Obsession: The Lycan King's Human Mate

Chapter 58 - He's Way Too Hot To Be Her Ex!

"Good morning," Adeline sang as she descended from the stairs. It was a maths exam today and she was as ready as she could be. She had spent hours preparing and revising everything.

"Morning kid," her father wished her to have as he laid out the breakfast. "I know it's maths today, so I made pancakes."

"Ah, thank you." She moaned as she picked one directly from the plate and ate. It was awesome. "What how did you know that it as maths."

He laughed a little before answering, "you have said, 'ah come on! Ugh! I hate you!' for the past few days and you only do that to maths. So here was my deduction."

She giggled before drizzling Nutella over her pancakes. The yummy cakes.

She ate two and then got up. Taking her bag pack, she took another two pancakes with her sandwiched in between with Nutella. She ate on the way to the bus stop. 

She smiled at Marshall who got down from the bus adjacent to her. They walked together and good outside with their friends.

"I didn't find my dress," Elizabeth mumbled for that 472638th time. The girl was worried more for something weeks away and the marks exam was happening within minutes. 

"I did. And I am so happy about it." Adeline giddily teased her. It was a beautiful dress. 

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes at her. "Don't be so shameless!" She said and then warned, "I bite People that I don't like." She grinned showing her teeth to Adeline. 

"Oh she does," Marshall howled and laughed. "She totally does."

"Marshall, I swear to god, don't!" Elizabeth immediately warned. "Marshall please!" She begged. 

"Oh no, I have to tell them." He said still laughing at it.

"Well, we are waiting." Christene taunted as she waited for them.

"One day she..." Marshall's voice faded away as Adeline felt something strange. She could feel his presence. He was near.

A deafening roar was heard and everybody looked in its direction. Three bikes and a Camero, all black were entering school grounds. They all looked like they were travelling together, which she was sure was true.

Parking the cars with each other's vehicles next to them they all got out and it was the guy in front of the Camero that took her breath away.

It was Xavier!

Her eyes, on their own, mind it and that she had no control over them from this point, were running on his sexy form.

He was wearing a black leather jacket and a t-shirt underneath that showed his every defined collarbone. His tattoos were showing and he had not combed his hair this time. They were in a wild and wavy form. He looks hot.

Way hot to be her ex.

She turned away and her back faced it. Her cheeks reddened and she gulped nervously looking at the ground. If she was attracted to him before, now was a completely different story. 

"Want to go inside?" Elizabeth asked her with a slight tilt of her head. "The exam is about to start." She said, trying not to embarrass her for the obvious reasons.

"Yes," putting a strand of hair behind the ear she said, "let's go."


Maths. Maths. Maths.

The exam was not easy. She was sweating with the amounts of efforts she had to out. Even Latin was easier.

"Here," she handed the sheet to the teacher was collecting them as the bell rang. She had been late in finishing this paper. Usually, she had ten minutes for revision but now she didn't have them either.

"Here you go," Marshall kept his and her bag on the desk. Elizabeth came to sit next to her.

"Where is Christine?" Adeline asked as she waited for their group to be complete.

"She won't come," Marshall answered. "She as cheerleading practice."

"Oh.." she mumbled.

"Are you wondering about him?" Marshall asked her point-blank.

"Marshall!" Elizabeth immediately hissed.

"What? It was better than to sugar coat it!" He countered back.

"Kinda.." Adeline said looking at her lap. "He changed. A lot."

"He kinda didn't.." Elizabeth sheepishly muttered.

"What does that mean?" She asked.

"Before you came, Xavier Rivera drove a Camaro and a bike. He wore sexy clothes and he cussed. Like a sailor. He never really attended classes more than twice or thrice a week. He scores well so maybe they don't say anything to him. He is on the football team too." Marshall lauded for an effect, "but that was before you came."

"After you came he became a different person, he was more like.."

"Decent," Elizabeth added. "And we all wondered why but you could not just be the reason, you know."

"Yes, decent." He snapped his fingers. "People noticed that he was more thoughtful and like the guy next door. He dressed down and took the bus for you and like..he improved. All in all."

"Wow." She whispered still short from all the information. Was that all for her? 

What was she supposed to think about it? That he fell in love with her at the first sight.

"Anyways, I am going," Elizabeth said getting up as saying goodbye. She waved and then walked out of the class to the lockers where he stood. Werewolves were naturally intimidated by Lycan. They were more dominant and powerful, so she knew that he stood outside. 

"I heard what said," he muttered, his cold eyes stated at her. 

She shivered under them. They were so warm with Adeline. "I did it for your—"

"I did not ask for you to do anything!" He growled and the lockers next to him vibrated at the power of it. "When I would require your help, I would ask for it. Until then, do not try to help me regarding matters that you should not probe into. Understood?"

"Yes," she whispered with her head bowed down.

"You are appointed it take care of my mate and I would appreciate if you kept yourself limited to that." He spat. 

"I got that." She said again.

"Did she say anything about me?"

"Yes," Elizabeth whispered. "She had been thinking about you and she asked too."

"And you started your rant about how I changed," he muttered. "Thank fuck. Go home safely now."

Elizabeth nodded and left. Once she was out of sight he snickered looking in the direction of the class that she was sitting in.

"It's time we have a chat, mate."

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