Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 33 - Captain Marvel

I am living my life in a peaceful way. I made Elly the new CEO. I still have the highest authority but Elly is the boss if I am not there. I will just chill until Captain Marvel Arrives.


I did nothing else in all these except introducing smartphones when network became a thing. I have opened many NGOs to help the people around the world. I have made orphanages, schools, hospitals, etc. to help the needy. For some reason Peggy can't have children. I don't know why but I didn't discuss it further and Eve doesn't want one. Well, we are still young according to our body age. We four haven't changes a bit we all look 21. This year Captain Marvel events will start; I have to prepare myself.

{Somewhere else on earth}

Something just crashed into a shop. It was night so not many people were outside. The figure got up. She roamed around the shop to see if anyone was there. She was muttering about some command.

???: "Kree Starforce command. Is anyone here?"

She went out of the shop and went near a guard. She knocked on her car window. He was a little surprised seeing this cosplaying lady but opened the window.

???: "Hello I am Vers from Kree Starforce. Are you understanding what I am talking about? Is my universal translator working?"

Guard: "Yeah, Yeah its working fine."

Vers: "Good, so you are the security in charge of this area"

Guard: "Yes, I am the in charge but only of this parking lot."

Vers: "If I want to communicate with someone far away. Where can I contact them?"

Guard just pointed toward the telephone. He was very confused right now. The girl wasn't even drunk nor she was playing any character which he has seen before. He was quite confused right now. The girl just went away to the telephone and fiddled with the phone and communicated with someone.

The guard seeing the action of the lady, called the police. The girl was inside the booth, the whole night. Next morning, police came. Two man got out from a black car. It was Coulson and Nick Fury. Fury went near the booth and asked the lady inside it.

Fury: "Excuse me miss, you know anything about a lady which flew like lightning and busted that building right there. It was like god threw a rocket down here."

Vers: "I think she flew like rocket then."

Fury started interrogating her. He showed him his SHIELD batch, Yes, I have helped them name it SHIELD. They used that long ȧss Strategic homeland and shit. I can't even say that in one breadth. Fury asked her about her whereabouts. She told them about her so called Kree Starforce and stuff. He was laughing and worried how high can a person be. She is still high. What kind of stuff she just smoked?

Fury: "You are under arrest, Starforce warrior."

Everything was going same as movies but one thing was not same. I knew about this incident as SHIELD is using the network that I made so I have every information about them and I am also the co-director of SHIELD so I am required to know about this.

I asked them to call their leader Talos for me. Talos came and I arranged a meeting with him.

During the time I also copied their shape shifting ability. It's quite useful. It will help me in the long run.

{Inside a meeting}

Talos: "Ok, you asked for a meeting and here I am. What do you want from me?"

Kyle: "Don't worry. No one other than me know about you and your other members. I know you are innocent. You just want a place to live with your family. I just want to help you find a place to live. You don't need light engine. I will send you there and the Kree force don worry about it."

Talos: "Why should I believe you?"

Kyle: "You have no other choice, do you? Trust me, if I want, I could have killed every one of you."

Talos: "Thank you very much. We want your help."

I just did what they asked for I went to the spacecraft in the orbit. Teleported them to a new planet and supplied them with some stuff which they can trade to start their new lives. I also gave them a transmitter to ask me for help if they need me. I went back to the space ship and used copier on the Artificial Intelligence of the Kree. I didn't know if would work but it worked as it was a sentient being.

After the events I let everything follow as it was supposed to as skrulls were not required and Carol was dumb enough to do everything about skrulls with Fury but they aren't even here. Can't she understand that no one has attacked her for days now. She went to meet her friend which she didn't knew but she was.

{Arg!! This is so frustrating}

She got her memories back. I have destroyed the supreme intelligence. It was easy. Just isolate it from the dimension.

I met Captain Marvel and removed her limiter. She thanked me, I just asked her to help others in need. This planet is safer with me now. I also told her about the skrulls and the Kree. I gave her a transmitter too. I asked Fury to keep everything a secret.

After this incident I upvoted Fury to be the next director of SHIELD if he can be a level 8 agent in next 10 years.

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