Obey Me

Chapter 89


In front of Kyrie, who was muttering and leaning down more and more, silently, a black shoe nose was seen.  It was obvious who it was. He always showed up like this, when people were stuck in the mud.

[You skipped the meal.]

Greetings were the same. Kyrie bit her lip so as not to answer by mistake. The freshly healed wound tasted bloody again. Above her head, Nathaniel sighed slowly.

[Come on.]

She thought she could lift her body, but before she knew it, Kyrie was in his arms.

The sense of urgency came at once. She hated the way he made fun of people so mercilessly and stood up like this. But the moment she reveals it, Nathaniel will be delighted because he’s that kind of man

Kyrie squeezed strength from her body and pushed him away.


Nathaniel catches Kyrie rolling down from his arms again, but her ankle hits the floor.

“Ah…, Ugh……”

Kyrie, who grabbed his knee, shed tears.  Apart from her pride, the pain is real.

Nathaniel, who had stopped breathing for a moment, said sarcastically as if inflamed.

[You look good. Should I eat you?]

Kyrie didn’t answer, but held her breath while touching the floor. She didn’t expect it was going to hurt this much since she only bumped her ankle. Nathaniel, who was still supporting Kyrie’s back, sighed and lowered Kyrie’s body to the floor.

[Let me see.] 

By the time his hand was going to touch her ankle, Kyrie twisted her body as swiftly as a badger and stood up. For a brief moment, Nathaniel’s eyes met, but Kyrie quickly turned her head away.

(T/N: badger- a heavily built omnivorous nocturnal mammal of the weasel family, typically having a grey and black coat.)

She looked around. The cane was in Nathaniel’s hands. Kyrie bit her lip and stood up, staggering and running against the wall.

The hallway was exceptionally long. Her ankle must have been misplaced. She felt it swelling up. Eventually, when Kyrie stumbled once more and nearly threw her head to the floor, Nathaniel grabbed her back again.

[I don’t know when Kyrie Buchanan started kissing the floor.]

The moment he lifted her body strongly, Kyrie’s eyes met Nathaniel. Her tears, which had been stagnant, were also scattered and touched Nathaniel’s cheeks.

Kyrie thanked the first Buchanan for his strictness in keeping hatred hidden on the face. She noticed from Nathaniel’s reaction that she was showing no emotion other than pain.

For a moment, Nathaniel paused.  It looked as if his eyes were twitching, but it was probably in vain. Kyrie, who was staring blankly at Nathaniel’s gaze with her fever rising, struggled to get out of his arms belatedly.

“Young Lady?”

It was at that moment when the huge door to the banquet hall opened, and MarryAnne poked her head out.

Nathaniel’s eyes shone brightly. The emotions that had risen when he saw Kyrie seemed to have plunged into the depths of the sea.

[Forest beast. Come here.]


“Anne, don’t come….”

MarryAnne didn’t know what to do. But Kyrie’s faithful maid could never leave her maiden without service. MarryAnne closed the door and approached Nathaniel with a worried face.  And as soon as she came within his range, Nathaniel’s hand grabbed MarryAnne’s neck.



Kyrie exclaimed in a hoarse voice. Nathaniel grabbed Annemarie’s neck and looked down at Kyrie.

Everything was the same as before. Nathaniel threatens her by taking her loved ones as his hostage. The only difference from before was that there was no smile. That sharp and eerie smile that looked down at her, expecting Kyrie would react and how she would cry.

Unlike before, he didn’t look like he was having fun at all. But Kyrie quickly erased that thought.  it would be in vain

[If you don’t want to see your maid die, just stay still.]


Kyrie opened her mouth. Her heart beated wildly because of the fever. Still, her answer never came.



As Nathaniel opened his mouth, Kyrie slowly licked her lips. She whispered, ignoring Nathaniel, not looking at him even once, as if he didn’t exist.


Nathaniel’s body stiffened. That doesn’t mean he is sorry for just putting her in this situation.  Rather, it was an atonement for what might happen in the future.

For example, about Nathaniel killing MarryAnne or something.

Kyrie’s contorted face was stained with remorse. But her tear-soaked purple eyes were clear.  And it contained so many things.

MarryAnne heard her clever and beautiful owner apologizing to her while she was strangled.  She grabbed Nathaniel’s wrist and smiled at Kyrie.

“It’s okay, because my life belongs to you.”

The little maid put her hand down and closed her eyes. If there was a perfect attitude to accept her death, that was MarryAnne now.

Kyrie no longer begged for her maid’s life as she used to. She just looked at MarryAnne, as if she was going to take responsibility for everything that happened because of her.

Nathaniel understood. Even if MarryAnne dies here, right now, Kyrie Buchanan wouldn’t look back. Maybe not only MarryAnne, but for anyone else.

Kyrie Buchanan is really determined to get him out of her life.

The power was released from his hand.  Kyrie and MarryAnne did not respond to that either.  They just looked at each other with fond eyes, and walked away across the hallway without even giving him a glance.

Left behind—no, not left, but completely disregarded, Nathaniel raised his hand to cover his face.

[I didn’t wish for this to happen……..]

He stopped talking involuntarily and turned his body around and seeped into the darkness.


The Marquis of Vermont’s army was forced to retreat.

“Does this make sense!  The fact that there are enough troops in Pronoia! No way! Is it even possible!”

Inside the barracks, the marquis roared.

“What the hell are you doing without researching that? Are you still eating Vermont rust?!”

“I’m sorry, Marquis.”

All the lieutenants silently accepted his wrath. It was obviously a ridiculous deterrent. How would you know in advance the existence of magical Corps that have not been recorded or counted? But the lieutenants waited without a reply for the marquis to calm down. It was because they knew why he was so sick.

“It can’t be like this! I can’t go back to the Emperor like this!”

Finally, the Marquis, who threw down the chair and smashed it, stood up in his place. He rolled his eyes and looked back at his lieutenants.

“The troops!” (T/N: he is asking about the troops and not calling for them)

“We are currently figuring it out.”

“Those insect-like knights!”

“Fortunately, there were no injuries….”

“Fortunately! Did that mouth of yours just say it was a relief?!”

The inkwell flew from the hand of the Marquis of Vermont. The lieutenant bowed his head as soon as the bottle hit him in the head.

“I’m sorry. We will arrange for them to join the front line at any time.”

“All we have to do is enter. What about the assassination group?

“They are waiting. As long as you give the order, you can operate at any time.”

“Then get ready now!”

The Marquis sharply opened his eyes.

“The magician unit has strong instantaneous firepower, but that doesn’t last long. We only need to take down the battle line for a moment. We will attack from the inside.”

(T/N: ‘attack from inside” as in assassinate the leader i.e. Kyrie)

His lieutenants nodded. They were all well aware that this was just a mistake by underestimating the enemy.

“Cut off supplies to the city! We ask for their cooperation so that the surrounding cities do not interfere.”

“All right.”

“Our opponent is a duke, no, at the root she’s just the daughter of a count!”

(T/N: This is conveying that even tho she has become a duke by gaining Leshaux’s territory, at her core she is just a mere count’s daughter) 

The Marquis smiled ferociously, revealing his ferocious teeth he had hidden in his serpent mask.

“The Duke of Buchanan wouldn’t have taught her war tactics. If we drag out the war, the bottom will be revealed.”

(T/N: he means her weaknesses will be revealed if the war will continue for a long time)

The Marquis stretched out his arms and shouted loudly.

“Heed my command. We will breach the city and confront the Legendary Lord!”

“We received our orders, as you command.”

The aides saluted, then exited. The only man left in the Commander’s barracks was Marquis Valencia Vermont. His surroundings were a mess. He let out a sigh, then looked at the surrounding mess.

“No, don’t fret, Vermont……”

In the solitude of the barracks, hidden from prying eyes, the Marquis began to giggle, which altered into laughter.

Kyrie Buchanan was no better than a rat in a jar. He was caught off-guard because she made the first move, but in retrospect, he has the advantage. His best course of action would be utilizing Kyrie Buchanan to lure the Legendary Lord. He knew Kyrie Buchanan’s strategy would prioritize solving the situation in the most humane way possible.

‘If there’s something to worry about….’

The Marquis paced anxiously in the barracks.

‘As of this moment.’

Right at the moment when the battle lines have not been cleared, the surroundings have not been sealed off, and the reinforcements have not arrived. Usually, they look around and keep each other in check. If attacked now, there will be fatal consequences.

‘But if you’re a novice, you’ll never move now. It is a moment where even a commander who has commanded battles for many years will be hesitant.’

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