Obey Me

Chapter 84

Beg For Death

15. Liar

It rained all over the continent. At the Great Library of Pronoa, Chairman Temar stared blankly at the rain knocking on the window.

‘I don’t even know how the day went by.’

The Legendary Lord appeared, and Dr. Seward collapsed. Before he collapsed, Dr. Seward let out a shriek full of dismay and went mad despite the treatment that followed.

‘What the hell did you see over the horizon?’

He is curious about the truth, but he didn’t want to go crazy. Scholars who have been informed of the situation are understandably discouraged. The same was true of Temar.

‘I wonder if the woman, Kyrie Buchanan, ran away well.….’

Temar was in the middle of that thought. He could see a black stain fluttering in the distance over the window.

“What is it?”

It was the moment he squinted his eyes to see the stain more closely. Something white flashed.



The window on the front was broken at the same time. Temar managed to avoid it by throwing himself under the table.

‘What the hell is today?’

Temar held his head out on the table with a tearful face. Then he was caught wearing a black cape, fluttering like wings, in his view.

“T, the legendary lord?”

Temar, who said so without realizing it, covered his mouth.

The Legendary Lord came to him at a rather rapid pace after finding Temar. Only then did Temar notice that he was holding someone.



Temar cautiously approached the woman he had laid down. Her pale face and light purple hair were tangled in the rain. Blood was dripping from both legs as if they had been slaughtered. Temar was appalled.

“…is it Kyrie Buchanan?”

[Treat her, by all means.]

“M, m, medical class”

Temar shouted hastily. Soon after, doctors residing in the Great Library came running on the call. They checked Kyrie Buchanan’s condition and took her on a stretcher, shouting that the condition was urgent.

Only then did Temar breathe.

“Oh, what a coincidence.….”

While muttering, he turned his head when he realized that the legendary lord had not left yet. The legendary lord Nathaniel was standing in a rainy garden. His gaze did not fall from the door that Kyrie Buchanan was lifted out.

‘Are you worried?’

With that thought, Temer, who looked at his face, closed his mouth without realizing it.

It was a terrible face. Even among the tranquility, there was a clear feeling that he would tear someone to death right away. But at the same time he seemed to be scared of something. That can’t be true. Even though he’s a great, arrogant legend.

However, the expression quickly disappeared when he was conscious of Temar’s gaze. Nathaniel lowered his head a little with a heavy fatigue movement.

[What about Gray Buchanan? He’s gonna have one little thing.]

“What? Buchanan’s eldest son left Pronoa during the day.….”

[…he ran away]

When he saw his black pupils growing, Chairman Temar managed to maintain a smile.

“I, I heard you left something in the Great Library!”

[Open it and send it to Kyrie]

“I , I’ll do it right away…….”

The conversation was cut off. The two remained silent for a while, and Temar, who couldn’t stand it, started the game first.

“It’s, it’s, it’s raining…….”


“Would you like to hear……?”

Temar took a step back and spoke out.

Nathaniel stood in the rain for a while without answering. He looked tired, even though he was obviously in a straight line.


Soon after, Nathaniel turned heavily. Temar had no choice but to watch his body disappear into the darkness.


The wagon ran in the rain at a high speed. The frightened horseman whipped the horses. His face was visibly white even in the dark contrast.

Gray in the wagon was also beside himself. Hours since he got out of Pronoa. Thanks to the top speed, the streets have already widened considerably. Although the speed slowed down a little due to the heavy rain, Gray was relieved to think that he had safely escaped from Pronoa.

Then, it had been 15 minutes since the horseman started running, saying, “Something is coming.”

“What the hell! What the hell!”

No one answered Gray’s cry. Neveah, who was riding in the carriage together, clenched her fists and examined the surrounding signs. She broke out in a cold sweat. A terrible thing was coming after them.

“Young master.”

“Why? What is it? Is it the legendary lord? It’s the legendary lord! I’ve been running this far, haven’t I? Say no!”

Neveah swallowed her saliva.

“You have to stop the wagon.”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

“It’s too late, young master.”

Gray’s expression collapsed. The purple eyes resembling Cesar were filled with fear. He soon dropped his head.

“No……. Not yet, there must still be a way……!”


Neveah ordered the carriage to be stopped by opening a window connected to the tombstone. When the carriage stopped, the sound of the rain knocking on the ceiling rang inside the stable carriage.

And at one point, someone was sitting across from Gray, next to Neveya. It happened in a blink of an eye.


Gray, who was belatedly surprised, freaked out and stuck to the wall.

Nathaniel looked at it and didn’t say anything for a while. With his long legs crossed and a cane on it, he looked as if he was lost in thought. She couldn’t see him well because it was dark.

Gray, who was looking at his surprised heart, soon forced a smile.

“Mr. Nathaniel, I see you all in places like this, don’t I? No, but what should I do because you are all wet? Oh, my God!

Gray said in a trembling voice. Neveah put strength on her hands on her knees without saying a word. It wasn’t a very good greeting, she thought. It was clear that her owner was now so paralyzed that he could not judge it.

Nathaniel slowly waved his cane across his knee. Rainwater dripped down from the end of the cane.

[I asked you to send the luggage.]

“Oh! You mean baggage?”

Gray smiled coolly as if he had just remembered.

“Haha, let’s get someone to do it! I said to deliver it, but I guess I didn’t work properly!”

[I wouldn’t have told you if I was going to make you do it]

“Yes, you are, but haha! Well, my father’s been looking for me so much…….I-I had to go to the capital, so I couldn’t help it!”

[Kyrie was in danger.]

“Really? Oh, dear….”

It would have been better to die. Gray hid his innermost thoughts and managed his facial expression.

“Is Kyrie alright? You wanted to see her that much, but can you stay here.…?”

The blue eyes in the dark bent beautifully at the words. Rather than really laughing, it was more like trying to show a smile.

[If it wasn’t now, I wouldn’t be able to deal with it.]

He said so and moved his cane. The tip of the cane touched Gray’s chest. Rainwater made a dark dot on Gray’s clothes.

After seeing it, Neveah turned her head with her eyes closed. Only then did Gray, who realized the meaning of the move, inhaled urgently.

“I’m Orabi of Kyrie!”

(T/N: elder brother)

[I’m sure you are, Orabi, who abandoned his sister.]

The darkness answered. The cane was steady.

“Mr. Nataniel, you may not know, but for ordinary people, blood ties are enormous. The enemy of a family can never be forgotten!”

[That’s too bad. Kyrie won’t do that.]

“What…?! Kyrie cooperated in killing me?”


Nathaniel’s lips moved softly.

[Kyrie will never know what happened to you. Right?]

His question was directed at Neveah next to him. Neveah breathed in, and Gray’s eyes grew bigger. Three people exchanged their eyes briefly.

A master who did not know his place, and a beautiful, wicked, elegant and sinister thing.

There was nothing to say.

“Of course.”


[That’s smart. Great.]

At that moment, Gray fell to the floor like a piece of wood. There were no screams and no figs. He just seemed like a person who suddenly fell asleep.

Neveah checked and asked Gray’s condition, which slowly died like a palm tree.

“…May I ask about his condition?”

[He is conscious. He just can’t control himself. He is perfectly sane.]

Nathaniel chuckled while biting his cane.

[I’m sure you’re listening to this, too. You’ll hope for a chronic disease. The longer you live, the more painful it will be.]

“……What am I supposed to do?”

[Take him back and let them know that Buchanan’s successor is no longer able to function due to ‘some kind of accident’.  From then on, if you don’t stand out from me forever, it’ll be perfect]

At the cruel words that flowed out as if he had been envisioned in advance, Neveah looked over the wagon toward the horseman.

“I’ll have a wagon accident.”

[Of course. Raindrops are dangerous.]

Neveah was silent. She didn’t open her mouth recklessly despite the uncomfortable silence. There was no nerve to prevent a man from being soaked in rain and lost in thought.

For a while, only the sound of the rain knocking on the wagon resonated loudly.

[Did you bring Kyrie, too?]

Nathaniel asked suddenly. Neveah, who didn’t know he was going to talk to him, could not answer for a moment.

“I kept seeing her in the mansion before he left for the North Continent.”

Her barely heard voice was stiff as she heard it. Nathaniel’s eyes glided at Neveah. In the dark, only blue eyes could be seen shining in a particularly clear color.

[Is it always like that?]

“What are you talking about….”

[It’s supposed to be…….]

Nathaniel’s fine eyebrows are slightly wrinkled.

 [Don’t you know that your life is precious?]

He said it, and he showed faint disapproval of whether he thought it was inappropriate.

Neveah steadily recalled the lady in the mansion. Kyrie Buchanan, what kind of person is she?

“…I’m a single servant, so I can’t comment on her behavior. But once she confronted someone, she never bent.”

[But it’s me.]

What does he want to hear? Neveah was silent.

Nathaniel crossed his legs and rested his chin. Gray’s cheeks were kicked by the wind, but no one cared.

[Everyone kneels down in front of me and wants what they don’t have. Power, power, wealth, honor, more fearless things want my loyalty.]


[But, the only thing she risks her life for is….]

Only she’s been out of words since then.

He seemed lost in thought again, using the sound of rain as an accompaniment. Drenched in water, the atmosphere was three times more decadent than usual.

Neveah clenched her fist secretly. What the hell did she do to this dangerous creature? Apart from the beauty, just sitting in the seat makes her shudder.

[Is that a lie?]

The Legendary Lord suddenly asked. In the dark, he looked at Neveah with an innocent face like an expressionless child.


[You think it’s a lie? Answer me.]

It was an unidentified question with it’s head and tail removed. The emotionless blue eyes gave no clue which one was the answer. Under pressure, Neveah’s spirit was already at a dead end. She was suffocated like a person in the sea. She eventually vomited something out of her mouth without even realizing it.

(T/N: “with it’s head and tail removed”: it means there is no subject attached, meaning as such to the question)


Only after Nathaniel said so did Neveah realize that she had answered something. What did I say? However, Nathaniel’s expression remained the same.

[Is that so?]

Nathaniel mumbled, lowering his eyes. Neveah’s heart was beating so hard that it was about to slip out of her mouth.

If I didn’t answer correctly, dying like Gray Buchanan might lead to a better life.

The Legendary Lord didn’t tell the answer. He told a different story with a cold, chilly face.

[Is Buchanan looking for Kyrie?]

Now the story that Neveah knows has come out. It’s a story of reality that’s not too grand.

“Yes, he found it and asked me to bring it to the capital.”

[Tell him to stop because I have her.]

“I see.”

Nathaniel smiled faintly in the dark. He seemed exhausted somewhere.

[You’re smarter than your master.]

He melted into the darkness and hid himself.


Kyrie opened her eyes. The first thing that greeted her was dull pain. Her whole body felt numb in a heavy cotton ball. Curtain flowed like a wave from the edge of view. Over the translucent fabric, she could see the sky dripping with rain. Looking at the sparkling windows, it seemed to be the Great Library of Pronoa.

‘I’m alive.’

Kyrie thought as she listened to the sound of rain in a daze.

Then the door burst open without knocking. Kyrie’s eyes turned to the door. Soon she screamed in surprise.



It was MarryAnne who came into the room. A little girl in a maid’s suit roared into Kyrie’s arms.

“Lady…, lady, lady! You’re up! Miss! Uwa! Hnng!

(TL: she has an age that of an adult but she behaves like a child, istg)

“Oh, my God, thank you…….”

Kyrie’s eyes are wet, too.

“Anne, you were alive. What happened? What happened after that?”

Kyrie grabbed Anne’s cheek. The place of the right eye was covered by a black eye patch. Kirier’s face is distorted.

“Did Nathaniel do this? Where else?”

“Hehe, hehe, Annemarie doesn’t hurt at all! MarryAnne is fine! MarryAnne doesn’t matter at all!”

“What do you mean, Anne? That’s not true at all! Did you have a proper meal? Why do you look so emaciated?….”

“Why are you so skinny, you, you, you, you’re so skinny! The scarecrow might want to be friends with you! MarryAnne doesn’t like that!”

MarryAnne wept like beads of tears. After a bout of crying, Kyrie smoothed Anne’s face with wet eyes.

“Anne, can you tell me what happened?”

MarryAnne nodded her head.

“That day, MarryAnne and your friends almost died.”

“If they were almost going to die, they are alive, right?”


Kyrie let out a sigh of relief without realizing it.

“Where are they now? What about their body? If they get hurt…….”

“They are at the palace. They weren’t hurt, and I heard Nathaniel had locked him up with magic.”

“You were locked up with them?”

“Well, MarryAnne was locked up somewhere else. I might do magic, magic, this and that…….”


She would have been in a lot of trouble. Kyrie reached out and swept MarryAnne’s cheek. She couldn’t bring herself to reveal the eye patch. MarryAnne smiled brightly, understanding her feelings.

“MarryAnne’s fine! I thought I was going to die, but one eye is missing!”

“But MarryAnne…….”

“It’s really okay! MarryAnne knows, it’s amazing that MarryAnne didn’t die!”

Still, Kyrie’s expression was hard to get rid of. A small hand grabbed Kyrie’s hem.

“It’s really okay with Annemarie…….”

Kyrie smiled silently and stroked MarryAnne’s head. MarryAnne snarled into Kirier’s arms.

Listening to the sound of rain, the two talked about what had happened. MarryAnne pricked her ears and listened to the whole story. And at the end of the story, there was pure admiration.

“You’re a great lady! More than four of them thought!”

“Did I live up to your expectations?”


MarryAnne, who answered briefly, soon tilted her head.

“MarryAnne was probably originally called to be used as a material to intimidate you…….”

“It looks like it.”

Seeing that MarryAnne was called in advance, it was clear that Nathaniel was also prepared. No matter what happens, she won’t walk out of the house on her own. She made up her mind, but if Nathaniel openly threatens MarryAnne with her life, her resolution might shake.

“Umm! But MarryAnne didn’t hear from him when she moved here from the capital…….Is there something wrong with Nathaniel’s plan?”

Kyrie shut her mouth. There was one thing that she could guess.

‘Gray Buchanan.’

If she’s right, that’s not already her area to touch.

‘…..I just hope you did a good job.’

“So you’re still in Trevereum?”

Kyrie paused.

“What do you think? You told me to cross the sea. I risked my life for that. It’s a different direction from what you meant.….”

“If that’s your choice, MarryAnne is fine. Nathaniel, he is not going to mess with you anymore.….”



“Thank you for saying that.”

Kyrie’s face was gentle and at the same time a determined pilgrim-like face. MarryAnne smiled sadly and tapped Kyrie’s hand. The girl’s face sank like an old man in an instant.

“Actually, MarryAnne is just…I wanted you to forget everything and start over. You’ll never do that, will you? I’m not going to abandon people and survive alone…….”

MarryAnne’s voice died down like a dream.

“MarryAnne was saved by such a lady, but it’s so sad to see her…….”

A long time later, MarryAnne left the room to pack kyrie’s stuff. Kyrie, whose legs were not fully recovered, saw her off with a smile. Afterwards, Aldrelm’s doctors visited the hospital room.

“Lady! You’ve made it!”

“You’re a great person.”

Dr. Poe, wearing a tight orange vest, came running in tears and handed over a bouquet of flowers. Dr. Hawksong sat behind him with a still calm, stern face.

“Thank you for coming. And Dr. Seward?

“Oh, Gerald…….”

Dr. Poe’s complexion was blurred.

“Gerald…… became the closest man to nature and God…….”

Kyrie’s hand held the blanket tightly. “The one closest to God” was an idiom used mainly to describe insanity.

“Why? How did that happen? Don’t tell me Nathaniel is forcing him to…….”

“Oh, don’t get me wrong! Well, of course, he had a job with the legendary lord.….”

“When it comes to this, we can’t blame the legend. Gerry touched something he shouldn’t have touched. You’ve already warned me, and breaking it……it’s Gerry’s fault.”

Dr. Hawksong’s cold attitude made her feel rather sad and distant. Kyrie kept her mouth shut, and Dr. Poe smiled hard as he looked at the atmosphere.

“I’m glad you’re back, though.….”

“It’s all thanks to you. Thank you.”

“What the hell did you do? I thought you’d be taken back by the legendary lord…….”

“You’ll know when you see it, right? It was too much of a bet.”

Kyrie smiled faintly, pointing to his leg. Dr. Poe blew his nose on a handkerchief and shook his shoulder.

“So you’re all right now, right? I don’t know the details, but I don’t have to run away, do I?”


“Did he say he’d take care of you in the future? You realized you shouldn’t treat a girl you like recklessly, right?”

Kyrie hesitated to answer. For now he is not ‘liking’ her. Besides, I think I got something from Nathaniel from the end of my memory, but she couldn’t remember well.

“I need to talk to him first. I haven’t seen him since I woke up. What about Nathaniel?

“Well, we’ve only heard from…….”


“Yes, when you wake up, go see her.”

Kyrie put on a curious look on her face.

“Did Nathaniel deliver it himself?”

Dr. Hawksong had a serious look on her face.

“Is it weird, too?”


Kyrie swallowed the words. She rolled her eyes from side to side and pulled off her back against the bed.

“As expected, I think I’ll have to meet him. When did you meet him?”

“It hasn’t been long, but where you are…….”

“Then…… I’ll have to move on.”

“What? What are you talking about? You need to rest!”

Dr. Poe made a fuss and pressed her shoulder.

“I’ve heard that MarryAnne has treated you, but you are not fully recovered. You’re a patient!”

“Salamisi is right. If you’re looking for the legendary lord, why don’t you make someone do it?”

“But if anyone else is to blame…….”

Kyrie, who recalled Dr. Seward, clouded his complexion. The two doctors also looked gloomy.

“But you still need to rest. I don’t know, but you have a lot of work to do, right?”

“Is it…? It is.”

Kyrie leaned her back on the bed again. The rain didn’t stop, and it made her think of many things.

Former Kyrie thought she should be neutral. Nathaniel was right to think of her as special, but it was simply a heart for a pet. Above all, he was the one who would not help even if the Emperor pressured Kyrie’s surroundings because it was not his problem.

‘So what about now?’

Now Kyrie knows how much she is to Nathaniel. And she has to be ready to throw him out of life at any time to control him.

‘Maybe it’s better to change the dynasty. Lord Leshaux will probably help. Not to mention Nathaniel. If it’s a problem, it’s the nobles.….’

Kyrie coolly carried on her thoughts. It’s a choice she didn’t want to make, but she had to prepare for the worst.

In the meantime, Dr. Poe was putting a bouquet of flowers in a water bottle. Kyrie, who was still watching him, suddenly asked.

“Come to think of it, what flower is it?”

“Ho, you didn’t tell me the good news! It’s getting warmer! Isn’t it amazing?”

“Is spring coming?”

“I think so. That’s a relief……Spring wheat is difficult, but autumn wheat can be harvested.”

“But the flowers came from the research magic garden of the Great Library. Chairman Temar will come to greet you later.”


Kyrie blinked her eyes. Of course, it is right to think that Nathaniel is relieved.


Eyes turned to the pole outside the window.

‘Is it just spring rain?’

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