taking your team to a different mission."

Kyle: "What do you mean by my team, sir"

Col: "What don't you know? Fury didn't you tell him?"

Fury: "He was sleeping at that moment; I didn't disturb him."

Kyle" What are you guys talking about. What do I not know?"

Col: "You are promoted to rank of sergeant now, Sergeant Kyle."

Saying so he threw me my now ID. I was as just shocked.

Col: "We don't have time to be shocked., sergeant. Nazis are taking out territory very second, we waste here. You are ȧssigned to attack a secret base of hydra where they have captured civilians and some of our soldiers and doing experiments on them. This is level 5 mission and I am giving its responsibility or you. Fury will arrange a team for you and take him with you. Though he is not ranked but has high experience"

I saluted and went from there. Fury asked me to when he wants to meet his team. I asked in to wait 30 min and went inside the quarter and changed into my new uniform.

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