NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 242: You Need To Return

"System alert: player has managed to kill eighty percent of the total dark players inside the village."

"System alert: player managed to cross the baseline of the quest, achieving a gold rank in it."

"System alert: player has the right to take up to eighty percent of the loot inside each player's inventory."

"System alert: the other twenty percent will be distributed over the other players who helped."

"System alert: all the players killed inside the jurisdiction of the village during the event and were found to be dark players are considered part of the player's success."

"System alert: the loot from their inventory will be equally distributed over players who participated in the event."

"System alert: player has gained access to the light camp basic auction house."

"System alert: player gained five light agents tokens."

"System alert: player's inventory is full and can't take all the loot. Player can either exchange them with gold or materials."

"System alert: player has gained one week period to rest before launching the next quest. Launching the quest sooner than that will increase the rest period after."

Bloom glanced over the long row of notifications with a big smile over his face. "I choose materials," he decided as gold coins held not much significance to him.

"System alert: materials are being selected and will be deposited within twenty-four hours based on the total value of the player's reward."

"Thanks dude," Bloom laughed before noticing many flashes of light erupted all of sudden from around. "Sigh, they think they escaped this time, but soon I'll turn into their true nightmare."

Bloom didn't have anything personal about these dark players, but the rewards he gained despite not being too rich, they were still enticing.

"One more way to gain materials," he muttered with a big smile over his face. 'Where are you now?'

'Still hidden,' Antoan sent before Nara sent to him: 'Where are you?'

'I'm going away for now,' he sent back.

'C'mon… I…' she paused while he only sighed.

'How is the fight out there? Have you killed everyone?'

'It's over a couple of minutes ago,' she sent before adding, 'your actions here made Gerard's forces restless, and except for the battle state my men kept them in, they would have escaped long time ago.'

'Good, I don't want Dockrey to have any good fighters left,' he laughed as all the killed were strangled inside the punitive quest extra effect.

For him it was much easier to hunt down dark players outside and let the game imprison them. Despite gaining less in return, he would kill more of those he could kill inside the locked village.

"I also need some normal players to be with me," he sighed, recalling the intense moment when the guards showed up. "I can't drag Antoan and the rest during such a quest."

'By the way,' Nara suddenly sent while he was already taking a ticket to move back to his village, 'Dockrey won't tolerate such a move easily.'

'So what?' he simply sent while moving using his ticket.

'His butler isn't stupid, anyone can link you with Bloom,' she sent before adding, 'not entirely true that you two are the same, but you still use some unique skills and fight the same way like the old you.'

'It's still me y'know,' he laughed.

'I didn't mean that.'

'I know,' he sent, 'don't worry I'm working on it.'

'What if… he tried to kill you… y'know out there?' She seemed concerned about this.

'Don't worry, I'm not that suspicious yet,' Bloom laughed, 'after all Hannipal is an identity he won't easily discover its owner.'

'But you move out with Antoan!'

'Under his lead, not the opposite,' he smiled as he added, 'I'm not the one leading Antoan in front of others, but I'm just one of his men.'

'And he only has a hundred!'

'This issue will be handled soon, don't worry.'

'Do you want some? I have many to give,' she proposed as she was smart enough to understand his hidden meaning.

'Nah, you are infiltrated by him,' Bloom directly rejected her offer, 'I'll seek for others in my own way.'

'He will also send spies into your group!'

'It won't happen fast,' Bloom sent, 'he has first to handle the shock of what I did.'

Just as Antoan and others appeared around him with a bright smile over their faces, Nara suddenly sent him a message that made him frown.

'You should join the Triflet challenge once again.'

Her words made him pause and think deeply about this. 'I just got myself killed for doing that,' he joked while not appealing to this idea.

'It's the best thing to secure your identity,' she sent before adding, 'any way you use will be cracked by Dockrey. You got money, so he does. You know some people? He knows much more than you. The only way to secure your identity forever is by being part of the Triflet competition.'

He knew her words made sense but he wasn't yet that enticed to join the competition until she added:

'In addition to that I'm obliged to select another competitor tonight. I sent the invitation already to Antoan, he should have told you about it.'

Bloom turned to glance seriously at his butler who felt something was wrong. 'He only said you invited him tonight.'

'I didn't state what for of course,' she sent, 'I originally planned to add myself into the competition or refuse it entirely and start a big war inside my own companies for that. But…'

'I understand,' he simply sent while sighing, 'What do you need from me?'

'Just be there,' she said, 'the moment I select one, another analysis like the one you were subjected to will reoccur again. Also that bastard will be there as well to be tested again.'

'Really?' Bloom evilly smirked, 'this time I hope he won't shoot me in the head in front of everyone,' he laughed while adding, 'I'll be there. Wait for me.'

'I will.'

'Also…' he paused before adding, 'to not arouse any suspicion, I'll flirt with Peri not you.'

'This…' she didn't speak for a whole long minute before adding, 'don't love her, alright?'

'Hahaha, don't be silly,' he laughed while she sent again:

'Please promise me.'

'What? Does she have feelings for me too?'

'You… I won't let you in!'

He laughed while writing to her, 'Don't worry, you're the only one inside my heart.'

'I hope you mean your words,' she sent and he imagined her beautiful eyes looking at him at this moment.

'Now I've to go,' he closed the chat while glancing over the frowned Antoan, "We have a very important thing to do tonight."

"The mysterious invitation?" Antoan wasn't stupid not to guess his meaning.

"I'm going to rejoin the race again."

"Hahaha, that's amazing," Antoan was amused by this, "you shouldn't let your girl be eyed by any man."

"I just wanted to better prepare myself before joining again."

"what changed?"

"She has to select a replacement tonight."

"Oh…" Antoan paused, "let me go out then and prepare good security then."

"Don't summon the army," Bloom joked.

"That seems a nice idea y'know," and Antoan laughed before exiting the game leaving him with the rest of his team.

And the looks over their faces when they looked at him were filled with deep veneration and worship.

He crossed the distance between and stood ten meters in front of his team.

"I didn't like your performance out there," he started his words with this while everyone seemed quite nervous to hear this. "I don't need people to carry over, I want players I can count on. Frankly… I'm just disappointed with all your performance back there."

He was lying, but he wanted to show them who was boss and who were subordinates. He didn't miss the first reaction they showed when he showed up, and now he was establishing a new way of relation between them.

"Sorry boss," one player said, "we'll try our best to impress you."

Bloom didn't like this answer but he simply shrugged as he added, "either way I won't settle with weak players like you. If you don't show real progress soon, I'll be forced to find others who can."

His words were light but they felt greatly challenged. "You won't be disappointed boss," another player said while others nodded.

"Alright, disperse and go level up," Bloom said as he casually waved his hand to the distance.

"What about you, boss?"

"I'm going to do what I like, any objections on that?" Bloom aggressively said, making everyone refrain from speaking another word.

"Go now, I don't wish to see you again in such a weak state."

He took out a ticket and vanished from their sight. "I hope this is enough to disturb his intel," Bloom thought to himself as his main goal was to show a totally different personality than the old one he was famous with.

And his poor players were the ones to take the toll of his harsh treatment at this time, but he wasn't regretting it. "I wonder if you'll try to assassinate me once again," he smirked before turning to the village he arrived at and started to walk towards the restaurant there.

He wanted to check his loot from the past quest and see what these agents of light were.

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