Obey Me

Chapter 95

Emperor’s Informant


Goosebumps crawled up on her skin. There was no time to calculate anything. Kyrie shook off the young man’s hand and dug into the crowd.

“Damn it! She noticed! Catch!”

Her guess was correct. They began to chase her.

Kyrie ran without hesitation. She didn’t even have time to think about why she was pursued by the Emperor’s magic corps.  She hid in the crowd and thought of returning to the Pronoia Grand Library.  But before she could go far, a shout caught Kyrie’s ankle.

“Attack! As long as the target is captured, the rest is irrelevant!”

It was an inaudible cry mixed with screams, but it was too clear for Kyrie to hear.

Magic circles began to be drawn in the sky.  Numerous symbols such as an owl’s eye, a cross, a bird’s beak, and a goblet of horns filled the ceremony with ominous gold colour.

‘Attack Magic!’

I am going crazy. 

Kyrie quickly left the street. They were targeting her, so the damage to civilians should be prevented.

“She went into the alley!”


The shouts of the wizards echoed from afar.  Kyrie ran recklessly in a maze-like alley without a single lamp.

[The Emperor’s Wizards.]

Nathaniel was there the whole time. He was still a boy. And even with an elegant gait as if walking on water, he was faster than Kyrie’s full speed.

[They are six in number.]

Looking back, the boy said sarcastically.

[Why don’t you ask for help? It seems difficult to run away from them by your own strength.]

Nathaniel laughed softly. Even at night, his blue eyes that twinkled like stars were blatantly hoping that Kyrie would cling to him.

What if I cling to his words?

Then Nathaniel will be convinced again. Kyrie Buchanan, who said she wanted to find happiness by excluding him, eventually turned to him for help.  After all, humans change their minds easily. So her compassion must have been just a daydream. Well, his way so far has been right…….

But Nathaniel needs to know. That he can’t always be right. He should know that there are people who do not break their will.

Kyrie ignored him and ran. Nathaniel’s smile faltered slightly.

[…..Let’s see how long you are stubborn.]

Being chased like a rabbit, she was getting farther and farther away from the Pronoia Library. Kyrie now felt like her lungs were being ripped apart.

“I can hear it from over there!”

The shouts of wizards from all sides and the spells sometimes drawn in the sky made Kyrie unable to rest.  The siege was getting narrower and tighter, and Kyrie swung the handle of the back door of any building without a hitch.  Fortunately, there was an open place.


Nathaniel muttered. He didn’t seem to like the place.

Kyrie gasped and she headed inside the building. The inside of the shop was full of lights.  The lights were not turned off, perhaps to attract guests, and the five-colored lights sparkled with brilliant colors that drove away the night. Kyrie later realized she had made the wrong choice.

‘It’s too bright. I have nowhere to hide.’

But the wizards were already within walking distance. Kyrie hurriedly headed up the stairs to the second floor, but the door was locked.

“Only here the door is open.”

“What about the tracking magic?”

“We’ve been doing this since before, but providence is getting in the way.”

“Look inside.”

She heard them coming into the store. Kyrie’s eyes looked around in search of a rope, and saw a pile of wooden chests that seemed to be used to carry lights. Kyrie hastily shoved herself into the narrow space between the pile of chests and the wall.

She belatedly noticed Nathaniel’s presence as he watched her. The boy with an elegant and well-groomed smile was staring at Kyrie.

[This. I’m here to advertise that you’re hiding here. What are you going to do?]

Kyrie clenched her teeth.

“Go that way.”

Wizards began to approach. There was already no time to take other action.

In the end, she refused to ask for help, and eventually Nathaniel sighed dissatisfied.


His small body scattered like mist. In an instant, a large, black thing grabbed Kyrie and hugged her. And immediately after that, the wizards appeared.

“Did you find her?”

“I can’t see her.”

“Look around.”

In the darkness, Kyrie heard her own breath and Nathaniel’s breathing as he hugged her.  Nathaniel placed his arm against the wall behind Kyrie and his other arm wrapped around her waist naturally.  The boy’s clothes were no more. He was in the usual figure exuding an overripe atmosphere.

The sound of the wooden chests being opened one by one could be heard amidst the stopped accident. When the shadow of someone’s finger appeared in the bright light, Kyrie unwittingly gave strength to Nathaniel’s arm hugging her. 

Immediately after, the wizard’s head popped out and looked indifferent to where her Kyrie was.

“There is nothing here.”

He said after a glance at the narrow space between the pile of chests and the wall.  It was exactly where Kyrie and Nathaniel were, but it seemed to be invisible to the young wizard’s eyes.

The wizard quickly went to another place.  Kyrie blinked her eyes in surprise.

[It is inconvenient because there are few shadows.]

Nathaniel whispered above her head. It was then that Kyrie realized that they were in the shadows. The darkness that somehow seemed to be always alive under Nathaniel’s feet.

The wizards began to search around noisily.  Kyrie’s body froze in astonishment, and Nathaniel hugged her a little tighter.

[Wait a minute.]

Nathaniel tilted his head a little and spoke into Kyrie’s ear. When his breath touched Kyrie, she trembled without realizing it. On the other hand Nathaniel misunderstood, as he released his strength from his arm that was holding her.

[Are you sick?]

He asked in a serious tone, it almost made Kyrie laugh. And suddenly she realized that the reason he always reached out “too slow” was to control his power.

A weak human. A very weak cat.  

To him, a human may feel like a clay doll that slides out when pressed.

[Kyrie? Is your intestine ruptured?]

In the end, Kyrie forgot the situation and let out a short laugh.

At that moment, she felt Nathaniel’s body stiffen. She also felt his arms around her waist grow stronger.

Kyrie tried to stay away from his chest and moved the tip of her nose, but it didn’t work out because there was little space.  In the end, Kyrie relaxed her body. Her helpless body clung to Nathaniel’s chest.

Again, the hesitant Nathaniel wavered a little, and began stroking Kyrie’s head.

That was not why she lost her strength, but there were still wizards out there. Kyrie gave up, and Nathaniel muttered in a dry voice.

[So it is hard to get attention.]

He didn’t say much afterwards.

He just mumbled to the wizards [You’ve been searching for a long time, haven’t you.]. Kyries felt that somehow she didn’t dislike what he said.

The wizards made the lighthouse almost a mess.

“Not anywhere.”

“Are you sure she came here?”


She heard the voice of a young wizard who reached out to Kyrie when she fell.

“Maybe the Legendary Lord took her?”

“He wasn’t with her.”

Surprisingly, the shabby disguise seemed to work. Kyrie listened more to their conversation.

“What should we do?  It is too risky to enter the Pronoia Grand Library.”

[Not dangerous.]

Nathaniel answered with a mutter. It seemed that the voice could not be heard, and there was no sign of movements in particular.

The wizard, who was probably the boss, clicked his tongue.

“I will monitor the road leading to the Pronoia Grand Library. She will go back there eventually.”

At those words, Nathaniel’s head moved.

[It would be better to kill him.]

Nathaniel’s arm, which was touching the wall over Kyrie’s shoulder, moved. Perhaps because she was too nervous, Kyrie raised her head in bewilderment for a moment.  And she met his icy blue, clear eyes like the sea.

After a long time, Kyrie saw herself reflected in Nathaniel’s eyes, and so did he.

Nathaniel’s arms, which were moving like flowing water, stopped.  It must have been a very short time, but that brief moment when their eyes met somehow felt like eternity.

[You only care about other people’s business…]

Nathaniel was about to lower his arms, his face showing a grimace. The conversations of the wizards stuck in her ears.

“We were only told to capture her alive. We only need you to catch her, she doesn’t have to have arms or legs.”

Kyrie’s body stiffened.

In an instant, Nathaniel’s face turned expressionless, and soon a bitter smile came to mind. Like saying, “Yes, of course.”

[As expected, you’re too soft.]

Nathaniel covered Kyrie’s eyes with one of his hands, then flicked his fingers with his other hand. There was the sound of fruit popping, and no more words were heard.


In the lobby of the Pronoia Grand Library, Rubinia, who had changed her hair to blonde again, was waiting for them in panic.  Rubinia looked at Kyrie as she got off the carriage and asked in a time close to a scream.

“Are you alright? You’re alright! You’re not hurt! Are you sick? Are you hurt? What’s wrong with your face!” (T/N: here she is talking in gibberish, questioning and answering to herself, without waiting Kyrie to answer)

Rubinia’s pale face showed how much she cared for Kyrie. Kyrie smiled weakly.

“It’s okay. I didn’t even get hurt. Are you okay?”

“…….I am fine.”

“That’s a relief. We must have taken different paths.”

“……I guess so.”

Rubinia bit her lip for an instant, and she grimaced her face like she would cry. Kyrie smiled brightly.

“Were you waiting for me? Thank you. Now go in and rest.”

“What about you?”

“I have to work.”

Rubinia gave a surprised expression.

“Are you out of your mind? Look at yourself now! You’re going to turn blue and you are going to work in this state?

“One doesn’t work with their complexion, do you?”

“Taking care if your health is also the responsibility of the nobility!”

Responsibility.  As soon as that word came out, Kyrie laughed a little.

“I know. Don’t worry, I won’t collapse without finishing my work.”

“That means…….!”

Rubinia, who was about to say something, immediately shook her head. Whatever she said, it was clear that it wouldn’t work.

“Okay, ha…… Your maid saw the carriage and went up to prepare your bath water.”

“Thank you for telling me.”

After saying that, Kyrie went up to the office. It seems she really wanted to work.  Rubinia who was left alone sighed deeply and took a weary step. It was a tiring night for her, too.

However, Rubinia had no choice but to swallow her breath as soon as she opened the door. Until she(Kyrie) left, the Legendary Lord was in the lobby silently standing by the window.

Rubinia clenched her fists tightly. Kyrie Buchanan easily ignored this man, but no one else would be able to do this.

“Do you have any business?”

Rubina asked as much as possible in a soft tone, as to not offend him.

Nathaniel turned his head. He was spinning his cane in a slightly lax manner, and it looked just as good on him as when he is in his usual neat posture.

[It’s you, isn’t it?]

He said in a smooth voice. Rubinia’s gooseberry-colored eyes trembled violently.

“What do you mean?”

[As you know, you’re the Emperor’s informant.]

The Legendary Lord smirked and blinked his eyes. Contrary to his expression, his eyes pierced through Rubinia as fierce as an ice.

[I don’t know how stupid you are to think of targeting Kyrie from where I am.]

“….. Legend!”

Rubinia breathed in without even blinking her eyes.

“Legend…., I do not know!”

Immediately, a white blade was held out in front of Rubinia’s skin.

Rubinia turned white and swallowed in shock. Nathaniel, who approached her in no time, shifted his eyes down drowsily, as if bored. There was no trace of humanity on his unsmiling face. The tip of his sword moved slowly, to the front of Rubinia’s stomach, as if mocking her.


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