NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 278: Buying A Tuxedo

"Lion town," Bloom said while watching closely her reaction, yet her face didn't change as she started to glance at another screen perhaps.

"Oh, that town mayor is really cunning," she said suddenly, "he has two vaults, not one."

"What?!!" Bloom was shocked.

"One is true and the other is false… that's my guess," she returned to gaze at him while chuckling in amusement, "you selected yourself a very hard target bad boy."

"Sigh, I'll have to check the two vaults then."

"You should, if I were him , I'll make sure to swap the contents of the two vaults with each passing day."

Bloom suddenly realized why there were teams of guards getting out of the mansion when he was taking a stroll around.

"If he would do that," he thought loudly, "then he would need a lot of time and effort, right?"

"Indeed," she grinned as she read his thoughts, "and that means he is using something to help him in moving large objects between the two vaults."

She said that and paused, and that made Bloom doubt she knew something.

"How much will this cost me?"

"The two vaults location?"

"Not that, I mean the other info."

His words made her laugh a very sweet one, "you are really making my day, bad boy. Alright, It's a blessing to work with smart people… for you I'll give you this info for three million dark points, and the place of each vault will cost you one million."

"The second info costs much more than the two vaults together?!" Bloom was surprised by this offer.

"Indeed, after all you won't be able to steal the two vaults without this info… In my opinion it should be worth more. Are you broke darling?"

"I can add double if you would come and stay by my side," he winked with a lewd reaction on his face that made her laugh.

"C'mon, you are such a high bidder! Jumping straight from inviting me to dinner to totally having me by your side," she said amidst her sweet laughs, "let's see how you will do first in this hard nut you have."

"I have two strong nuts that won't crack with anything."

"Hahaha, enough big boy," she laughed, "alright alright, let's go back to business… Do you agree on this price?"

"Sure," Bloom nodded, "and also your fees and tip."

"Thanks a lot, generous boy," her eyes sparkled before adding, "I'll send you a contract to sign before preparing this info for you… ah, I forgot to tell you that preparing this info will take at least two hours."

"That suits me," Bloom smiled as he already had a date to attend, "how can I contact you?"

"Through the contract of course."

"And after that?"

She laughed before shaking her head in a fake helpless way and then she closed the call while saying, "I'll be the one calling you, big boy."

"I bet you'll call soon then," he smiled and he could only see her big smile before closing up the call and the screen went black.

"Check please," he didn't have time to waste here anymore. As everything was settled, he had to wait for her to give him the news.

Just as he waited for the check, he received a system notification of the contract.

"Let's see… hmm… she even included extra backup service and an emergency escape plan in the contract as extras for more fees… she is good."

He found more items he didn't select before and before each one a swiping button to choose them or not. He didn't hesitate to choose all the help he could get.

After all, he was quite sure that the mayor must have installed a warning device in the vaults to alarm everyone if someone broke into.

And so having an escape plan, a back up team, and also a distraction plan and even a decoy seemed quite helpful.

"So the total price is ten million dark points… not bad," he signed the contract and the next moment it vanished and he got a glaring question mark on the side of his vision.

"So this is how I can contact you," he softly muttered before paying his check and then went down the restaurant where he froze in front of two stores.

One was meant for beautiful male clothing and the other was for gifts.

"I can't go like this," he glanced at himself before smiling, "I'm now rich, why not act like one?"

He didn't hesitate to enter the cloth store first.

"Welcome sir to our humble store," an old NPC met him with a warm smile, "how may I help sir?"

"I have a very special occasion tonight and I need a good suit for it."

"That's great, sir," the man warmly said, "you can follow me upstairs to select the chosen one."

Bloom followed him and started to test many suits until one with a shiny black coat caught his attention. "I want this one," he checked his image on the mirror while the man was widely smiling from the side.

"Excellent choice, sir. This is our top quality suit in the entire store. No less elegant than any suit from the big names at the capital, provided by hidden pockets, an indestructible coat that absorbs any hit directed to you for twenty seconds, and it comes with these amazing pairs of shoes with extra buff for speed."

The man turned to take out a small red pin and added, "and our little one here has an extra charm effect that works on anyone. Whatever you say they will consider it as a mere truth and will be seen as a shining star in the middle of a dark galaxy."

"I'll take it," Bloom smiled in content, "how much will this cost?"

"One hundred thousand for the suit alone, and if sir wants extra buffs and even skills then the price would rise accordingly."

Bloom watched this experienced seller and grinned. "Alright, give me the best suit with everything."

"This…" the face of the old man changed for a second before laughing, "it will be great to sell such an esteemed lord but I have to tell you beforehand that the price is going off the roof."

"How much?" Bloom shrugged as if he didn't care much about money.

"One million in price paid in coins or with equivalent items in the same value," the NPC said, "but paying through other means will add ten percent fees for the store."

"I'll take it," Bloom didn't even flinch while picturing himself against that mirror with the beautiful Anna next to him.

"One moment sir, I'll wrap one for you to take away."

"No need," Bloom shook his head while simply grabbing the suit and it was instantly taken off, shrunk in size to be as small as a suit for a baby, "I'll dress it after you get it ready."

"Alright, sir can give me ten minutes to prepare everything, but you'll have to pay in advance."

Bloom didn't hesitate to take out two hundred thousand gold coins from his account plus a few materials and gears. "I suppose this will cover the cost, right?"

The eyes of that NPC shone brightly while moving around to collect everything. "Yes sir, it's really very generous of you to pay such a price for our suit. But I believe there will be extra."

"prepare them in coins then," he shrugged before heading downstairs, "I'll buy something from the next store before coming to get the suit."

"You'll come and find it ready for your special night," the seller excitedly promised before running before Bloom and even knelt while opening the door for him, "I wish you all the luck for this night."

Bloom smiled as he really needed luck to succeed in his tough theft tonight.

The next store has only one level but is very spacious from the inside. The moment he entered it a very fragrant scent was caught by his nose.

"This is such a nice smell," he couldn't help but feel a slight move deep down his body, "and it's very effective against me, hahaha."

"Welcome sir," a very beautiful young lady appeared with a short skirt and a ribbon around her hair, "how may I help you?"

"I want a gift," he said while smiling, "I want a very special gift to a very special one."

"Anything in mind, sir?" The girl smiled while feeling flattered for a man to come to buy something for a girl, even if she wasn't the one to receive the gift.

"Not really," he shook his head, "but I want something that will impress my girl."

"May I know about her character then?" the girl asked, "there are a lot of good items here."

"She…" Bloom paused before laughing, "sorry, but if I told you about her main characters you'll guide me to the weapon shop or the armory of the town."

The girl laughed and this was followed by a strange melody that looked very enchanting to his ears. "What is that?" he instantly asked while feeling something moving, and this time it was his heart.

It was as if this music reached directly to his heart and talked to his soul.

"It's our top special item sir," the girl's smile was so wide that it extended from one hair line to another, "fine taste sir, but this one is expensive, really really expensive."

And when he heard her double warning his eyes shone brighter as he instantly ordered, "led me to it, I want to check it before deciding to buy."

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