NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 345: Bonus Chapter War On Their Doorsteps

***Special Note: Thanks for [[[[ CABAL_Nod]]]] for his exceptional support to the novel by gifting Golden Tickets to it. Also great thanks for [[[[ DragonFire1359]]]] for his great support by gifting Golden Tickets to the novel. I'm really excited to write more chapters now. This chapter is dedicated for the two of them***

"Follow me," this was the first time he stepped into his own fort. In fact he was so excited about it, and also feeling a bit selfish.

He didn't want anyone else but him to lay the first look over his fort.

Bloom didn't give Tony or anyone a chance to argue as he instantly stepped inside the portal. The moment he did, his body was consumed by the darkness inside, feeling a bit cold in there.

Then a flash of light appeared before he found himself standing in the middle of a grand fort.

He stood on top of a giant wall, overseeing part of the fort that seemed to extend for miles around.

Towers rose up high in the air while many trabechaults were scattered over the grand wall.

"So this is the outer wall," he muttered to himself before turning his gaze to the inside. A strong gale of wind hit his body and made his body disheveled, making him look like a great lord of old fairy tales.

The inside of the fort looked vast. Two smaller walls appeared there with defensive and magical towers as well.

And in the center of all that, he spotted a large castle that seemed to be built over a hill of its own.

On one side he spotted a grand extension of broad walls that extended towards a nearby fortress. It wasn't as majestic as the one topping the hill but it looked quite scary.

And there he noticed the five main roads coming through five main gates of this fortress. "A basic grade fortress... yet it looks like a beast of its own," he marveled at the scene before flashes of light erupted and many NPCs appeared.

Tony was in the lead with the other mayors.

The look of this fort seemed to paralyze their thoughts. They stood there in daze looking like children exploring a new world for the first time.

Bloom could only smile in contempt before he finally spoke after half an hour. This was enough for the grand army they brought appeared in this fort, dying the walls in red.

"This is the Regalis fort," Bloom said in a strong tone, "it supervises over five main roads here linking the inner battlefield with the outer one. You take a tour fast and get accustomed to the war machines and defenses here. The fight will commence in two hours."

"What about you?" Tony seemed not to know what to say for a while before he finally spoke.

"I have others to invite," Bloom walked towards the big black ball hanging in the air above the walls. "You have to familiarize yourself fast and prepare a fast plan for war. I will return in less than one hour."

He didn't give them any chance to speak as he extended his hand up to the ball before getting absorbed into it.

The next moment he appeared in a totally vacant town except for a few patrolling forces who remained behind to keep it secured.

"I should go to the Regatos town at once," he took out a ticket, "they don't need to go to the Swor town anymore."

He thought of gathering everyone up before moving them together, yet the presence of the portal solved this issue for him.

However as he was about to use the ticket he paused. He noticed that the portal was still functioning and didn't vanish.

"Should I... Close you manually then?" he opened his profile before finding a green button flashing next to the fort name.

Just as he selected it, the green color vanished and with it the portal vanished as well.

"Good," it was all set for him so he didn't hesitate to vanish and teleport to the Regales town.

The scene there seemed more chaotic than before. The moment he appeared there, he heard a loud bang that seemed unusual.

"What's going on?" as he saw the ruckus and running NPCs all around he couldn't help but stop one and ask.

"It's you," the NPC recognized him, "come, our king is looking for you already."

Bloom ran after him passing through one street as he asked again:

"What happened?"

"We are under attack," the NPC said, "we don't know what happened but all of sudden an army appeared outside our walls and is now preparing a siege."

This news landed upon Bloom like thunder. He didn't imagine this to happen. "Damn!" He clenched his fists while finally reaching the king of this town with more mayors than before.

Their number increased to reach fifteen.

And they all looked quite angry.

"Oh, you came," the king said as he finally spotted Bloom, "I thought you won't come until an hour later."

Bloom stopped in front of them while seeing the hesitation, anger, and even some fear over their faces. "What happened?" he asked the question for the third time in a row.

The king didn't hurriedly answer as he gave a meaningful glance to the NPC who led Bloom here. The NPC nodded and left before the king spoke:

"When we spread the word to our friends... It turned out that not all of them are."

Bloom raised one eyebrow as he realized what happened. "So they drove their armies here? Or they brought the dark forces as well?"

"No, only their forces," the king said.

"So they are preserving the dark forces for the fort," Bloom nodded in understanding, "now we need to move."

"They threatened to hit other towns if we moved," one of the mayors said in pain, "this is all your fault... we shouldn't have listened to you."

Bloom knew he had part of this, but he wasn't the only one to be blamed here. "Wanna blame someone? Why not blame yourselves for a change?" he strongly said without showing a speck of fear to them.

He knew losing such aid would cause disastrous results in the entire fort war. This was a very brilliant move from his enemies, he had to admit that, but that didn't mean he would accept defeat.

"Can you go easy on them?" the king tried to act as a middleman to make peace between the two sides.

Yet Bloom stopped him with a signal of his hand before stepping forward and became in front of all the mayors.

"You are the ones who invited untrustworthy allies here. What did you think? They will be tempted by the wealth and power like you?" he harrumphed before adding:

"You even selected your friends wrong, and you have the audacity to blame me for that? I'm the only one able to save all of your pathetic lives, so instead of blaming me, why not thank me in exchange?"

The mayors seemed on the verge of exploding at him yet the king jumped to stand between the two as he hurriedly asked:

"How can you help them?"

"By winning the war of course," Bloom said and in return all he heard were sneers and even some low tone insults.

"You are too stupid to be mayors, do you know that?" Bloom wasn't stopped even by the firm grip of the king on his shoulder. "You are terrified of this army? Pft, you should wait and see the grand army of the dark forces descending on your towns like a hurricane!"

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