NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 237: Activating The Punitive Quest

Bloom reached the village and then he started to look around. Antoan and his team appeared there as well. "What's now?" Antoan asked.

"Spread everyone into a team of ten and scatter all around the village," he hurriedly said before going towards the direction of the resurrection point.

"And?" Antoan shouted from far.

'Just send me their locations and be ready to aid me in a very big fight,' he simply sent to him before he spotted the resurrection point from far.

The resurrection point was somewhere near the central plaza but not exactly in it. There was only a small distance of a couple of minutes walk between the two, and if he was running he could cross it in less than a minute.

"Let's see how you'll deal with this," he smirked before muttering, "Activate the punitive quest."

"You got some courage to come here to die," Gerard shouted in extreme rage and hatred, "who the hell are you?"

"Someone who will make you leave the game," Bloom simply answered while the system alert started to ring inside his ears.

"System alert: The punitive quest of the Swor town mayor is activated."

"System alert: you are an agent of light. Dark times are looming ahead, and everywhere the game world is under constant threat of the dark forces. The darkness era descended, and you are the only shining knight in such a pitch black world.

A sun burns on its own to light the path for others. You are asked to start the punitive emergency call over system settlements once per week. Once issues, the entire settlement will be locked, the tickets will be rendered nonfunctional.

The call will last for one hour. During which any dark player or NPC will be forced to be revealed. Your task is to roam the settlement and start attacking those.

The dark players and NPCs won't be seen by the guards until you clash with them, and you are needed to reveal at least sixty percent of them or else the quest is considered a failure.

Succeeding the quest will give the player good prestige points, increase the player's enmity with the dark camp, and also rich rewards like gold, materials, gears, pets, butlers, servants…etc. the final reward will be determined over the overall performance of the player during each quest.

Failing the quest will cut some prestige points, gears, materials, and ten percent of the inventory of the player.

Player will have to pay ten thousand gold coins per quest if he doesn't want to activate the quest for one week.

Good luck, the entire light camp is depending on your performance."

"System alert: Player can choose when to start the punitive emergency call during the next hour. If the player didn't activate it personally the system will automatically initiate it."

"Hahaha, you are really a piece of art," Gerard was already surrounded with an increasing number of his players who were either killed at the hands of Bloom and his team or were still being killed by Nara and her team.

"We'll see about that," Bloom simply sneered while watching those hundreds of players surrounding his dreadful enemy. "Activate it now!" he shouted and his words were perfectly heard by many, startling all.

"System alert: Player Hannpial has initiated an emergency punitive quest at Serendity village."

"System alert: Starting from now the gates and the transportation portals of the village are sealed for an hour. No one is allowed to come in or leave the village during that."

"System alert: follow the steps of player Hannipal and help him in expelling the dark players from the village. The location of player Hannipal inside the village will be constantly refreshed every minute.

Dying will only cost any player one tenth of his experience not an entire level. Players won't resurrect at the resurrection pond, but will be resurrected instantly at their places with full Hp and magical power.

Any player aids him in killing any dark player will receive corresponding rewards and at the end of the quest players can easily exchange these points for various rewards."

"System alert: any dark player killed will be instantly sent to the prison to be locked there for one year game time. Good luck, valiants, the light camp of the game is depending upon all of your efforts."

"System alert: any player belonging to the village dominance killed will be held during the hour. If he was a light player then he will be resurrected normally after the end of the calling.

If he was a dark player then he will face the same fate as those inside. The final count of points coming from these players will be equally distributed on everyone inside the village during the event provided that they had at least one point in their account when the calling ends."

"Impressive," Bloom muttered in surprise when he heard all these system notifications. "Now I'm not fighting alone, hahahaha."

He was so excited now. Even dying here wouldn't cause that much of a loss. "The game is doing its best to make everyone help me… hahaha, that's amazing!"

He turned his glance over the dark faces of Gerard and his men before taking out his four swords. The swords hovered over each side of his while his face showed a vicious expression.

'Boss… it's bad,' Antoan hurriedly sent to him, 'we are all dark players!'

'Don't worry,' he instantly sent, 'keep them all hidden, as long as I didn't exchange swords with them then they'll be fine.'

'No need for them to aid you then?'

'Just make them spy on others,' Bloom thought for a moment, 'any suspicious ones must be reported to me.'

'Roger that.'

Bloom started to move, step by step, towards his enemies. Each step he took was met by a step backward by everyone.

"What are you standing here doing?" Gerard nervously shouted, "goddammit, he is just a single player and we are hundreds! Just go out there and start killing him."

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