
9 Injured Darkness End

After Nox had dispelled the shroud of darkness and removed her dark forms the allied forces began to move in towards the forest sparking annoyance in Nox as she had just killed millions of orcs and she couldn't be bothered to deal with even more enemies and whilst stuck in thoughts of annoyance: They began to bombard DarkWood shattering trees and mountains and ruining the forest Nox had tried so desperately to protect. This annoyed Nox quite a lot and suddenly expanded her influence violently and so powerfully she felt she could control all of darkness itself as she began to touch the dark expanse of space with her influence she felt an even more massive influx of power but also still harboured annoyance for the humans and other species whom decided to fire down upon her forest reducing it to what looked like a battlefield. She felt intense annoyance at them for destroying her forest and only felt only murderous intent in that moment as she wrapped a shroud of darkness around the continent shocking the allied races at the sudden return of the shroud.

Then she began mass producing shadow creatures whom climbed up from the ground or came from the sky slaughtering armies and settlements in their advances. She created larger and larger war forms to demolish giant settlements but soon she reached a problem as she had with the orcs and that was their weapons of war. She found that the races had a much more resources at their disposal and so put up a much more fruitful struggle agains the endless darkness. She soon found her most powerful forms being torn to shreds by their machinery and her hordes thinned massively as their war machine of the allied races steamrolled over Nox's darkness. So she created forms of darkness in space finding that they were incredibly more powerful if done so and so she created giant shadow forms in space that released endless amounts of shadow forms down to the earth as well as bombarding the ground unimpeded. Soon the forces of the allies were struggling against the endless waves of darkness falling down upon them from the skies and they were forced into a race for ways to combat the giant shadow forms above the atmosphere and could only make planes that could breach the atmosphere and used borrowed air meaning a very limited battle ability agains the swarms of darkness in space that seemed boundless in number as they decimated the massive groups of planes and airships sent up to combat them. It wasn't long until the allied races tried to intercept the shadow forms being sent down to the ground from the shadow forms by intercepting them in the sky. This did heal the war effort and hold off a majority of the shadow forms sent down unto the surface.

Soon however, Nox noticed a change in the planet as the world dragon shattered the super volcano as it awakened and began to destroy anything it encountered including her forms. A giant hive minded creature arose from the earth much larger than the world dragon and began to release endless forms of biological matter in a similar matter to Nox but with biomass consuming and severing lifeforms in their path. Nox had began to fight against a machine AI also that destroyed many of her shadow forms in engagements in space and soon even more deadly forms arose from the earth or planets in endless combat shattering the moons they fought on and also the surface of Gaia in their endless battle. The allied races struggled against the sudden apocalyptic event that had descended upon the world and Nox resolved to overcome to large amount of enemies that had sought to reveal themselves.

She created a giant shadow form the size of the unclean that rose from the earth and mass produced them to combat the world dragon and other similar forces. She clashed with the machines with more success as she adapted to combat in the endless abyss and both continued to adapt to each overs increase in strength. The world dragon was being bombarded by the attacks of endless armies and held on shattering the very earth in its titanic battles and the unclean dominated a lot of the battlefields but grew at a decline against Nox who had an endless supply of resource to throw at them, darkness. She had kept being atop the battle field but soon grew alarmed when the machine planet had lost to an unknown foe and imploded upon its loss of power.

Nox grew alarmed when a beam of light fractured her shroud when fired upon it and dissipated it knocking her out of observation and into her dusk form and jumped backwards to dodge the very thing that dispelled her shroud that destroyed the surroundings with the impact of their landing. Nox looked at her attacker and was surprised to see a girl with blonde hair and ivy green eyes and night coloured wings protruding from her back and eight swords floated around her ready to attack at any moment.

Nox activated her claws and charged at the attacker and the 8 sword launched at her and they pierced through her shadow form creating immense feelings of burning and pain as they passed through. Nox slashed her claws at the angel who attacked her and the angel dodged backwards only to instruct the swords to all stab into Nox causing intense pain where they had stabbed. Her red eyes meekly glowed in her darkness as the angel stood over her victorious implanting fear into Nox's mind as she dissipated once more dodging the strike from the eight swords as the collided with the earth. She would not fight any further and observe, she had been mortally injured and so was very limited in her abilities. She knew she would not be able to defeat the angel whom attacked her and so weakened Darkness itself retreated from its angered advance.

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