In another place, and outside the game, a game cabin was opened and a very beautiful slim tall figure appeared out of it.

"Why have you sent me a message to come out?" a very sweet voice came out from those red lips; even when angry it was so mesmerizing.

"Lady, I'm so sorry but lord Dockrey is here waiting for you for a few hours now."

A maid appeared in the vision of the beauty while she moved out of the cabin, showing her smooth bare skin. She didn't play with a single piece of cloth on.

The girl, who was only seventeen, pointed to the side with her hands, without saying a word the maid moved to bring her clothes and help her lady to dress up.

"What is this jerk doing in my mansion? Didn't I give the orders to everyone here to expel anyone I didn't invite?"

Despite her sweetness, her anger was famous among all who was close to her. It was perfectly normal for the maid to shiver and even pause a moment when dressing her up. "What? Didn't I say that before I entered the game?" she bellowed angrily without glancing even at her maid.

"L- Lady, the great lord ordered us to let him in."

"My uncle? Humph, I will deal with him later then," she didn't comment more as she knew when her words hit the words of her uncle, then those working here will follow her uncle's for sure.

Despite her uncle had no real ownership on her mansion, companies, and wealth; yet he was the one responsible for taking over her inheritance until she turned legal.

"Tell that jerk I'm heading down there to see his ugly face!"

"Lady, your voice," the maid tried to whisper to her, as they were already walking down the stairs leading down.

"What? Can't I speak freely in my own home? I should fire you all and get new staff!"


The maid didn't speak as she knew the words of her lady weren't mere threats in the air; she had a long history of expelling her staff!

"My eyes are rejoicing to see such a divine beauty descending like angels from heavens," the moment she became clear in sight for the one standing down below, he hurried to stand and speak those words greeting her.

He was twenty years old, tall and broad, giving anyone seeing him the impression of a bodyguard. His short brown hair and sharp blue eyes made this impression much deeper to anyone seeing him.

In front of him, an angel really was descending from the heavens. With her white angelic spacious short dress, showing barely her two shoulders, giving anyone seeing her the impression of a divine beauty.

Her face was spotless, even with these brownish freckles she looked stunning. Her long dark hair was collected in a ponytail hastily made by her maid, and her dark eyes made anyone seeing her with those long curved dark eyelashes feel drowning into an ocean of peace and tranquility.

Her high heels knocked on the marble stairs while descending step by step, with her bare legs from mid-thigh casting more magic over her unwelcomed uninvited guest.

"An angel descending to meet such a demon, what a disgrace," she remarked and her rude words made the maid walking behind her to stumble, almost fall.

"I know you have a poor opinion of me, but when I win this competition I will prove your worth to you."

"The shameful competition! Aren't you ashamed you are treating me like a puppet? Compete with this minor and get me as a bonus, right?"

She reached down and didn't extend her hand to shake his already extended one. As she sat on her favorite sofa, the youth wasn't much offended as he knew how hard her temper was, and how resistible she behaved towards this deal.

A deal he paid so much to put in motion!

"I know you are angry because of this, but believe me I never put you in such a state, never."

"Yeah, I believe you. You don't see me at all! Your only goal is my wealth, nothing more. Let's face it, a wealth plus a beauty, with such a retarded minor competing with you for this. Who can blame you for being so enthusiastic, right?"

"That rival of mine is really retarded. I heard he bought two capsules for the two new games launched this month. Can you imagine that? if he has a brain he would better focus entirely on the eternal glory game, at least to make the competition worth the effort."

The youth then adjusted his position as he added:

"I came here for another thing, not to talk about that retard."

"Oh, don't say you missed me, that will be a cliché!"

"Well, of course I missed you. I missed you here and in the game. why don't you give me your name in it? I issued a grand prize for anyone giving me any lead on your location, even a hint on any player with your name, Natalie. Can't you give me this hint and get this reward?"

He ended his words with a laugh, yet she didn't share his silly joke with him. "I told you I will play solo, don't bother with me and don't bug me inside the game," she declared her stance.

"But I want to help you in the game. I had many aiders, you know Panty, Ogor, Lodak, Derick and Terrisa. Each has his own army of players in many places. Just tell me your village and I will send the closest one to you. Even if you wanted me to come, I will answer."

She smirked, not fazed by the obvious threat in his words. "The famous five lords of tyranny, right? I heard Derick got his as* handed neatly by one player, and also heard rumors about Panty suffering the same on the hands of this player, hehehe."

The face of Dockrey changed for the first time before he controlled his emotions. "This is just a common and normal hiccup happening in any beginning. You know, sooner or later no one will stand a chance against me."

"Yeah, I know. The five lords of tyrant are serving the emperor of death himself. but I'm the angel of heavens, no one like yours can stand against me."

Dockrey hurried to correct this as he said: "I never intended to harm you. Just give me your location and I will make sure no one does."

"Thanks, I can take care well of myself. If you have nothing else to say, go out and don't waste my time."

The look on his face didn't change as he moved out, bowed slightly to her. "Till next time then," he said as he turned and left.

"Sigh, such a jerk is my best candidate out of the two. an arrogant narcissist or a childish retard; really a great match up for me uncle, bravo!"

She was angry, before she went upstairs while Dockrey just entered his fancy car, took out his phone and dialed a number. "Sure, your assumptions are correct. It's her, and that person you met must be eliminated."

He then closed the phone before taking a final glance on this luxurious mansion in the heart of the bustling city as he smirked evilly. "Soon all of this is going to be mine, even you and your arrogant and rude attitude will be crushed under me, hehehe."

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