Obsession: The Lycan King's Human Mate

Chapter 114 - The Woods - II

She knew that the peace she had felt in the right and the hospital was the calm one could say that came before the storm. Even though she was in a shift in at all she knew that something bad was going to happen and now it did. Her fingers hurt and her nails blood through as she still had tried to give the road and then the door but had ruthlessly been pulled against. 

Now Death stood in front of her and Adaline did not know what to do. She was frozen. 

Wolves, massive wolves stood in front of her, tall and proud of how intimidating they were. If Adeline earlier thought that that wolf in the park was a fully grown one, this was a completely different story. Are a completely different horrifying story that she could not find herself to believe. 

Now the previous wolf looked like a small puppy in front of these fully grown ones. They were so massive and easily able to tower her. Nava in her life had she imagined that was would be so large and would be living in plain sight amongst humans. She could say that even her father would fall short in front of them and he was over 6 feet tall. Adaline did not need anyone else to tell her that there was no way she was going to survive and it did not even matter if you try to escape or not. 

Adeline was frozen in panic and fear and even if she wanted to do something there was nothing that she could think of doing. As She watched the wolves at least 10 to 15 of them surround her only grew and it for the froze head nerves along with her limbs restricting her movement. She stayed still. 

She heard the branches snap and she immediately looked over the direction a woman was walking to her dressed in a men's shirt and She did not waste any time before addressing her for help. The woman might be her only chance of getting out of the situation without harming herself or the other one. 

"Please! Ma'am!" She yelped in pain because when she moved she became aware of the left that has started to bleed again. 

"Tut tut tut," the woman tsked out in pity and Adeline watched her as she collected herself and folded her knees across her chest. "Look at you, little you, so afraid of us." She titled her head and watched admin as if she was nothing but entertainment to them. 

"Uh . . . Us?" Adeline repeated in fear. She had hoped that the woman would help was with the werewolves too? This did not sit well with it was elected a whole new session of doubts and field inside because now she had no source of help. 

A Malicious smile came upon her face as Adaline watch the women say something and then turned to the biggest wolf of them all. "Would you look at that dear? The girl is afraid of us now just like our boy was from her when she killed him!" She growled making Adeline jump up in fear. She growled! A human or a wolf-like human growled! 

"She killed our boy and now she would die by our hands!" The woman declared and every step forward making Adaline with her injured the move a few steps back and join her back to the back of the car. She crawled back to the car in fear as the women near her like a maniac thirsty for her blood. 

She did not want to die but the situation only made her aware of the possible outcome in this. 

But the women did not stop. "I have had it with these humans thinking that they are superior to any you're first. Even a baby from our side can easily kill 10 babies of yours, yes we are that powerful!" She growled with pride seedling in her chest, "But that superiority complex in your mind always makes you think that you are about everyone else." She yelled at the top of her voice. 

Any moment now her heart would jump out at how fast it was beaten or just stopped altogether and she would prefer the second option any time of the day.

She glanced around and saw that all the wolves were bigger than her height and gulped in fear. She was dead. She did not need anyone else to tell her that and every second that delayed her inevitable death she only confirmed and accepted it more. 

She was dying tonight and there was no one to save her. This was all a losing game and she was stupid enough to think that she could run away before them being able to catch her. 

Father was not out of the car along with the driver and he knew that he had probably fainted as he was sitting on the side with the push had come from. At that very moment, she knew that she would deny any knowledge of knowing the men so that she could save her father from the state that he was about to meet because of her.

"H-he," she stuttered as the fear had gripped every part of her but that did not stop her from explaining what she wanted to say. "He wa- he came out of no-nowhere there was a dead rabbit in the bushes and he a-ate that and then he came and he bit do-down on my leg and—" she broke into a sob remember the scene because till now she had told no one about it. It was something that she had buried inside him for as long as she had come out of unconsciousness and even her father was not aware of it. 

Her scent told the wolves immediately that she was not lying even though it was heavily coated with fear. But the alpha couple was blinded in rage. The first reason for it was that their son, a 5-year-old boy, had been kidnapped and then as when they had resumed their after 5 years his body was found in the park on a path with cruelty. The second was that a human had done it. Someone who was as weak as an ant and could be crushed like one. 

"I don't care!" The women yelled and then snarled at Adeline. "What I care about now is justice and justice will be served when we eat your meat tonight and throw your head in the middle of the town! It's about time that humans have better than to hurt us wolves even though we are doing nothing but hiding away in the middle of the forest, out of civilization as if we are abominations!" She spat. Her face reddened only added to the fact that the woman was now crazy inventions for her child that Adeline knew she had not even cared about. 

The biggest wolf of them all suddenly let out a low growl and stepped towards her making her crawl back in fear. Adrenaline was heavy in her body because of which she was able to use her injured foot without worrying about the pain as it was the last thing on her mind. She just wanted to get out of here. 

She pressed herself further into the back and there was glass being pressed into her. She could feel it, Peirce, through her skin.

"Please. . ." She whispers to the wolves as she joins the hands and begged for life. "To understand I did not kill him. . . ."

The bigger wolf only ground louder and stepped closer only for a more thunderous growl to be heard. She pissed. The warm liquid followed out and she felt it but could not do anything about it. 

Her heart stilled and birds flew out of the trees which only gave her a more ominous feeling about the whole scenario.

The bigger was immediately stiffened and she knew that there was a bigger was coming and she was going to die by his hands.

She turned around to the voice and bigger earlier creature someone more monsterous stepped out of the forest and she gasped at the sight of it.

This was how she had seen Alexander and Ashlynn look like the night that she had been on an adventure with Noah.

This was truly a monster.

The monster step towards her and Adaline and the fear of greed added in making her let go of everything she had control of including her bladder, once more in her pants, a small amount. 

One more time in the company of wolves she felt warm liquid gushing down her legs.

The monster stopped as his nose twitched. He turned towards the wolves and growled loudly. The ground shook making the wolves stepped back and some even bowed their heads. Adeline knew that he was bi for something greater than just a mere wolf.

He was the Lycan she was told about. An angry lycan.

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