The weekend finally came and today being Friday did not help at all. Though now all that mattered was that she was home and it was her day to cook. Friday also meant that her dad would get off early because he usually brought files over to spend time with his daughter while she did her homework. It means that much to them that even if they were not talking and busy doing work they still sat together. Serena always made sure that once in a week that all of them sat down together whether to watch a movie or play a game or to just talk.

Of course, after her death, the father and daughter duo changed it a little to sitting together and working in silence which an occasional short talk about things, it was better to spend an evening watching movies or spending time scrolling down Instagram. It was half-past two and her father would be home at three. Sighing, she got up and took the ingredients for spaghetti and meatballs out. Blowing a breath out, she started it.


Jason walked in through the front door closing it behind him and breathed the fragrance of a home-cooked meal.

"Okay kiddo, how was your Friday?" he asked Adeline, who was busy on the cell phone scrolling through the posts. Jason frowned upon that, his little girl ignored him which amused him to a greater extent. He walked up quietly to her and snatched it right from her hands.

"Hey!" She exclaimed; not expecting that to happen.

"See now that could've been a thief running away with that iPhone X that came from my money." He sassed.

Adele looked at the man and she said the first thing that came to her mind. "Well, I want a handsome thief then." She stated right onto her father. He scowled more, why would she say that? Was he not handsome anymore?

"Hey! You are not going to see a face more handsome than this." He spoke fanning his hand over his face directing her eyes on it. Adele shook her head. Taking her hand out, she made a silent demand for her phone to which Jason complied.

"So, what did you cook?" he asked on the way to his room.

"Spaghetti and meatballs." She sang.

He laughed. She always chose that on Friday.

They sat down for a late lunch, serving each other, they enjoyed the food. Jason had accompanied it with white wine and Adele enjoyed it with coke. Small talks were made, she loved asking him about his new office in a place like this and Jason happily answered every question of his curious child.

"Oh kiddo, we got new neighbours," Jason started taking another fork full of the noodles.

"Don't want them, papa. Send them back." She snorted. "Too many people are never good news."

"Hey don't give me the sass. I can easily cut your allowance and I just remembered. It's a new place and of course, you have friends new ones so do you want me to put more money in your bank account?"

"Uh no, I have enough. Thank you." She answered, politely thanking him for considering that fact even though he knew she had enough.

That had gotten Adeline thinking, she had not made any new friends and that was because the females never left the side of the male they travelled with. They were with them from the morning when they arrived at the time of dispersal. They didn't even spare a glance to any other person. If the guy was talking to another guy who had a girl with him the girls then talked to each other and sometimes they did not even do that.

She was not going to make any friends at this rate except for Xavier Rivera. He was not much of a friend to her. He always held her hand or kept his arm around her shoulder while making circles on it. He stared at her with so much adoration visible in his eyes that she almost thought it was an obsession and then came the fact that they talked about everything He liked listening to her and she had no problem in welcoming it with open arms. She had placed the dishes in the dishwasher and stared out of the French doors of the gardens and saw the moving trucks and people carrying out the furniture and other decorative stuff.

So someone is moving in, she frowned as she thought of it. But what happened to the previous ones?

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