Obey Me

Chapter 112

I Found Out Too Late

Still, Kyrie didn’t respond.  Nathaniel clenched his mouth, then spread his hand out in front of her.  Gold coins and jewels fell between his long fingers.  The fallen jewels collided with the table, making a loud metallic sound. They soon piled higher than the flowers rolling on the floor, and they shone dazzlingly in the sunlight.

[If it’s wealth, I can give as much as you want. To you and everyone you care about. You don’t have to take on the family’s work with difficulty.]

At those words, Kyrie covered her ears and shed tears.

[You do not like it.]

Nathaniel swallowed the treasure piled up like a mountain in his shadow. He smiled gently as if changing the atmosphere.

[Or how about this?]

At that moment, the world flashed and blackened and came back. Around the white table full of jacaranda flowers, all kinds of ancient artifacts were placed from his shadow.

[If you need anything, look for it. Relics from ancient times are difficult to obtain and there are many rare things. There are quite a few good books.….]

Nathaniel looked at Kyrie’s complexion. However, Kyrie trembled as if she was intimidated by the atmosphere of the old relics. It’s a failure. Nathaniel raised the shadow again and then lowered it. Relics disappeared, and colorful old furniture, fabrics, and ornaments filled the seats. 

He thought Kyrie wouldn’t like it, but at the same time he wasn’t sure.

[I don’t know if there’s an item that suits your taste.]

Nathaniel reached out and pulled a nearby splinter and put it on Kyrie’s arm.

When Kyrie raised her trembling hands, he showed some expectations. But her hands only touched her forehead.


Tears soaked Kyrie’s cheeks in an instant. Nathaniel watched Kyrie cry with a distant and hopeless feeling. He pressed his lips for a long time as if he was about to say something, and finally firmly hardened his face.

[I’ll save Aaron.]

Kyrie paused and looked at him with trembling eyes. A faint expectation was reflected on her face. Nathaniel felt lethargic. From birth, he was promised the wealth of all evil, strong, and lewd things. It was a price that could never reach the miracles of life, birth, and healing.

In so many years, he had never felt that it was lacking, but Kyrie wanted only what he couldn’t do.

Nathaniel continued to speak slowly.

[You can trade with death. It’s hard to fully regain his life, but it’s just the shell…….]

The fire that shone briefly in Kyrie’s eyes disappeared in an instant. His gaze was nailed on her as if he would finish speaking irrespective of her response.

[He can say short words, and if we teach him, he will learn at least simple actions.]

But this was the best he could do. Providence did not allow Nathaniel more. Even this required a huge price.

Although it was the most precious thing he had, Kyrie’s reaction was different from what he expected. She gasped with a flute sound, and then began to scratch the skin of her face with the tip of her fingernail.

“It’s not like that……. Save me……. I’m sorry……. I’ll die instead of you…….”

My eyes rolled and blood was reflected at the tip of hEr fingernail. When Nathaniel grabbed Kyrie by the wrist, she burst into tears.

“No, no, no! No! No! It’s my fault. Don’t kill me! It’s my fault! I’ll die. I’ll die.…!”

It was a childlike scream that he saw on that night. Maybe Kyrie was already broken at that time.

(T/N: he is referring to the night when he broke her and she escaped from him)

Nathaniel could not let go of Kyrie’s arm or keep her from crying. All he could do was watch Kyrie crying against the backdrop of the blooming jacaranda flowers. It’s so easy to break but so hard to put it back together.

He seemed to know a little now. How would Kyrie feel when she built a tower that had been destroyed dozens of times by others. How would she have felt when she said that she would trust him and reach out her hand?

But I found out too late.

I found out too late.


Deep in the cell, Emperor Ginger Orewinbridge grabbed her chest and groaned. The surrounding wizards tried to approach, but the Emperor roughly rejected them.

“Don’t come near me! I’ll handle it! It’s my strength!”

Beads of sweat flowed from her forehead. She could feel the magic left by Vallabriga running around in her body.

Vallabriga Owrenbridge was a recorded genius. Unable to kill the Legendary Lord, he devoted himself to research frantically in his later years, and his brilliant achievements were passed down to the next generation, raising Ginger’s magical powers by dozens of steps.  There were some side effects though.


Blood flowed out from her lips. Even if it seemed like she had swallowed it all, they(Wizards) were jumping around, arguing that the mana of the founder was not suitable for her level.

Still, Ginger endured it. Otherwise, she couldn’t defeat the Legendary Lord. For her, the only hope was Vallabriga’s magic. The magic power of the Legendary Lord is vast, but he was definitely closer to a knight than a wizard. In the high technology of magic, Vallabriga Owrenbridge was far ahead from the Legendary Lord. 

And the same was true for Ginger now.

(T/N: it means she is now as “powerful” as Vallabriga now)

“Your Majesty… Are you calmed down? I can’t get used to it.”

The Emperor looked down at his palm with sharp eyes. Soon, a frightening laugh came out.

“As expected, it’s an incredible power. It had several layers of protective magic, but it was so easy……. Huhu, hahaha…….”

The wizard, who was watching Ginger from behind, opened his mouth.

“Will it be okay?”

“As a result, the Owrenbridge family lost all the magic for its later generations.

“Yeah. That kind of small thing happened.….”

Ginger took a deep breath and clenched her hand.

“But it doesn’t matter. Children are all useless…….”

When she recalled Eden living in a separate palace, she showed hatred on her face.

“It’s a shame of Orewin Bridge that such a shortage was my blood. “I’m the child I gave birth to, so there should be no complaints even if it becomes my manure.”

“The oversized bowl is dangerous because it becomes thinner as it is wider. You have to pay attention to the use of magic.”

The wizard who wrote the robe said again.

The bigger the mana, the closer the wizard is to the truth. The senses and vision were generally broadened together, and most of them were accompanied by dizziness and delirium.

The king looked annoyed.

“I know that much.” Great power is bound to come with responsibility.”

She began to walk with a cape around her. The wizard and the gatekeepers followed.

“Rather, let’s talk about Buchanan. What about craftsmanship?

“The citizens of the capital are leaving.”

“They are doing something foolish.”

“What should we do about the Lord Protector being part of Buchanan?”

“Leave him alone. He tries to stop the country from collapsing, but does not intervene in human affairs.”

“Rubinia Orewinbridge is back. Rumor has it that Kyrie Buchanan has gone crazy.”

Ginger paused. The green eyes became thinner.

“I have to use that. Of course, I have to get revenge.”

Then the wizard, who was still behind her, opened his mouth anxiously.

“While the Legendary Lord is distracted by Kyrie Buchanan, wouldn’t it be better to make a full-scale attack?”

The Emperor started walking again after giving a snort. It is spring, but the grass died and the bird left, revealing the scene of a brutal cell. It was none of her business. The Emperor smiled happily as she saw the protective magic surrounding the royal palace.

“Why? Look at the founder. He had put the Legendary Lord to sleep and without Buchanan’s interference, it would have been possible to kill him.”

“But was he really able to kill..….”

“He had been stuck in ice for a long time. If he could have come out on his own, he wouldn’t have been stuck there.”

Still, the wizards’ whispers did not go away. In the eyes of the Emperor, they were all idiots. She turned around and stretched her arms.

“Look! I can do it! It’s possible! Anything is possible with this overflowing power.”

She clenched her fist hard. The hot green eyes flashed like those of a lunatic.

“We will do what the founder did not achieve. I will make it come true. The myth of non-human beings will end in my generation.”

The gatekeepers seemed a little relieved after hearing Ginger’s speech. But the wizards remained silent. By analyzing the results of Vallabriga’s research, they realized how crazy he was about the Legendary Lord. The Emperor was following him no matter how much they looked at it. They did not know whether it would be the end or the new era that this blind Emperor would bring.


It was the day of the meeting at the Duchy of Ciudad. It was a meeting based on the idea that Kyrie might come to her senses a little when she sees her friends.

Since Kyrie was afraid of people’s gaze, the carriage was covered with shades and Kyrie also covered her face with a tulle hat. Still, as soon as the wagon left the Buchanan mansion, she hung on MarryAnne and trembled. For the stability ofKyrie, MarryAnne in the carriage with Nathaniel patted the back of Kyrie.

“… Will it work?”

MarryAnne spoke with eyes like dead fish. Recently, Nathaniel, who did not take his cane off his body, muttered, touching it’s end.

[I hope so.]

The wagon passed through the back garden. The servant, who was told in advance, guided them to the small garden of the mansion. A round table was placed in the middle of the garden planted by the eucalyptus tree. Maria Ciudad, who had succeeded the duke and Laura FortDucaine, were waiting for them.

The two jumped to their feet when they found Kyrie entering the garden.


Nataniel stood at the entrance of the garden and watched them. A spring garden, silver-colored eucalyptus, and a white table with colorful desserts. And Kyrie, who holds MarryAnne’s hand, moves forward anxiously.

Laura ran with the hem of her dress and hugged Kyrie’s neck.

“Kyrie! I heard about you. You’re really (okay)……?” 

The wind conveyed the sound of words. Nathaniel focused on Kyrie’s reaction.


However, Kyrie only blinked like a gentle sheep. Nothing changed. In an instant, Nathaniel’s mood plummeted.

“What is this? Why didn’t you leave and live well? I didn’t want to see you like this!”

“What about the treatment?”

“It’s a psychological shock…… There’s nothing Anne can do.”

“If it’s a mental shock, we should pay more attention to my surroundings. Is it going well with Buchanan?”

“That…… The Lord is reluctant to reveal her condition to the outside…….”

“I know that, but why do you have to go to the capital……!”

Maria rarely burst into anger.

After a stir of confusion swept by, three people sat around the table. Laura tried hard to smile brightly, with her red eyes. (T/N: not her irises but her eyes, she is trying hard not to cry)

“Kyrie! Don’t you need anything? Maria is already leaving, and I’m also leaving soon. Now I’m going to run my family for my self-interest, so if there’s anything you want, I’ll airlift it!”

“Or, how about tulips? Lavender would be fine, too. Let’s go watch it together. It doesn’t have to be in the capital. It’s hard right now, but let’s leave for a few days after urgent work. Or do you want to go first?”

Kyrie did not respond to the words of the two. In a worried gaze, small stories came and went. Then Maria left the two alone and got up from her seat and approached Nathaniel.

“Lord, could you spare time?”

Compared to her confident and neat posture, her eyes showed an indelible antipathy. Nathaniel gave Maria a dull look.

[What is it?]

“I recommend Kyrie’s recuperation. It doesn’t matter if the duke’s territory, no, Kyrie, is already a lord. I ask you to take her to a safe place.”

[Orewinbridge’s movement is unusual. She is safest next to me]

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