Obey Me

Chapter 2.3


The guide was startled and looked at Kyrie, but she smiled leisurely.

“What warning is that?”


The owner of the inn, who was about to go up to the second floor, stopped midway on the stairs.

The ceiling on the first floor was low, so his face was only half visible.

Because of that, , Kyrie could not see what kind of facial expression he was wearing.

“It means don’t make a fuss here and there. ‘Cause you’re the one who’s going to be in danger.”


“I’ll guide you.”

Valdir looked solemnly at the guide’s notice and was about to cut in between their conversation, but Kyrie stopped him

Whatever it is, it’s an inn, and it’s enough to stay quiet until the snow stops.

There is no need to make a fuss.

In addition, Kyrie read the faint fear of the guide and the words of the innkeeper.

‘What is there to be afraid of?‘ (T/N: The Male lead)2

Kyrie let the knights and servants rest with a sigh. She can’t wait for the snow to stop.

When she went into the best room and sat on a sleazy wooden chair, it seemed like the forgotten fatigue was coming.

MarryAnne, could you brew me some tea?”

Said Kyrie while pressing on the migraine that began to grow again. But there was no response from MarryAnne.


She looked to the place where MarryAnne was and saw her looking stiff.


She looked scared. Come to think of it, MarryAnne seemed to be very nervous from the moment they entered the village.

“MarryAnne. What’s going on?”

“Lady, MarryAnne….. is scared.”

MarryAnne whispered, moving her big eyes from side to side. There was no usual cheerfulness to her tone.

“Nearby us there is a frightening…. There’s a big one, Miss…MarryAnne is scared, miss……”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Anne. You’re scared? About what?”

“The scary thing is asleep, young lady, the young lady has to get out of here quickly. MarryAnne can tell..!”

A thought flashed through Kyrie’s mind.

“That’s the ‘smell’, Anne?”

She nodded carefully.

MarryAnne had a better sixth sense than the average person, and was able to take on the ‘smell’ of all kinds of magical and dangerous things.

The man who had Anne-Marie said that she was of a non-human lineage, and that her blood remained strong.

She doesn’t completely believe that, but now she’s sure that MarryAnne…..

“I can sense something bad, young lady.”

If there is, something would have happened.

Kyrie’s face hardened.

“Is it very dangerous? Should we leave right away?”

“It’s not, it is sleeping. I am not sure if it is really sleeping. But when the snow is covered and the world is quiet… I can hear the sound better. So please be careful.”

MarryAnne murmured with a pale face, trembled.  She soon dropped her shoulder.

“…I’m going to brew the tea, young lady! You can never come out of the room! MarryAnne will protect you!”


Before Kyrie could catch her, Anne-Marie left the room like a flash.

In an instant, only Kyrie remained in the room.  Perhaps because of the snow, the surroundings were strangely quiet.

Kyrie muttered, staring blankly at the falling snow from the window.

“What are you talking about…?”

The innkeeper’s meaningful words filled her with ominous feeling.

She turned her head away from the heavy snow falling as her anxious eyelids finally closed down.

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