
5 Dark Greed

It was week before the final survivor of the adventurer arrived back from DarkWood and told the tale of what happened to the group in the forest, the story intrigued the higher ups of FHI due to the signs leading to the possibility of it being a unique demon. This was extremely valuable for many purposes such as if they contact the Federation Affairs and report this and it is a demon or something similar the FHI will get backing etc due to the possible addition of a powerful entity to the federations army. The problem however is if they can 'tame' the demon and that means they may have to report the extent of damage the down has caused even if it shows some incompetence in their decisions regarding its earlier actions.

After the Federation Affairs was informed of the demon they were ecstatic to discover that such a demon could be amongst their arsenal and they contacted the three royal families at the head of each of the three nations within the federation and informed them of the newly discovered demon. They said they would send an arch demon to dominate the demon however if the arch demon fails they will send in special forces after repurposing them from efforts at the resting of the world dragon due to its short awakening.

Meanwhile, it had claimed dark wood as its domain and now it could control the very space within the forest making it into a sub dimension and other such things. She creature no longer had to hide during the daylight hours as it was now the forest as well and would be able to move around the forest freely even without a form and could detect everything in the forest. The forest twas much larger than it initially thought with miles of forest unexplored by it and even a few mountains were within her domain. It had discovered the presence of millions of lifeforms all within her forest such as the elves that it had become curious of before and orcs and goblins even creatures called 'kobolds' and 'trolls' were also prevalent and other such animals.

The creature watched these creature curiously and was confused at some of their activities and so it decided to watch the elves that it so desperately wanted to know about since its initial birth. The elf village was fairly large with around three hundred elves that took up around one kilometre of area for their settlement due to farms and large housing. What was more curious they seemed to have all of their housing except farms built high up in the trees like a tree house city. It watched intently as they continued their days and became even more curious when a elven child seemed to look back at it when it was supposed to be invisible unless it actively showed itself. The child seems afraid and what it presumed to be the mother came over to the child when they cried out shouting 'demon' at it. It was confused, it wasn't a demon so why was the elven child calling it one? It continued to observe the child day after day and became even more curious as it continued on with their day. Soon the child began to talk to it intriguing the creature as it listened to the child speak of games it played with other child elves and things the child had learned from their mother.

When the sun had caused twilight in the sky it noticed something new had entered the forest and went to watch it finding a very curious sight. The strange creature looked like a human female but had wings on its back as well as two large horns on its forehead, it was even more confused at its grey coloured skin and decide to keep watching the curious creature as it seemed to be complaining about searching for something. It watched the creature complain and look behind trees and other areas saying it couldn't feel anything and soon started calling itself an 'arch demon'. It kept watching intently as the arch demon went further into its forest until it reached the village of humans and seemed to be confused at the absence of bodies. It had cleaned away the bodies by absorbing them into the soil which surprised it when it did it itself. However it soon discovered that its power would increase and it would learn even more about itself and what it could do with its forest.

The arch demon looked through all the houses and was baffled, where was the corpses that was so heavily reported by survivors? She was annoyed at the fact that she was called to this forest but knew that she wasn't allowed to leave until she found the possible 'demon' the surviving villagers and adventurer whom all ventured into DarkWood. Going off descriptions, the creature seemed to be made of darkness and its body shape represents that of a small human child with even hair being prevalent though pitch black like the rest of the body and its only identifying feature being the most recalled detail being its deep red glowing eyes. She also deduced it hunts at night due to its colour and the fact that all attacks occur in darkness but had a feeling that it could also distort space due to the report from the magician whom encountered it when a group of adventurers was sent to investigate after a small girl arrived at the town claiming to be the last survivor of an attack on DarkWood village.

"This is such a waste of my time." She sighed and looked around her when she noticed something in the trees, bright red eyes and that kicked her into drive and she ran at the red eyes only to find nothing unnerving her but confirming the presence of a possible demon and a powerful one too if it had the will to not freeze up upon noticing an arch demon. She kept looking around the area where she felt as if something was watching her meaning that she has been targeted by the demon if she follows the information from the magician and the little girl. Soon she saw the demon again, however now it didn't run when she approached and upon sight of the creature she could understand the fear the survivors had about the creature. Indeed it was in the shape of a small child and its red eyes pierced through her very core with what she thought looked like a child like curiosity.

"That's right, even if you are a demon you technically was born around a couple months ago." The creature tilted its head to the side when it heard her words, she rubbed the back of her head in slight annoyance and continued "My boss said to enslave you." The demon didn't respond and so she walked forward to touch the demon when it extended claws from its fingers on its right hand and swung at her and narrowly dodging she was confused at what the demon just done after all there is very few demons that can alter their forms if any at all. When she looked back up she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen as the little demon injected its claws through her skin and passing through her back. She was too surprised too react and began to panic when she felt her core start move out of her chest feeling her with intense pain, she punched the demon and it remained unmoving as she thrashed out it frantically in desperation shouting every profanity she could at it as her life elf there body when the core exited her body.

It held the stone of the arch demon in its hand and upon successful taking of its core it absorbed the core and then noticed that their were elves nearby and saw them looking on with fear as the corpse of the arch demon began to be dragged into the earth by roots thats tightly wrapped around the body after they ruptured from the earth and the soil returned untouched in its place as it disappeared leaving a group of confused elves looking onwards.

It went back to watching the village and noticed something different the elven child seemed to be interrogated by the village elders after the arrival of the elven hunters who told of it- wait it knew something weird about itself? Gender? According to her new knowledge it was a female but of what species she did not know and grew confused before remembering that she was observing the village. When she looked back it seemed that they had started calling her a 'guardian deity' but she didn't know what that was. What did they want her to do? Was it because she hadn't taken their stones yet? She continued to observe them and the child for some reason began to talk to her again and asking if she had killed something, of course she had killed something so she just nodded and the child seemed to be shocked and when he told the elders of this they looked shocked too.

They began chanting something and got her curious as she didn't know what they were doing was it magic and why was they win it? She decided that she would observe the elves later and hunt more goblins and orcs like she had before destroying the human village; And so the all red eyes of death scanned its domain for life as it hungered for death.

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