Obsession: The Lycan King's Human Mate

Chapter 291 - A Call From The Heart - III

→ self harm ahead. Reader discretion advised.← 


"Adeline. . " Xavier said in a desperate attempt to reach her but Adeline felt too far gone in the moment. 

She could feel her cells losing control like she had done months ago. All days and nights were spent in the bed, the same bed that she would never let them change the sheets of. The one time that they had to the practically had to drag Adaline off the bed. 

No one, not even the butler or the member of the staff, liked to drag Adaline of the bed which is why the sheets were never changed in front of her. The moment adaline came back from the bathroom the sheets were already changed which was in the span of a minute or two. 

She could feel the pity coming to her from everyone. Adaline remembered clearly how her aunt used to cry while standing at the door thinking that adeline was asleep. 

Teresa found herself to be sleepless most of the nights when Adaline was depressed out of her soul. The only thing that brought the aunt calm was watching Adaline. 

But as much as Teresa would watch adelen she would also started to cry at the helplessness she felt. 

Adeline never wanted her aunt want to feel like that again but she also knew that if she ever went back to the house she would behave in the same way, if not worse than before. 

Somehow there was only one option left for her which was to not go back and that was inevitable. 

The king was with them and the king's most important ministers were also with them. So they would have to go back sometimes soon and Adeline would have to go back with them unless . . .

Adeline's slightly red eyes moved to the window that was locked on the side of the room. 

It contained thick glass which made it difficult for sound to penetrate from it. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at it and wild thoughts ran in her mind. 

She could do it. Adeline could find a way around it all and end it. 

"Adeline!" Xavier snapped finding himself at the end of his witts when he saw Adeline watching the window. 

It was not that there was anything wrong for Adaline to look outside of a window but the way she look that it scared him shitless. 

The crazed more likely deranged look in her eyes scared him. The parted lips that moved as if she was whispering the words and thoughts going inside her mind but nothing came out of them. Not only that but the slightly tilted head towards the ground and the hair that was in front of her eyes made her seem like a girl at her lowest. 

Fuck that, there was nothing to make it seem like she was at the lowest because she already was. 

Fuck that again, what had he done. 

Adeline stood up on shaking legs. They wobbled but she gained control of it and move towards the window. 

"You always do this," she muttered under her breath but this time Xavier was able to hear them, "you always do it and I can't do it." 

Adelen very slowly turned her head around and look at Xavier through the small locks of hair covering her face. "It's one last time you push me away. One last time you hold yourself guilty for." One last time she tried. 

There were times when Xavier could say that he had never felt fear grouping over him for dear life ever in his life. Now those times were hardly at the back of his head. They would just out. 

They had been more times than he could count now where he had said the year grip into him, paralyzing him to do anything. Most of the chances were with added in just like this one was. Just like the one where she fell off the Cliff was. Just like the one where she had been cut open on a stone platform in front of him and just like when she left him in the police car. 

"Adeline," he whispered as his own eyes watered, "I beg you please." Fucking chains, he cursed in his mind as he gave them a good pull making the rattle. 

"Beg . .beg. . .beg. ." Adeline slowly sang the word like a lullaby before giving a short laugh at the end of a. She did this while she was opening the window. 

Xavier was in his own spur-of-the-moment. He had gotten up on the bed and was facing the wall before pulling on the chains even more harshly and roughly than before. 

The beast surfaced and pulled his strength into the body before giving that one thug and then other making the chains finally break from the walls. Along with the change fell out huge pieces of bricks that they were attached to. At the same moment the door to the room opened and footsteps scurried inside. 

In a desperate attempt to get out of the chains, the Alpha had not only tore the chains from the wall, he had pulled out the cemented bricks too. 

Adeline was almost half way out of the window. She had one leg over the ledge and was on the way of pulling the other when Xavier wrapped his arm her midriff and pulled her back onto the floor. 

He had pulled her over to the ground making her fall on the floor and then he covered her body with his own. 

Xavier did not put his complete weight on her. Rather he was in a position of push ups. 

Staring into her red eyes, he realised to what extent to which he had ended up playing to Adelaide with without even realising it. 

He had never intended to play with his Penguin.. He had never realised that his own guilt was not just drowning him rather sinking her with him as well.

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