Obey Me

Chapter 97

No Regrets

“……With whom? You’re not doing this with the person I’m with right now, are you?” (T/N: she is talking about Eden here)

Kyrie looked at Rubinia and whispered sweetly.

“What do you mean? There are only two of us here.”

(T/N: she is ignoring Eden as well as Nathaniel here lol)


Almighty Goddess. Rubinia prayed inwardly.

“……Miss Buchanan? Think again.”


“I don’t think so. With whom are you going to marry without a man? No, wait! Please, do you have a man?”

Nathaniel’s eyes flashed blue once. Kyrie closed her mouth and blinked her eyes as if she couldn’t see him at all.

“Not now, but do I look like someone who can’t get a man?”

“That…..but not! Whoa!”

A lord with more territory than the Emperor, a territory 2/3 the size of the continent, the bloodline of Buchanan, the proven ability as she was once the prince’s fiancée.  Well, no one will give up. It wasn’t that she was just giving up on her authority on her own, but she wasn’t aware of her own worth.

Kyrie sat like a queen and smiled softly, Rubinia lost her words, and then Nathaniel, who was watching the comedy, opened his mouth.

[It seems that you want to kill all the firstborn in the capital.]

“Foreigners wouldn’t be bad either. I don’t have prejudice against that.”

Kyrie answered. Her gaze was on Rubinia, but it was clearly a warning to Nathaniel. There seemed to be a fictitious spark between the two of them. Rubinia broke out a cold sweat as she rubbed her navel.

[Do you think I would be just watching it? I could crush your husband and put it in your pocket while you sleep.]

“It would be nice to be successful once, but there are many opportunities. Even if I lose my husband in an unfortunate accident, it is enough if I remarry.”

[If I show the demonstration once, no one will approach you.]

“First of all, that’s my goal, but I’m also thinking about just enjoying it if it’s really hard.” (T/N: she is saying she will just sleep around with men if she can’t marry one)

[You’re crazy, Kyrie Buchanan.]

Immediately, Nathaniel’s pupils were torn horizontally.

At that moment, Rubinia got up from her seat.

“Excuse me!”

Kyrie and Nathaniel’s gazes focused on Rubinia at the same time. Her chair tumbled backwards, but Rubinia exclaimed proudly without regard for it.  Her face was weeping.

“I’m sorry, but I have to go because I have a reservation at the dressing room!”



Yes, I know  that I look crazy. 

Rubinia deliberately focused her eyes in the air and stuttered like a madman.

“Now, I’m going to leave a cute fox doll here. Both of you seem to have a lot to say to me, so think of this as me and talk to me here. I’m not saying that you two shouldn’t talk. Do you get it?”

Rubinia poured out her words like a fast gun, got up from her seat and disappeared. She felt like she could hear the voice of her heart saying, “I survived!’

When the wind blew a few times, Kyrie got up from her seat. She didn’t need to be there anymore. But as soon as she turned around, Nathaniel was standing right in front of her. He coldly looked down at Kyrie.

[How far do you plan to indulge?]

Unlike before, Kyrie did not avoid his gaze. That didn’t mean she had the same contrived smile as now. She stared at Nataniel as if she were watching still life paintings without commentary. It was so indifferent that Nathaniel narrowed his forehead a little.

“Is there any problem?”

Anyway, she answered.  She looked directly at Nathaniel, in a soft, calm voice.

Nathaniel let out a long, shallow breath.

[Yes. It’s like you’re still having a vague dream.]

“It’s not a dream.”

Nathaniel slowly stretched out his hand at the sound of a low-pitched voice. His fingers touched Kyrie’s hair.

[How can I let you know that there is no such future, Kyrie? In your future, there will be no hydrangeas blooming in the middle or Elsus summer cottage.]

“You have a different choice than me. I don’t really want a unified opinion, so let’s go.”


Nathaniel grabbed Kyrie’s hair with his large, graceful hand. Thin ice began to accumulate on Kyrie’s hair, centering on the place where his hand touched.

[The correct choice. It will be done my way.]

It was a movement that felt like it was her neck, not her hair, that he really wanted to hold. His blue eyes stared at Kyrie with a creepy, piercing look.  Kyrie caught Nathaniel’s gaze with her unblinking eyes. She then slowly put a soft, thin smile on her white face.

“Do you believe me when I say I will do it here?”

Nathaniel, who thought that Kyrie would never be able to laugh again, stopped for a while.  Kyrie whispered again.

“You don’t trust me anyways. So, what value do my words have?”

Nathaniel later showed a cruel and beautiful smile that was more cruel than necessary.

[You know. How poor your will is, and how plausible your words are.]

Kyrie didn’t even respond to the words he had probably said to stab her heart. She stared at Nathaniel with eerie empty eyes.

“That’s right. Everything I said to you was a lie.”

As soon as she said that, Nathaniel’s movements stopped. His face turned expressionless. Even though he knew she would say that.

“I was just trying to survive somehow.  Saying that it’s fun to be with you, saying that I want to build a good relationship……. it’s not new, is it?  You wouldn’t believe anything I said in the first place.”

Looking at Nathaniel like that with innocent eyes, Kyrie asked calmly.

“Are you happy now?”

Nathaniel’s hand holding her hair slowly lowered.  Kyrie looked down at his hand, which had lost strength, and she took a step back and slipped out of his hand. Holding the hem of her dress with both her hands, she bent down as gracefully as a swan.

“Then rejoicing in our not-so-surprising similar choice, I’ll be on my way. All right, Lord?”

And she left without any regrets.


When Kyrie returned to her room, she fell into deep thought.

The king’s wizards killed by Nathaniel were five, but he said there were six of them. Since one person lived, word of what happened must have been conveyed to the Emperor by now. It was tricky to say that the real reason why the Emperor wanted to catch her was because of what happened with the Marquis of Vermont. If it had been that way, she would have chosen to bury her socially, on a proper stage.

‘All that’s left is to take revenge on Nathaniel….’

It would be obvious if she found the magic of the Vallabriga. Nathaniel can’t sit still and take it, so she wants to take the hostage. Kyrie sat on the sofa and touched her forehead.

‘It’s time to go back.’


Fan art!!!


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