Now, Where Am I?

Chapter 36 - Waiting for Thor

I left saying so. He was a bit confused but he was happy as he got the blueprint. He won't need to do everything from scratch. He also submitted the evidence and Stane killed himself because of shame. So, Iron Monger never happened.

No announced that he will work for world peace and showed his Iron Man suit. Everyone thought of it as a new weapon but he showed it uses in keeping the peace, so everyone had to accept it.

The events of Iron Man 2 also happened. My mercenaries that has now taken a name GIN helped people during the hammer expo incident. I have provided them with nanites suits same like iron had in End Game but they are black in colour with silver patterns on it. They have taken a silver wolf as their emblem which is also printed on their brėȧst plates. GIN now officially work as hired gun but to the public world it is a security company. I as their owner have my influence in underworld too. I think I can dominate the world If I want.

I have found a planet with huge vibranium deposited; you can say that the planet is made up only of vibranium. I have sent my robot units to extract it. In a year or so, I will devour the planet not leaving a single speck of it. I have made my iconic black suit with the nanite technology and vibranium alloy.

The events of hulk also happened as expected but I destroyed abomination as it was near my house. I was gain made a public hero. It is too troublesome but I love it. I helped hulk control his anger and gave him a limiter to stop becoming hulk whenever he gets angry.

Captain America also woke from his long slumber. He was not that famous but was still a medical miracle. He woke up I helped him getting back the world. He joined SHIELD too. I don't know why but he did. I never refused, its his own life. He constantly visits our house. Elly becomes very happy whenever he comes home.

Steve: "Hello Kyle, how are you?"

Kyle: "I am the same old, what about you?"

Steve: "The world a bit too much, I am still not feeling in my place."

Kyle: "Don't worry you will feel it soon."

Elly came running from her lab. She had a little blush on her face when she saw Steve. She was quite dressed today. She wore a long dress.

Kyle: "Are you going anywhere?"

Elly: "Nothing, I just promised Captain to give him a tour of city."

Kyle: "But it looks like you two are going on a date."

Elly: (whispered)" I hope we were…"

Kyle: "I heard that."

Elly gave me a death glare. I know I should just go away from here leaving the love birds alone. Steve knew nothing about what was going on but I know he feels something for Elly too. I left the room and the two went on their tour-cum-date.

{Two months later}

I think it's time for Thor to come here. I need to check the Mjolnir too. I hope I could gain divinity form it. Elly and Steve are now in relationship. Steve proposed Elly a week ago. He asked him to leave the company and live with him but Elly is just like Natasha, a dominating type so Elly is living with us and he lives here too. I have Stopped Elly de-aging process so she can live with Steve.

I asked Eve I can take everyone with me anyhow. Her father gave me the permission but I cannot tell about it until I leave this world and I cannot tell him about me being reincarnation and stuff so I have to scrap a new story from my manga collection.

Few days later something came on Earth. It was Mjolnir. I went there and teleported it Kaex before it hit the ground so SHIELD never got to know about it but Thor was sent to Earth in the same fashion as in movies. He is now dealing with Selvig and others. They had no clue of Mjolnir so they are just wandering around Mexico.

I went into Kaex. I tried to lift it u. I was pretty easy. I just lifted it with one hand.

Kyle: "I am the most powerful person in this world now. No one can stop me now."

Just as I finished speaking the hammer started getting heavy. I had to leave it or its world have crushed my hand. I tried to lift it again but wasn't able to.

Kyle: "I am not worthy, anymore."

Eve was just giggling on the side watching me behaving like a child again.

Eve: "It's all your fault. You wanted to use this for your own good. Nothing I can do. Sometimes you just surprise me with your behaviour."

Kyle: "I can't do anything about it. I always thought about coming here and doing stuff I want. Now I am here I am feeling excited whenever I see anything new."

I was feeling embarrassed but I just let it go. I initialised copier to see if there is something I can copy.

'System initialise copier'

[Initialising Copier]


Divinity (low) 2 h


'Copy Everything'

[Copying Everything. ET 6 h]

I sat Indian style on the ground for 6 hours. It was tiring so I just slept by its side. After six hours system asked me if I want to fuse them or not. I fused them. I feel a sense of dominance over things. I think it's the divinity. I tried summoning lightning and I made little sparks in my hands. I supplied more power to it and BANG! A huge lightning spear formed in my hand just like that of Zeus. Its fuċkɨnġ OP. I went to Eve and spread my divinity to show off a little. She just crushed mine with hers.

Eve: "If you want divinity you could have asked me. If that's what you want."

Kyle: "What! You could give me your divinity? Yes, please I want it."

Eve again touched her head with mine and transferred her divinity. I felt a huge increase in the dominance effect. It was like ant to earth difference. I was getting ċȯċky by just getting that little divinity from Mjolnir. I picked up the hammer as I now have divinity of a real god so it was very easy now. I teleported with the hammer to the place where Thor and Others were staying.

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