Obey Me

Chapter 66

Take Care of Your Meal


“Why can’t you do it when you’re an adult?”

“……I know.”

Federica looked at Kyrie with pitiful eyes.

“Unnie, it’s okay. You’ll do better in your life.”

“Thanks for your concern, Federica.”

Kyrie replied calmly. Federica took her thumb out of her mouth and smiled broadly.

“Let’s go eat then, Unnie.”

The child reached out her hand full of saliva to Kyrie. Kyrie took the little hand without realizing it. 

(PR note: don’t do this, wash your hands.)

“Let’s go eat?”


“Federica, let’s go when your mother gets back.”

“My stomach is growling so much! Mom said I’d die if I heard a lot of growling!”

There was no time for Kyrie to stop. Federica immediately stormed out the door.


Kyrie was led down the stairs by Federica with only a shawl. Fortunately, Federica arrived with Kyrie downstairs. Perhaps not once or twice, Federica skillfully opened the door downstairs without knocking.

“Ma’am Corey! Ma’am Corey!”


The woman who was coming out wiping her hands was surprised to see Kyrie.

“Federica, do you know her?”

“Yes, it’s Kir! Ma’am, I’m hungry, can you feed me? Kir is hungry, too!”

“Federica, I’m fine. Let’s go back.”

Kyrie pulled Federica’s hand, covering her head with a shawl. But Federica was incredibly powerful.

“Unnie, my stomach was growling again!”

Federica had Kyrie sit down at the table. Then she started chatting with a friend of her age who ran out of the other room.

“Annie, look at Unnie, she’s like a princess, right?”

“Who is she?”

“She is indebted to my family!”


“Huh?” (Kyrie)

Federica looked back at Kyrie.

“Unnie, don’t you have a house? Why do you sleep in my house?”


“Why are you wearing it? You take off your clothes at home.”

Kyrie was busy smiling at the children looking up at her with bright eyes and covering her face for a woman standing with a frightened face. Then the woman stepped up between Kyrie and the children.

“You guys, get in the room for a second!”


“Mom, why? We’re going to eat and play outside.”

“Go in!”

The children entered the room with sulky faces. The noisy surroundings quickly became quiet.

The woman, called Corey, stood for a long time with a white face, and was dismayed and surprised when she heard the soldiers’ footsteps outside the window. Corey asked with a determined look.

“You’re a noble woman, aren’t you?”

Kyrie put her hands together, straightened her posture, and answered.


“The soldiers are looking for Miss Buchanan…….”

Then the shawl, clumsily wrapped over her head, fell off. When glossy light purple hair was revealed, Corey freaked out.

“Oh, my God. God…!”

Corey stepped back. She closed the small open wooden window tightly and took a deep breath.

“Why, why are you here?”

“It’s an accident. I’m sorry. I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Legendary Lord is looking for you, isn’t he? Shouldn’t you be in the palace?”

Kyrie looked wonderfully calm at Corey, terrified as if she had seen something she shouldn’t have. Far from being upset, she felt sorry. No wonder she didn’t want to get involved with a woman like this who didn’t know what would happen.

Corey whispered in a trembling voice.

“I’m sorry, but please leave. I have a family to protect. Please understand…….”

I know how you feel. 

Kyrie took a step back.

“……I’ll be right there, but Josephina left Federica to me. Please don’t let Federica–“

“I’ll take care of her! Please! Please…… please leave before the soldiers know.”

Corey gasped and shouted. She thought she’d faint if Kyrie said something more. Kyrie picked up her shawl.

“I’m sorry to interrupt.”

It was the moment she grabbed the doorknob to leave the house.


Federica stormed out of the door.

“Where are you going? Are you going to eat something delicious without me? Federica will leave too!”

“Hey, Federica!”

Corey tried to stop her, but it didn’t work. Federica rushed straight to Kyrie and jumped into her arms.

“Federica, wait, it’s dangerous……!”

Unfortunately, Kyrie didn’t even have the strength to support the little girl. Unable to beat Federica’s weight, Kyrie collapsed behind her.

“Huh? Uh, hey! Unnie!”

After that, for a short time, Kyrie’s vision blackened out. She thought it was for a while, but it was probably more than a few minutes.

When she opened her eyes again, Kyrie was lying on the floor. Seeing Kyrie open her eyes, Federica cried and hugged her.

“Sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Hueng!


“Oh, my God. Oh, my God.….”

Federica cried loudly, a little kid crying next to her, Corey was fidgeting with a strangled face. Despite the chaotic scene, Kyrie calmly grasped the situation.

‘It looks like I passed out for a while from a concussion.’

Kyrie sighed a little. She still had a slight headache, but she smiled at Federica without showing it.

“Federica, where did you get hurt?”

“I’m sorry, uh-huh, I’m sorry…….”

“It’s okay. Are you hurt?”

“It’s okay because you supported me…….”

Kyrier patted Federica’s head, which was whimpering.

“It’s dangerous, so you shouldn’t jump into people next time. Okay?

“I won’t…….heuk.”

“Good girl.”

Kyrie patted Federica on the back, who dug carefully into her arms. Corey, who was looking at the scene, looked a little surprised. She had a really frightened look on her face, and the field murmured breathtaking words.

“Miss, you’re not what I thought you’d be…….”

Kyrie laid down and turned to Corey. She picked up what to say for a moment and opened her mouth.

“I’m sorry. I might have a head injury. I’ll lie down for a while and leave right away, so can you understand until then?”

Corey’s eyes shook. Corey, who was wandering around the room with her trembling hands covering her mouth, soon knelt in front of Kyrie with determined eyes.

“Children, I’m moving her to bed, so help me, okay?”

“Oh! I’ll help you!”

“Mom, I’ll leave the door open!”

Corey said without making eye contact with Kyrie.

“You too… Wait a minute, I’ll lay my hands on you…….”

“I’m fine. I’ll be out in a little while if I feel okay.”

Kyrie threw out her hand, but Corey raised Kyrie’s body firmly, apparently already determined. Corey smiled awkwardly at the unexpectedly light body.

“……You’re too light. I’ll give you something to eat if you lie down.”

“No! Don’t do that. This could be dangerous.”

Corey’s hands were still shaking, and her eyes were filled with fear. Still, she didn’t lift Kyrie and throw her out.

“How can I throw away a sick person… I won’t tell the soldiers, B, but you’re hurt, please…….”

Corey murmured with a look of tears. Realizing she couldn’t stop her, Kyrie finally nodded.

Corey managed to show something like a smile, and then went out, putting Kyrie on the bed and offering to set the table. She said she didn’t want to eat, but she couldn’t hear it because her stomach was making embarrassing noises.

It was time for Federica and Federica’s friend Annie to jump next to Kyrie, making warm air. The wooden window next to the bed made a knock, and the window opened carefully.

“Miss Buchanan, have you ever been in a place like this?”


Joey whispered in a tense voice, with only a black shadow visible through the window.

“We’ve got a problem.”

Kyrie jumped to her feet. Trying to say something, she first turned to the children.

“Federica. And, did you say Annie? Can you leave me alone for a minute?”

Federica nodded and held Annie’s hand.

“Mom told me to listen to the Black Man. Sister, can I take Annie out?”

“Thank you. Please, Federica.”

“Yes! Let’s eat together when it’s over!”

As the children left, Kyrie asked in a hurry.

“What do you mean? Did something happen to Maria and Laura?”

“They have been detained at the palace, but they are fine. However, there is a problem with the escape. We’ve lost contact with the command.”

“Lost contact?”

“It looks like the Legendary Lord had his hands on it. Currently, all roads to and from the capital are blocked. Fortunately, I don’t think he has noticed that you’re here, but I think you should be hiding here a little longer.”

“But we can’t do them any more harm.”

Kyrie said calmly, recalling Corey’s terrified face. But Joey was also cool.

“They are getting the right compensation. Don’t mind it, Miss Buchanan.”

Joey’s answer was as hard and unobstructed as reading a dictionary.

“Also, measures are already in place for the current situation. However, it takes some time to prepare, so please be prepared for the future while you are there.”

“Prepare?  What are you talking about?”

Joey replied in a very strong tone.

“Take care of your meal.”

Strangely enough, Kyrie somehow felt there was something Joey hadn’t said. And the way he was trying to feed something, funny enough, reminded her of him.

[Wash up and eat. If you call me again for this, I’ll throw you in the flour.]

But she quickly erased the idea. Maria was the one who brought it herself. If she didn’t trust her, who would she trust?

“Okay. I’ll do that.”

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