Obsession: The Lycan King's Human Mate

Chapter 105 - The Side Games (b)

For someone who was born and raised in reality in royal, he often gawked and admired that how did humans superiority complex work. How was it are the most fragile creatures on earth of themselves to be the most better once was something he would never understand.

Especially when they knew that someone can snap their neck and within seconds they would end up dead. Yet, that did not stop them from trying. They only tried harder again when it was not needed.

The entire conversation was fun to what and he heard Harsha flair around the room as she rummaged to find the clothes to wear for a meeting with her boyfriend where she was going to reveal everything that Noah had so long work for. She wanted to ruin it and he would make sure that it won't happen.

Noah's eyes followed the girl as she left the house and to the end of the road when he no longer could see. He could see people watching her, glancing at her often. Making sure that she was safe was the ultimate priority for them. He scoffed at that, they were the very creatures he was making sure that she feared and never trusted and unfortunately, in today's case it did not help her that he knew she was going to talk to him. He had heard it all and it was not going to work in her favour.

Poor Little Adaline, he sighed.

His eyes left her and he turned to sound, descended the stair and commanded the first guard he saw, "Follow her. Make sure that the wolves stay aside." even though they were instructed to not initiate a conversation until she started it or deemed necessary he still have to make sure that no wolf would intervene in his plans. 

He bowed and left through the front door.

Noah carried out the next step, the step to make sure that the wolves would stay inside in their houses. In seconds, he reached his room and opened a drawer. He took out a small vial made of glass with power in it. Stepping out of the window, he pulled himself on top of the roof and moved to the air diffuser. It was infused with a little, a twinge of magic, so it worked a thousand times better. A normal human invented a diffuser that could work throughout an entire house but with its range of magic, it could work for the entire city let alone A block. He placed the vile in its place, inserted it and twisted it to make sure that it was done correctly and then turned the machine on.

Within seconds, the smell of silver was infused in the air and every werewolf that he could see on the road, from the roof of his house, staggered and stumbled. The effect was immediate. His Isla was successful, he smiled. The machine worked wonderfully. The pride he felt for his mate was indefinite. 

From the roof of his house, he saw it all happen as Mothers called their children inside, who looked sleepy as a silver work done them the most and had them lose consciousness immediately. The silver in the air was not enough to kill them all but it would take them out. For hours at a stretch, the wolves were going to be sleepy. They would not be able to get up from the bed which was perfect because that would mean they would never be able to hear Adeline's cries for help. 

"Sleep, just like my Isla is." He muttered as he watched the area clear up of people and the only ones left were the oblivious humans. They would end as collateral damage anyway. If not, then as food their race would be continued. They were nothing but a source of entertainment and food for them. 

He moved back and closed the windows. No one was supposed to see what was going to happen next. He stepped down and nodded to the windows. The maids understood and closed the heavy drapes. He watched it happen and turned to walk to the door right next to the stairs. He opened it and the snarling was heard immediately making his smiles. There they were, his little four-legged pets. 

He walked down and hissed back, taunting the creature inside who snarled back. A few were shivering and hiding at the very end of their cages. They had turned their faces away at the sight of him, their torturer, the one who had abducted them from the safety of their homes and brought them into a whole other world of torture and unsafety. The man who had taken them away in the middle of the night from the safety of their families and tortured them to the point where they could no longer function without him ordering them to. They would not even breed if the man did not tell them to do so. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. . . " he tsked at the growling beast. "Half my size and even lower in comparison my strength, you think you can take me?" he cooed at the aggressive taste for stop he was still aggressive because he had not yet submitted to the man and thought that he was the Alpha in the room which was soon going to be changed. 

The beast growled lowly, taunting him right back with a snarl which made Noah smirk right back. He pushed his hand inside the silver bars that did nothing for him and dragged the wolf by his skin and slamming his head on the bars making the wolf howl in pain. 

His skin tore and burned on the impact immediately as he met with the silver bars. The smell of burned flesh was heavy into the air and as soon as the other wolves caught it, they whimpered in pain. Everyone had gone through it, they knew what it was like and now so did the new world. 

"You hunger for power, don't you?" He taunted the wolf who was whimpering in pain. "But a wolf cannot even think straight when he is hungry." He tsked again, "And I have kept you hungry for a long time, have I not?"

The wolf didn't growl. Now, he was barely breathing at this point. Noah opened his fist and dropped him. A loud thud was heard and the wolf dropped on the floor barely breathing with his eyes closed. Noah did not even spare him a glance and turned around to the small fringe in the room. The only place where the wolves had their eyes stuck.

He opened it and took out a rabbit whose eyes were sewed shut. Isla had often used these for magic and the rest, whatever was left of it, went to the pet wolves of his. He sighed and watched as every wolf glanced at him every so often. Their eyes hooked on the piece of meat as they had never seen it before. Which they probably never had because know what they give them any scrapes. 

He twisted his head, pulling it from the neck and threw it into the cage of the burnt wolf that at the smell of food, immediately woke up. He crawled to it, slightly whimpering at the pain he felt but still tried his best to get the only source of food he had gotten in days. He chomped on it as soon as he got it.

Noah had a sneer on his face. The wolf was pathetic. The entire species was. He did not even have enough pride do not take any food from his torturer and eat from his hand. 

He didn't close the door to the cage but simply walked upstairs with the blood dripping rabbit on it. The blood was leaving its trail along with its smell he could hear the wolf sniffing and thinking of stepping out of the cage to follow the smell of the blood and eat the animal.

Hunger drove them mad, enough to reconsider his freedom and choose food one time instead, once more he would rather have had food in his belly than make sure that he would not be punished again. He walked through the forest and then sped past. The wolf would catch the trail of blood by focusing on it. His ears picked up on the bus. Adeline got down and waited for the bus to pass. She had one car which her father took, so the only option she had was public transport which once again turned to his favour because she had taken into the desired amount of time he needed to get the wolf out of his cage. 

The park was closed for its monthly maintenance but the diffuser had done its job. The park was empty of people. He opened the gate for his beloved little prey and left the rabbit in the bushes. The guard he sent after her stopped the car with the keys inside and the window open.

The wolf was here. It was showtime.

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