NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 336: Taking An Oath

If he knew himself and his abilities best, then he knew for sure he didn't push his enemies hard enough to make them desperate.

They were just feigning their desperation in such an attack to make him distracted.

"And getting to the room from the mansion is literally impossible," he said to himself while trying to unveil the mystery here. "So it's either from the sky or… the ground."

He moved his eyes fast all over the sky and couldn't see anything clearly in the middle of the night. However he was pretty sure to feel or hear anything flying in the air, especially if they were flying near the mansion to crash into it.

That left him with only a viable conclusion… the ground.

"So you brought something to dig the ground… How can I even compete with that?" he couldn't help but sigh. He knew that getting Nara and Peri out of the room safely wasn't an issue.

However, trying to protect the capsules was another thing. Each capsule was so heavy that a group of ten men were required to carry it away.

"A group of strong men… Or one single strong monster," his eyes suddenly shone brightly when he reached this conclusion.

"Listen up," he suddenly shouted at the eighty monster around, "see those things? Each will grab one and put it carefully on his back. No matter what, keep them safe."

The monsters roared in obedience before they started to execute his desperate plan.

"What are you doing?" Nara screamed at him when monsters started to grab the capsules and put them on their backs. The moment Peri's capsule was taken she couldn't help but scream out in panic.

"Jump," yet he didn't answer except with a shout of his own, "jump here now!"

She gave him a shocking glance before all of sudden the entire mansion started shaking. It was like an earthquake was assaulting the area.

However Bloom knew for sure this was only confined to the mansion alone. "No time, jump or die!" he didn't have enough time to jump inside and grab her out himself. So he tried to stir out her panic more in an attempt to make her jump.

And that did really work.

The next moment she started to move. The ground underneath her was now acting like soft jelly. Walls started to dent and crack, leaning over her while thick tongues of dust started to heavily fall from the ceiling.

"Come back," Bloom didn't hesitate to call all of his agents back. Losing them under the mansion wasn't a viable plan. "Jump!" The next instant he shouted at Nara who was now desperately trying to reach the hole in the broken wall.

Yet just before she could reach it, the ground suddenly leaned to one side, forcing her body to glide all the way towards the other wall.

And just as she was about to disappear from his eyesight, he spotted the remaining twenty or something capsules move as well towards the same direction.

And a bloody scene instantly inserted itself in his mind, forcing him to finally act.

"Move," he hit the monster on the back like he was riding a horse with his legs. The monster roared before crossing all the distance to the other wall in no time.

"Break it," he didn't have time for caution anymore. He gave the monster the order to hit the wall with its fist while he used his four swords and used his sword tornado skill.

The walls of the mansion were already under great pressure from the growing and unending quakes coming from the ground. With the combined actions of Bloom and the monster, the wall turned into pieces in the next moment.

"Wait for me," he finally jumped off the monster while shouting this for the monster and Nara. Nara's body appeared in front of his eyes as she was heading directly towards the emptiness outside the broken wall.

And many capsules were ruthlessly hunting her.

Bloom had to jump in the air, precisely aiming for her body. "Catch us," even before reaching her he shouted at his monster.

It all happened in one second as he hit her body, held her in between his arms before another large hand held the two of them.

And the sound of the loud smashing of the capsules over the hand of his monster were heard like thunder explosions in his ears.

Yet the monster's grasp was strong enough to protect the two of them before they finally were taken back over the monster's back.

"Phew, that was close," as he finally stood on the back of the monster he couldn't help but heave a deep sigh of relief.

"W… What just… happened?" Nara on the other hand was totally shocked. She seemed to see her own death with her two eyes just now. Her ashen white face alongside her trembling body was an obvious evidence for that.

"You are safe," Bloom turned towards the mansion who started to crash down on itself, "sorry about your place."

Nara gave him a stupefied glance while her eyes were wide open. She turned to see the mansion. Once a grandiose and very luxurious home of hers turned into such a pile of rubble and dust forming a big hill of nothing but ruins.

"Peri…" she was still shocked from what happened and even her tone seemed shaken.

"She is alright," Bloom glanced around, "capsules work on inside the battery and are linked to the satellites. She is safe… for now."

She gave him a horrified look as her troubled mind only knew what it meant.

"I'm sorry, but we can't stay here any longer," he turned around, "at least you and Peri can't."

"No… No, I won't accept that," she even retreated out of panic and refusal of what he was proposing.

"I have to kill them all," Bloom helplessly shook his head, "if we let them alive then they will just follow us no matter where we go. This isn't a plan and what they wanted will just come true."

"'What do they want?" she screamed in a very loud tone while her face turned instantly red. Her veins bulged out of frustration and anger and her eyes welled up with running tears.

"They… want to stop me from entering the game," Bloom slowly said, "at least for the next twenty-four hours."

"Why?!" she couldn't believe what he was saying, yet he came near her and held her in his arms.

"Don't worry about that. I'm a survivor and a fighter. No one can force me to do anything or make me lose."

He pushed her body slightly away from his embrace while watching her teary eyes. He couldn't resist himself and leaned over her. A soft kiss that tasted like nothing before happened between the two.

"Just stay sound and safe, that's all I'm asking."

"I'm… worried," she couldn't stop crying, "worried on you idiot," she even hit his chest with her weak punches. He let her vent her rage silently while imprinting this moment deeply in his mind.

He vowed at this precise moment… vowed deeply to himself not to let him or the ones he loved to face such fate ever again. He also promised to bring back skies over the ones who did this to him, and he would start immediately with screwing all their plans and get into the game.

That fort battle… that town battle… he swore he would win both of them no matter the cost.

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