NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 213: Losing A Level

The kiss lasted for a couple of seconds but for Nara it looked like a whole lifetime. When Bloom moved gently away off her she had her face flushed with redness and her eyes went dizzy for a second.

"You…" she muttered while not knowing what to do or say.

"What?" he smiled while glancing over the mad Dockrey, "isn't he the one seeking you? I will make you mine even in front of your seekers."

"Silly," she gently punched him while he resisted the urge to kiss her one more time. "Now he is mad," she sighed while turning her gaze towards the nearby Dockrey.

"Let him be," Bloom laughed before adding, "even if I lost a level here for the kiss I won't be sad."

"Don't be silly," she punched him again and this time he didn't feel any pain at all.


Suddenly a shout came just a few meters behind him interrupting this moment of romance between the two. Bloom felt instantly enraged and the next instant he drew his sword using his talent while muttering: "breaker piercer."

The next instant his sword turned to his back and a clang sound appeared as he stopped another sword from hitting him. He turned forcibly to face his opponent, and he wasn't all alone as there were around ten more players just behind him.

"You are a total fool," Bloom muttered while his body moved with the skill to dash towards the player and sent him flying backward, while he followed him.

"Stab, stab, stab, stab,…" he didn't delay and kept using his other sword to hit other players around, sending them all flying.

And the next moment when he reached the ground he hit the player with a stab and sent him flying more backwards.

"Watch out," Nara shouted and Bloom simply used a ground breaker to defend a hit coming from a hidden spot on his back.

And that hidden NPC was thrown to the back under the effect of his title.

"Trying to sneak attack me? Humph," he simply sneered before turning his sword towards a nearby player from the dungeon and he hit him using a dash.

The player was sent flying away while he just ran a couple of meters until he entered safety again.

"You are reckless…"

Just before she could continue her reprimand, he grabbed her softly to him and painted another kiss, a longer kiss, a more fiery kiss to her sweet lips.

And this time he introduced his tongue inside hers to make her words choke in her throat and melt down there along with her body that turned soft instantly.

When he let her go, all he heard was not the sound of the completely enraged Dockrey from behind or the sounds of many skills falling on his head from the rear players.

He only heard the sound of his heart beats and nothing else in the world.

"Damn, I really missed this," he sighed while turning his head to face the incoming attacks with no care at all. "It's rude to interfere with a man and his girl," he muttered while he let all the attacks fall over his body with only damages in hundreds and mere thousands appearing on top of his head.

This wave of attacks took roughly half of his Hp, but he didn't care. He softly landed Nara to the side of the entrance while turning to face the crazy enemies coming at him.

"It's best to die, both of you together," Dockrey ruthlessly took out a scroll and smashed it into pieces while watching the effect of it taking shape around the dungeon.

"Hehehe, even killing me won't get your girl back," Bloom knew he was done for this time but he refused to fall without leaving such a sour memory in the mind of his enemy, "and I won't die alone," he took a Hp potion and gulped its content in one moment before the next he used a dash to hit a far player.

Then he used another dash to move just nearby Dockrey who had a fierce look over his face. "I won't let…"

He just didn't continue speaking when Bloom hit him with another skill of his own, a dash piercer.

"Slice," he linked it with a slice to move alongside the flying body of his arch enemy and then rained a barrage of attacks over him, wasting not a single second here.


Yet the scroll effect started to take effect as a massive number of meteorites started to fall from the sky with a long tail of smoke coming from their burning bodies.




The world around Bloom turned into an apocalyptic one, but he didn't even raise his head to glance at the incoming burning rocks and kept hacking the flying body of Dockrey with his stabs.

In less than five seconds his enemy was killed and the next second a rock just landed on top of his head, smashing his body to pieces.

"System alert: you have died."

Bloom chose instant resurrection at the village. "Sigh, that was pretty close one," he smiled before opening his inventory to find himself losing a couple of potions which was something he never cared much about.

"But I got the daggers, hehehe," he laughed when he saw the twin daggers landing in his inventory. He took them at the last moment before the rock hit him after killing Dockrey.

"This Dockrey… he needs to be taught a lesson," he shook his head before recalling what just happened and that made him laugh.

"Stop laughing," Nara appeared next with a red face, "that wasn't funny. I lost a level."

"So what?" he laughed again, "I recall you gained two levels from the dungeon."

"And you smart one gained one level and now lost it," she stood in front of him like a spoiled kid complaining about her candies.

"But it was worth it."

"Worth what?" she glared at him before threatening, "don't ever touch me ag…"

She couldn't continue her words when he took the initiative and grabbed her again before kissing her. This time he lasted for a whole minute and when he left her, she was already swaying right and left with rolling eyes and soft body.

"Watch out," he held her to his chest and supported her with his arms, "never thought you are so sensitive."

She couldn't muster any strength except in her fists which aimed towards his face but landed on his chest instead. "You bully me," she groaned and he only smiled before noticing that the rest of his team was around, watching them with full rounded eyes like they were watching a miracle.

"Ahem," Jeffrey cleared up his throat before adding, "you have brought an apocalypse on yourself my friend."

"So what?" Bloom sneered before letting Nara free as she had more energy and strength regained in her body, "What can he do to me?"

"A lot," Nara sighed, "he won't only target you here, but will dig deeply until he finds out your true identity in real life."

"Oh, he wants to pay me a visit?" Bloom lightly said as he wasn't even a bit worried, "let him be, I'm a stingy person and won't offer him a cup of water."

Everyone glanced at him like they were watching a mad man.

"Do you even realize the depth of the pit you threw yourself in?" Nara exploded at him while she felt quite responsible for what turned out to happen. "He isn't just a nobody, he is a rich kid of a very powerful family."

"And?" Bloom kept his careless attitude which made Nara unable to say a single word.

"Just don't give him a size over his own worth," he casually said before adding, "the best he can do is to master all the players he could bribe and make them come at me."

"You are a lunatic," she muttered with disbelief, "your mind's made out of what? Clay?"

"No, neurons," he joked but his joke didn't manage to break the nervous atmosphere around.

"Damn," she angrily left while Jeffrey only sighed. "He has issued a kill on spot reward, and even offered scrolls to help in killing you back to zero," he warned before adding, "and he is quite serious about this."

"Has he posted the video of killing me yet?" Bloom asked about a totally different thing like he never heard Jeffrey's words.

"Damn, she is right. What's your brain have? Green soup?"

Bloom only smiled before saying, "I'm just curious if he would post the two kisses along with the video of killing me or what."

Jeffrey couldn't help but pause as he was totally stupefied with Bloom's logic and attitude. "Man, you are a mad man," he only said before moving after Nara.

"Just a warning," he suddenly paused before seriously turning to him, "don't post the kiss or else the lady will be much enraged about you."

"Who said I will?" Bloom only smiled and his smile and answer didn't satisfy Jeffrey. "Don't say I didn't warn you," he only said that in a warning tone again before turning around as he shouted, "let's go boys, there is nothing here to watch."

The team moved after him while giving their crazy boss an impressive glance. For them they never thought their leader to be this daring and domineering, even being threatened by death himself and still have the ability to joke around and even laugh.

"Sigh, I'm already immersed in this deep pit from the start," he muttered to himself when he became alone, "but now I knew for sure the prize is worth the sacrifice and risk," he cracked a wide smile over his face before adding, "but I need to find a solution for my weaknesses."

He thought about how he died, and now he knew how much he needed an invincible skill more than ever. "How can I get my hands on a couple of those?" he thought as he didn't consider getting only one but more of such skills.

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