NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 244: Going To The Party In Great Show

"It's time."

Bloom was awakened by his butler after hours of playing. He stayed that time inside the game thinking and experimenting about the light auction house.

He went to a hotel inside the village, rented a room there and started to crack down some gears of level fifty and above. He then took these materials and sold them in batches inside the auction.

And just before he could get any result, Antoan had extracted him out of the game, making him glaring in anger towards his butler.

"It's time for the party," Antoan glanced in doubt towards him as he added, "are you alright?"

"Damn Antoan," he moved while pushing his butler's hand away, "I was waiting for something important."

"More important than the party?" Antoan was surprised and his words drove some sense back in Bloom's unsettled spirit.

"Sigh, you are right," he muttered, "is the chauffeur ready?"

"We are all set," Antoan kept glancing at him before adding, "Are you ok?"

"I told you I'm fine," Bloom nervously said, "let's go, I need to breathe some air."

"Follow me," Antoan led the way and Bloom's mind was just burdened by what he was experiencing at the moment inside the game.

And outside it!

Just after he got this bizzare visit from a real game monster in the real world, those two suspicious players came to ask him to join their elite group.

"At every game… huh," he softly whispered before exiting the mansion's main door to be faced with a very amazing scene.

"Antoan…" he helplessly shook his head before glancing over the wide smile of pride over his butler's face.

"If any jerk thought of targeting you again then he should rethink thrice before doing so," Antoan proudly stepped down while pointing towards the small army that he brought to accompany him, "after you."

"You…" Bloom couldn't help but laugh as he walked down the stairs and next instant he heard the sound of a helicopter, a military grade one, flying over his head by less than half a mile.

"Is it for me too?" he pointed towards it and laughed. Antoan was now walking amongst an army of black clothed, dangerous looking ex-military guards.

"It's nothing," Antoan laughed as he went towards the heavily armored military vehicle that looked a bit like a gigantic mutated tank and added, "I've already assigned three military grade satellites to scan the entire zone around us. An ant won't be able to crawl before we spot, attack, and kill it."

Bloom only laughed as he sat in the vehicle while recalling what happened before when he was heading back from such a party. "You are right, we need to secure ourselves as our enemy does," he softly muttered and Antoan took these as words of praise.

"You know this is just to intimidate him," Antoan said while glancing around the thick and heavily fortified anti-missile glass, "if I wanted to truly neutralize the threat, then I'd prefer to go on open war with him."

"Not now," Bloom muttered, "everything will have its appropriate time."

"I'm desperately waiting for that," Antoan viciously said while Bloom closed his eyes and returned to his world of doubts.

'Who are they?' that was the question that kept raging havoc inside his mind without a satisfying end. He was pretty much sure now that this game wasn't simple, and he even doubted what happened to him wasn't just mere coincidence.

"Should I ask her?" he softly muttered while leisurely opening his eyes.

"Ask whom?" Antoan asked.

"Nothing," Bloom yawned, "are we there yet?"

"Almost," the chauffeur spoke in a deep tone that made Bloom realize he wasn't a normal one.

"Are they going to join the game?" Bloom suddenly asked.

"This…" Antoan hesitated, "I already thought but realized if we moved everyone inside then we'll be vulnerable," he said before adding, "I don't guarantee our enemy would go crazy and attack our fort in the middle of the day!"

"Hahaha, that would be a hell of a scene," Bloom laughed yet he didn't deny that fact, "alright, let them be here while we deal with him inside."

"Are you…" Antoan paused as they already reached the outer door of Nara's mansion.

"This is the third time…" Bloom muttered before adding, "yet every time I come here I feel like it was my first," he sighed and Antoan knew he wasn't speaking about the mansion, but its owner.

"By the way," he suddenly turned to Antoan as he seriously added, "I'll go after Natalie tonight, but don't flirt with her assistant, got it?"

Antoan only nodded and he hardly tried to resist a smile to jump over his face yet he miserably failed. "You idiot, just don't make me come and reprimand you in front of anyone," Bloom couldn't help but chuckle and hit him over the head while Antoan laughed this time.

"Mr. Henry," as they descended from the vehicle, he was welcomed by one of the CEOs of Nara. "It's a pleasure for you to be present here with us," the man said before turning his gaze around, "quite a strong protection indeed."

"Last time my predecessor was here he got killed," Bloom calmly said, "and I don't plan to join him anytime soon," his laugh carried his voice inside the mansion even, and the man couldn't help but smile in return.

"This way, please," he said in respect while ascending the stairs, "I'm curious, are you here as a guest or a participant?"

"Does it matter?" Bloom only said this and kept his silence afterwards.

And strangely enough, Natalie and her assistant Peri were standing in the main entrance waiting for him.

"Mr. Henry," the fake Natalie said with a warm smile, "it's my pleasure to have you in my humble party."

He took her hand and leaned over her silk glove and painted a faint kiss inch above her fingers, "it's my honor to be here with such pearl," he softly said while she retrieved her hand while stealing a nervous short glance over her assistant.

"My assistant will guide you inside, pardon me I have many guests to attend to," she excused herself and retreated, leaving Peri, or the real Nara, behind.

"This way Mr. Henry," Nara said and Bloom simply followed.

As of the old man, he only stood there watching this play for a moment before retreating somewhere to tell his superiors about this development.

It was obvious… Mr. Henry here was coming to join the race, not the party, and Natalie knew.

"I just want to ask," as the three moved into a corner where Bloom only sat down with Peri, "does your master know about the purpose of my visit here?" he simply said as if he was asking her for dance.

"No," Peri firmly shook her head, "she only guessed it."

"Only the visit?"


Bloom felt something from the eyes of the fake Natalie and he just wanted to make sure Nara didn't move astray from his guidance. "Alright, what's the schedule of the party?" he asked.

But before Peri could speak, a big ruckus occurred outside the mansion and instantly Antoan moved fast to vanish in mere seconds from the sight of Bloom.

"What's going on?" he asked and exchanged silent glances with Peri who seemed oblivious to what was going on.

And before the noises outside could settle, one CEO came to him and said in respect:

"Mr. Henry, there is a problem with the guards you brought with."

"What problem?" Bloom coldly asked as he was now guessing what was going on outside.

"See, Mr. Dockrey complained about their presence outside the mansion, surrounding it like they weren't protecting you but threatening others."

Bloom didn't speak but he motioned with his eyes to the man to continue, "so Mr. Dockrey saw that it was appropriate to send a couple of his men to ask to leave… away for enough distance," the man paused when he noticed the colder glances of Bloom, "and... y'know, your men didn't receive such orders nicely it seems."

"My men," Bloom said and didn't say anymore.

"I beg your pardon?" the man didn't understand his answer.

"I said they are my men, and I'm the only one to order them," Bloom said before sneering, "if anyone wants to come near them, then he should be ready."

"For what?"

"For his funeral," Bloom laughed, "as I gave them order to shoot on sight."

"But this…" the man seemed quite disturbed and turned to glance at a certain direction where Dockrey was sitting there, like a king, surrounded by many of his dogs. "Mr. Dockrey wants…"

"Tell Mr. Dockrey of yours…" Bloom interrupted his words before adjusting his body and leaned towards the man, "to shove himself inside his as*."


"Scram now or I'll make my guards drag you outside now!" Bloom shouted and his aura suddenly changed. The man felt like he was standing on the doorsteps of death, in front of a ferocious primordial beast and instinctively retreated before falling on his back.

"Yeah… crawl then to your dog master and tell him my answer," Bloom winked while motioning to the scared man to move towards Dockrey while he only watched in amusement.

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