Elias took a deep breath and exhaled copying Emily's process. A pair of wings grew out of his back, but instead of being made of feathers and flesh, these were made of brass and half as big as Emily's. They flapped and hung at his side. The weight of the wings were enough to break his back, but Brody's Exaggerate helped him stay propped up. He walked up to a bolder, every one was deathly silent, still trying to wrap there heads around what he was doing. He raised his wings and in a fluid motion sliced the boulder. His wing moved clean through like a hot knife through butter and the boulder slid apart.

Everyone just stood there, no words. Elias suspected they had never seen an ability like his, or even herd rumors of one. Raleigh stepped forward, "Before you all pass out from not breathing I'll explain something to all of you. Every class has five students representing the five magical branches: Energy, Reality, Power, Earth, and the most powerful of the five Universe. Elias here is something like the written leader of class six, having the base of Universe."

Randy looked at him confused, "But that doesn't explain what he just did. He just copied mine and Emily's magic." Raleigh looked at him with a smirk, "Actually he copied Brody's as well. He has a skill called Sensory. He can asses magic, study it, learn it's inner workings and correctly attune his own to use it." Elias shoved his hands in his pockets, it seems his teacher is a more up to date man than he thought. He would have to be more careful from now on.

Elias saw stars form in his vision, his wings dissipated and he fell to his knees, he hadn't realized Exaggerate would take such a tole on him, he had a new respect for his classmate. Cecilia was next to him keeping him steady, but he was not some weakling who would fall over because of a little thing like this. Emily seemed more confused than Randy was, "But how is it he is in such a low class with us." Raleigh shrugged, "Do you ever wonder why your in this class, or any of you. Class six is the one of the weakest in test scores, but all of you are so much stronger than most the other classes. It's all political, take Victorian. His family is connected with the ruling guild over the providence, because of that his family has connections."

Brody knew what he was talking about, "Your saying they bribed the school to get him in a higher class, such talk get's you fired you know." Raleigh laughed, "Pft, like I care. Those so called Royals can go suck it. And besides your wrong, the testing for school applicants are done by the government and schools like ours just have to seat and teach them. It was only until our Principle, Brady, took up his seat that we started to stand up for ourselves." Elias got on his feet after a second and he popped his back and stretched.

Randy got upset, "So your saying that because these guys cheated we get stuck in the lower classes, that kind of sucks. No offence Teach." "None taken, those Royals need themselves a lesson in power. That's why were participating in this years Selection process for the Contest of Champions." He pulled out five flyers and handed them out. Every year our school, Ellington, and seven others take part in a huge contest. These earn the most powerful of students a chance to show there skills and earn themselves a place in some of the institutes and guilds after graduation." He handed one to Elias, the flyer had a giant golden cup on the front and eight names surrounding it. He noticed underneath there were five pictures of last years champions.

"These guys are last years winners, from Maiden, a school in the north. They have won the contest for the last five years, but this year i'm going to end that streak personally." Cecilia looked up from the flier with madness in her eyes, "Mr.Raleigh, now I never agreed to hiding bodies, but I got a big farm you know." She winked and Raleigh shook his head, "Not like that, I mean you guys, y'all are going to win that contest for me." A couple of seconds passed and everyone including Elias finally understood what he had said, "Huh!"

He nodded, "Yup, you guys will be my instruments of revenge, my tools of change, my prodigies. But first we must win the schools selection process to enter, but such things are a trifle." Everyone looked at their teacher, "You are blinded by something." " I am not, I simply want to raise my student to a new heights." "The qualifying class teacher gets a handsome raise," Elias blurted out. Everyone stared at Raleigh as he crossed his arms, "OK, can you blame me, I need to eat like anyone else, help me out here." Everyone sighed and Randy looked at the Flier, "You know guy's he does have a point. This could do something for us, I know I need all the help I need to make a future for myself. But do you seriously think we can win. These are the best of there schools, some of them even bigger than ours." The teacher grinned, you want my true opinion, I believe y'all are up for it."

Everyone looked at each other, and smiled. "I'm up," "Me two." "Count me in." It might be scary, but I'll do it." Everyone looked at Elias who had very little want to do it. Randy walked up to Elias, "Come on captain, we need a commander to win a war." Elias looked at the stupid grin on his face, no getting out of it. "Well, lets go win a war." Elias hated to admit it but the confident looks on everyone's faces made him feel good, to be looked up to and respected was a much better change. Raleigh looked at his students, "Alright kids, we got some strategies to come up with. Class starts, now."

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