NPC into Player: Let's Wreck This Game

Chapter 351: Bonus Chapter The Mercenary Guild

The king's tone was vicious and made the NPC feel he really meant what he said. Bloom heard that and only smiled before reaching the gate and passed through it.

"Come," his voice came from behind the gates, "let's go inside and talk."

Tony followed him with a calm look over his face while the king stood by the man's side while emitting a dangerous aura.

"Let's go," the king said while pointing to the slightly opened gates, "my lord hates waiting. And so do I!"

The man gave him a deep glance without saying anything. As Bloom expected, this was a real world with real people living in it.

Everything was negotiable as long as you held the biggest weapon.

The man had no choice but to enter while the king kept his distance from him as he walked at the rear.

The inside of the place was really vast. Despite the presence of the five great buildings, each exceeding four stories high, the place looked quite spacious.

"Oh, you've got a garden here," Bloom tried to soothe the atmosphere as he pointed to a central garden appearing in the middle of all the buildings.

"It's the meditating garden," the NPC was very annoyed by their presence, yet he couldn't object loudly at it.

"It's the garden where the top executives of the guild are," Tony calmly said and Bloom caught the end of the line he just exposed.

"Alright, let's go and say hello then," Bloom moved yet before he could cross a few meters, that NPC hurriedly ran to stand in front of him, blocking his path.

"Please wait," he said, "this is an off zone for anyone."

Bloom didn't show any change on his face yet he pushed the NPC to the side while saying, "I'm not anybody."

"Please wait!" the NPC knew he couldn't fight him here, but he also was quite sure he shouldn't let Bloom go in there.

"If you don't shut up your mouth," the king moved at this moment while taking out a strange golden horn, "I'll just blow it and all the army stationed here will decide to take this lovely place as their barrack."

The man's face turned pale while Tony stepped in, trying to act as the calm one of the three. "Why not go and call one of your superiors then?" Tony said, "If you bring someone who can decide any kind of deal then my lord won't move in there and disturb your masters."

The man's face turned even paler when he heard that. He stuttered as he tried to think of any answer he could say to stop these three maniacs from trespassing on the meditation garden.

If he didn't do that, then the price he would pay would be severe.

"Dealer one," all of sudden this soft voice came from the direction of the garden, "retreat now... you are no longer needed here."

There was no shadow of anyone at all from their position, yet that NPC recognized the owner of the voice. And it seemed the owner was a frightening lady as his body trembled involuntarily when he heard her voice.

"Per your orders my esteemed lady," he hurriedly turned and bowed while hastily retreating. For Bloom this scene seemed a bit funny but he didn't laugh or even smile.

He kept his long face while waiting for the owner of that soft voice to show herself up.

And he didn't need to wait for so long.

A very beautiful girl appeared walking leisurely from the garden's direction. She was like a piece of jade, a very stunning beauty with light brown skin and dark black long and silk hair.

Her hair was so long that it stretched over the ground behind her while she calmly walked. She put both hands against each other, making them disappear inside the spacious sleeves of her long pink-white gown, decorated with faint red and purple flowers.

Her black eyes seemed normal, but whenever Bloom glanced deeply at them he felt like he was getting absorbed deeply inside them.

"Watch out from her," Tony leaned over him and whispered in low tone, "she is dangerous."

"I know," Bloom got this feeling when he saw her eyes. He was surprised to see such a dangerous figure living in such a desolate place.

After all, the entire battlefield was a desolate location in his opinion, compared with the lively vast world of the game.

The lady moved without making a sound, and she arrived in front of them like floating over the earth.

"What honor brought the fort lord to our humble house?" she asked in a soft tone and respectful words.

Yet Bloom knew she wouldn't cooperate easily with him.

"Won't you tell me first your name and place here?" Bloom didn't show any sign of weakness and directly wanted to establish his superiority over her.

"I'm Anne," the lady said with a calm smile, "and I'm the vice president of our humble house."

"Where is your president then?" Bloom didn't show any friendly sign, "shouldn't he come and greet me instead?"

"If he is here then he would have personally welcomed you from the gates, my lord," Anne word made her evade this trap of his. "I can comply and please any of your requests, if you may."

"Alright then," Bloom decided to throw the ball in her turf once more, "I want to hire all the mercenaries you can provide."

"Sure sure," Anne nodded in compliance, "once my lord selects and pays for their fees, they will travel fast and join my lord in one day time."

"One day is too long, lady," the king decided to speak up, "the war will be over by then."

Anne didn't seem to be offended by the king's words, as she calmly explained:

"We are prohibited by the game laws from interfering with any conflicts going on here."

"Nonsense," Bloom said in strong domineer, "I know like you know this isn't a game… It's a world. No laws apply for anyone here."

"That's not true," Anne didn't show any sign of anxiety or anger at all, "despite us living in a true world, we are all bound by the laws of the game."

"Then the game should have punished all the dark camp people instead of hiring me to do it," Bloom sneered before his face suddenly changed and his tone grew cold, "I want my warriors, and I want them now."

"I'm sor…"

"If you don't comply, then I won't find any use for such a building here," Bloom turned his eyes around as if he was marvelling the scenery.

"The game won't allow you to do that!" Anne finally showed part of her true colors.

"Wanna bet on that?" Bloom evilly smirked before clasping his hands over the hilts of his two swords that just appeared out of nowhere, "do you wanna test this pathetic silly theory of yours right now?"

The next moment the king took out his grand sword and Tony unsheathed his long sword in a swift move that didn't bring any noise at all.

The three of them were ready to fight, and Bloom was quite sure of his ability to handle any NPC no matter who he or she was.

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