Nurarihyon in DxD

Chapter 45 – Declaration

Because the sun has not set yet, I walked around Kuoh Town to find something interesting. At first, I walked towards the park. I too have some plans with walking around Kuoh Town. Mainly searching for a hidden spot that could be used as a hiding place.

After walking through the park for a few minutes, I didn’t find a hiding place. I only found a couple of lovers flirting while sitting on a bench. I thought with the main character of the story dying here, there would be a lot of supernatural activities in this place. But I was wrong, it’s just a coincidence.

I found an empty bench in the park and sat there. After sitting on the bench, I covered myself in Fear and disappeared from the other’s sight. I turned into my human form and spread my senses to cover Kuoh Town entirely.

And, to my surprise. I could feel the energy that I felt earlier in the day close to me. More specifically, he’s behind me.

I called back my fear and showed myself before saying. “So you approached me? Instead of running away, you come to me?”

I could hear a sneer from the man behind me. “I wouldn’t run away from some youkai if that’s what you mean. Even though that youkai is that man’s son.”

The man approached me and sat beside me with a slow movement. He is wearing black clothes and a robe that has golden shoulder accessories and a high collar around his neck. His hair is colored black, reaching his back while his eyes were red. He also has long ears like elves in the fantasy world, but he’s clearly a fallen angel.

He’s Kokabiel, the former cadre of Grigory, also known as Star of God. His energy is immense, I could feel that he has bigger energy than Vali that I fought earlier.

More importantly, it seems he knows about my old man.

“Hahahaha, it seems that you know about my old man, huh? What’s your story with him?”

I laughed and looked at him with my right eye closed. My golden iris on my left eye flashed because of the sunlight and looked at Kokabiel straight on his red eyes. Because I sat beside the cadre of a fallen angel, I didn’t forget to surround myself with Fear to escape anytime Kokabiel decided to attack me.

I’ve spent a lot of energy fighting with Vali earlier. Not to mention, he halved my strength in that fight and I have yet to recover completely from that. Even with a fast regeneration from my youkai blood and Senjutsu, having to recover half of my strength in less than an hour is impossible even for me.

Even so, I am confident that I could run away if Kokabiel decided to attack me. If we did fight here, I could maybe only able to use the same attack that I used on Vali one more time then I would run out of energy. I better stalled for time for now and recover my lost energy.

“I met him in a certain war between the fallen angel and the devil. The war was located in Japan, near the Edo area if I remember correctly.” Said Kokabiel as he looked back at me. He put his arm on the backrest of the bench and raised his chin.

“You know, that war was incredible. I commanded five thousand armies of fallen angels fighting the armies of six thousand devils. The war lasted for a week, we throw the light spears and the devils throw a dozen of magics back at us. It was exhilarating, even Diehauser Belial entered the fray and fought me by himself.”

Kokabiel started telling me a story with a nostalgic smile on his face. He was happy reminiscing about the past, but that past was a war story. If the past that he told me was his love life, then I would tell him to fuck off from here.

Now, I am intrigued by his story though. Because he said that he met my old man in that war.

“At the height of our fight, we suddenly heard music. Who in their right mind playing music in the war? Because of the music, our attention was shifted. We looked at the source of the music and I shouted at them. I shouted ‘Show yourself! Whosoever playing the music in the battlefield is searching for death!’ at them.”

Kokabiel’s face was contorted to rage as he said that. His hand was gripping on the backrest of the bench tightly, snapped the wooden backrest because it can’t handle Kokabiel’s strength anymore. He raised his hands in front of him.

“When I shouted that, what I got back is a burst of laughter. Laughter from a lot of people. I looked at the source of the laughter closely and a white mist that contains a slot of spiritual energy appeared from the distance. And… he was there. In front of a parade of hundreds of supernatural entities with his smug smile while holding a big red sake cup on his left hand laughing at our war.”

I could imagine what happened. I think that my old man was on his parade at that time and heard the sound of war, so he got interested and check it with his Hyakki Yakkou.

I laughed at his story and that made Kokabiel angrier. He looked at me as if he would kill me at this moment, but I saw him tighten his fist and hold himself.

“I see, I see!” I said while still laughing.

“I bet he came to your war and said something like ‘Yo! Is this some kind of play? Why don’t you invite us?’ while sipping his sake from his cup.” I pointed my finger at Kokabiel.

He looked up at the sky and said. “That’s right. That’s what made me mad. He said something in those lines while walking towards me without anyone accompanying him.”

Kokabiel paused his story for a while and looked at me.

“But, what made me truly mad was because I can’t feel him anymore. A black smoke surrounded his body and I can’t feel his presence anymore! Diehauser Beliel also looked a bit scared when he saw him and decided to retreat with his army. His presence, or rather, his figure itself has ended the war with a laugh.”

That was unexpected coming from my old man. But, that’s expected from him too. His territory become a warzone, of course, he would go and end the war.

I bet Kokabiel was mad, really mad at that time towards my old man. Now that he’s here, I could guess his intention.

“But, even though I am angry with him to end the war and interrupted my fight. I can’t hate him for some reason. He has that aura of leadership. But, I still wanted a war. That’s why I come here.” Said Kokabiel.

He stood from the bench and walked away before turning towards me and spreading his arms. His 10 black wings sprouted from his back and I immediately jumped from the bench and called my Nenekirimaru.

But, he just stood there and shouted.

“You, the son of Nurarihyon. With you being here my plan has changed. I won’t attack by myself, I will bring all my soldiers with me. My target is Satan’s siblings. I come here to meet you because I wanted to declare it. Stop me. Stop me like what Nurarihyon did hundred years ago. If you can stop me, then I will declare it to the world. I will declare that youkai is not a weak race. I will declare that youkai has stopped the great war between the 3 factions. And so, I will declare that you, the son of Nurarihyon is a strong one. I vowed under my name, Kokabiel, the Star of God, that I will declare all of that before my last breath.”

After saying all of that he flapped his wing and flew away.

I made my sword disappear and let out a long sigh. I never expected that I would meet Kokabiel here. Also, I made the situation worsened.

“I need to build my own Hyakki Yakkou now, and I need to do it quickly.”

Author Note:

Kokabiel will be buffed a little because the history of the world changed (Caused by MC's father).

In the canon, Kokabiel strength was divided 3 times by Vali and still had the same strength of middle class Fallen.

Kokabiel is far stronger in this fic compared to the canon because of the changed history, so the MC with only half of his power will had a hard time to defeat him. The MC could defeat him with half of his power, but its hard and the risk is high. That was why MC took a safe measure and engaged him again in the future. He didn't expect that Kokabiel would be stronger than the Canon counterpart.


Author Here~

More than 55 Advanced chapters (For ALL my series)  Are available on my Patreon!! You can find it Here

Most of the money from my Patreon will go to help me write better and Order an Illustration for both of my works. Lastly thank you to all the patrons!! 

Big Thanks to the new Executive!!

- SaitamaBlast

- Terry Luo

Big Thanks to the new Squad Leader!!

- Joshua Smith

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