Obey Me

Chapter 123

War With The Legend

24. Choice

While entering the Sel, Kyrie walked hand in hand with Rubinia.

“It is protected by magic. To ensure that no outsiders are allowed in.”

Rubinia said so. She had a face that the act of holding her hand was a bit annoying.

The atmosphere in the Sel was different from before. It was a very dark and gloomy atmosphere. There weren’t many people passing by.

“Why is the palace like this?”

In response to Kyrie’s question, Rubinia looked at her gaze.  The garden, where Vallabriga had kept the permanent greenery through the magic of Orewinbridge, had dried up and died.

“Her Majesty’s magic.”


“Yes. She seems to be doing something, but I’m not sure. Because I am ignorant of magic.”

Because Rubinia’s demeanor was too casual, Kyrie realized that she actually knew about the magic.  Kyrie moved her steps again.


“A lot of people quit or take a leave of absence.  In particular, most of the soldiers quit.  Well, you probably know.”


“Don’t you know?”

Kyrie blinked her eyes.  Rubinia grinned.

“How pampered.”

It was definitely Nathaniel’s story.  Kyrie frowned, but Rubinia moved her steps cheerfully.

(T/N: “how pampered” here means that Nathaniel pampered Kyrie so much that he won’t tell her what he is doing behind her back to protect her.)

“Don’t feel bad.  Because it doesn’t mean it’s bad.  It’s just that it’s true.  No matter what they do, the country, the world, the person who comes up with these words is going to do something, but how can a human understand it all.”

She didn’t know if it was a consolation or a sarcasm. Kyrie bit her lips. Rubinia glanced behind Kyrie.

“The maid hasn’t come.  She wouldn’t even let me in, but I thought she’d spend a little more time with you.”

Kyrie remembered MarryAnne.  She had planned to leave in the first place, but MarryAnne first said that she would stay in the mansion.

‘I have work to do, miss.’

With a sunken face, Kyrie just nodded without realizing it.

“I left it.  Because I can’t see anything good.”

“Be sharp.”

Rubinia, who had been going down to the basement of the royal palace for a while, stopped.  Her green eyes became stern.

“Act correctly.”

Is it a warning or a concern?  Kyrie shifted her gaze to the front.

The door opened.  A room full of bizarre magic circles was revealed.  It was a brilliant golden color, but at a glance, it was a magic circle with an ominous energy.  Dozens of wizards were muttering something around them.

After taking a few steps, Kyrie stopped.  In the center of the magic circle was Ginger Orewinbridge.

“Miss Kyrie Buchanan, is here.”

Ginger Orewinbridge staggered up and looked dreary as before. Kyrie was internally surprised at her bones that looked like only leather was placed on them.

“I didn’t know you would come with your own feet.”

The Emperor glanced at Rubinia.  Rubinia approached the Emperor with a charming gait.

“Your majesty!  I told you!  If you use the dead guards, she will definitely come!”

“Yes.  You are right.”

There was a favourability in the Emperor’s eyes when she saw Rubinia.  As she looked at her, Kyrie realized that Rubinia had finally captured the Emperor.

“Come on, Kyrie Buchanan. Long time no see?”

The Emperor came one step closer.  Wearing armor and holding a scepter, she looked as if the corpse of a hero who had died on the battlefield a long time ago had been resurrected.

Kyrie was briefly silent. The Emperor grinned.

“After spending time with the Legendary Lord, it seems that you have forgotten all the manners for your superiors.”

“I have fewer days to live than the days you live, so I wonder if that would be a fault.”

The Emperor went mad.  Her green eyes flashed brightly.

“I like it.  That guts was good.  A person must have at least one wick in his heart. Isn’t it better to die than to be humble?”

As the Emperor finished speaking, she looked at Rubinia once.  Rubinia did not show any contempt, but she only blushed and smiled.  She is a strong woman and Kyrie opened her mouth.

“Born as a human, it is up to you to choose how you live and die.  How can you cut him with someone else’s tongue?”

Kyrie smiled slightly.

“Extremely rude.”

The Emperor’s eyes gleamed like snakes.

“However, honor can only be bestowed by the royal family. No matter what you live for or what you die for, don’t you know very well that the approval of others is also important?”

“I came here to get to know it. Please keep your promise.”

“That’s it.”

The Emperor approached Kyrie in stride and raised her hand.


Kyrie’s head turned. The Emperor grumbled, just as she had slapped Kyrie on the cheek.

“Your teeth are broken.  If only you didn’t wake him up…….”

(T/N: she means Kyrie is acting like a bitch even if she is in unfavorable condition)

“I have no intention of defending it, but after the war, it would not have happened if the founder had not betrayed the Legend.”

“You still like the right sound.”

The Emperor waved her hand once more.  Where there was such power in her hand, which was thinner than her deer antlers, Kyrie was punched by her fist and fell.

“Yeah, Kyrie Buchanan came here on her own feet, and the Legendary Nathaniel headed to Cape Pobe on his own feet.  It’s bizarre, but it’s satisfying.”

Kyrie stopped at the unfamiliar word.

‘Cape Pobe?’

Suddenly, the words of the old wizard came to mind.

‘Because I can feel the powerful magic from that direction.’

Anxiety ran through Kyrie’s heart.  It was clear that the Emperor had prepared something to kill Nathaniel. And seeing that he entrusted her to Leschaux, Nathaniel must have known that too.

[Just for today.]

What expression was he making when he said that? She didn’t notice it because she was obscured by the unfamiliar attitude he had, but it seems that it was a voice soaked in pain as if his intestines were being cut off.

When Kyrie did not speak, the Emperor looked down and sneered at her.

“It doesn’t matter what you are thinking.  The preparations are already done.  With you here, even the Legendary Lord can’t attack me recklessly.”

The Emperor snapped her fingers. The light grew stronger from the golden magic circle on the floor.

“Even so, there is no need to be vigilant.  Not like that.”

Kyrie raised her head belatedly.

“…….What are you going to do?”

“He is a knight among knights.  He offered to meet me at Cape Pobe, but…….”

After she spoke arrogantly, she grabbed her scepter and walked into the center of the magic circle.

“There’s no way a wizard would do something stupid in front of a swordsman.”


Cape Pobe.

A small number of soldiers and wizards confronted Nathaniel with terrified eyes.

Nathaniel was calmly walking near the sea cliff connected to Cape Pobe, ignoring them.

[It takes a long time.]

It was the moment he was muttering.

“Come! Get ready!”

The whispers of the wizards caught his keen hearing. Nathaniel stopped walking.

At the same time, on the floor, about a hundred angles of magic lit up without warning.  Golden energy surged into the sky from the entire area where Nathaniel was standing.

At the same time, the sky darkened as if night had come. Nathaniel shook his head.

In a village, a multidimensional space magic large enough to swallow was opened in a circle. Hundreds of golden wedges could be seen gliding through the barbed, purple curtain that obscured the sun.

There are about a dozen dimensions of such a mystery.  Nathaniel smiled as if surprised.

[It’s pretty good.]

The magic came down.


It was indeed a bombardment.  Cape Pobe was seen bursting out in real time on a magical mirror-like thing made of silver. Kyrie covered her mouth without realizing it.

“Don’t stop, he is not going to die at this level.”

The scepter held by the Emperor looked like a huge lightning bolt with seething magical power.  Whenever the magical powers made a rattling sound from the royal scepter, the medium of magic, the overhead gate connected to Cape Pobe also vibrated.


The Emperor roared. In line with that, the other wizards surrounding the magic circle reverently and solemnly instilled magic into it.  And the people on the edge started to fall one by one.

“What is this……”

Rubinia approached Kyrie, who was unable to continue her words due to shock.

“It gives her magic.  Only Her Majesty the Emperor has learned the magic of Orewinbridge, and therefore, she is the only one who can face the Legendary Lord.  Wizards are just providing magical power.”

As if responding to Rubinia’s words, the Emperor swung her scepter wildly. Another wizard fell. There was no place where blood did not flow from her eyes, nose and mouth.

“Did you have to do this?”

“Her Majesty’s will.”

Rubinia said coldly.

“More than that, he seems to know you are here so he isn’t attacking. With the skills of the legendary lord, can’t he somehow attack from there?”

“….I do not know. Because that’s not what it is.”

“Yes? Huh. In fact, he’s perfect as a weapon of war.”

Kyrie bit her lip and looked at the Emperor again. The royal scepter flashed. Thunder and lightning struck Cape Pobe.  Enormous magic that could end any war at once, no matter how big, was pouring down on just one person.


At one point, blood flowed from the Emperor’s lips. A man who appeared to be the commander of the magic corps exclaimed.

“This is dangerous!  You have opened too many gates!  The human body can’t handle it…..!”

“Don’t be fussy. (What about) Legend?”

The Emperor asked in a gloomy voice as she wiped her blood. Naturally, everyone’s eyes turned to the magical silver plate floating in the air.

A soft, solemn whisper was heard in the thick smoke.

[It is quite good, but it is not enough.]

In the smoke as huge as a cloud, a very large, black shadow could be seen.  Maybe everyone didn’t think about it for a while.  It was indefinite to be a silhouette of a human or an animal.  And even though it was clearly hidden by the smoke, she couldn’t shake the impression that its body was somehow bigger than the smoke.

Then, through the smoke, Nathaniel walked out.  Holding a white sword, with a faint smile.

There was no dust on the robe.

[Do not disappoint me.]

He whispered as he rolled his blue eyes.

There was silence in the royal palace.  Even Kyrie, who had been watching him the whole time, stopped thinking for a moment.

Overwhelming strength. Relaxed. A heartless beauty.

How can I not be enchanted?


The Emperor raised her voice. There was madness in her voice.

“You have to come out like that!”

At the same time as her cry, the wizards fell all at once with blood bubbles.  A different kind of magic was cast than before.  The overhead gate connecting Cape Pobe and the Royal Palace made a terrifying sound.

“I can kill……have to!  I can kill you!  Vallabriga had only put you to sleep, but I will kill you!”

Blood gushed out of the Emperor’s mouth and burst out.

“Not yet, not yet, more……!”

The Emperor did not let go of the scepter even though she was bleeding.

Kyrie had no choice but to stick to the wall and watch what was in front of her. It wasn’t a matter for a human to intervene.  Even Kyrie, who had no magic power, could feel the flow of magic that made her whole body tingle.

“What, what……!”

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