She released a huge breath and then focused on the steering wheel. Tightening her grip over it, she checked the rearview mirror and put the gear in neutral. Her hands were sweating and her heart was thundering against her chest. 

"Adaline sweetheart," her father wheezed out as he tried to control his laughter. His shoulders shook as he covered his eyes. "Honey it's driving a car, you are not going to a battle." He laughed and his words could barely be made out. Adeline was more nervous than he was in a delivery room.

"It's tough!" She cried, panicking when she took her eyes off of the road for a second. She was way too nervous. "What if someone comes too close and I just barrel into them instead of stopping and hitting the breaks!" That was her worst nightmare

He sighed and ran a hand over his red face. "I know sweetheart which is why you have to practice first. If I can manoeuvre the car according to my needs it is because I have practised and so will you." He patted her head, "and this is one of the reasons why I am taking you early in the morning. There would be no one on the road for you to barrel into." He laughed again as his chest shook making her frown and turn away from him.

"Make all the jokes that you want but it's hard for some people." She grumbled.

"Whatever," her father waved his hand off, "just start the car." He said as he gripped the handle above his head tightly.

The car purred as Adeline shifted the gear. 


It has been a week since Adaline had been learning how to drive a car and she had gotten pretty good at it. So much so that her father had allowed her to take the car this early morning on her own. She was to take a quick spin and then come back home with her and the car both in mint condition as they left their house.

She was close to having a panic attack when that was said to her. For a moment, she could see herself and the car being in a car crash or being slammed into a wall. She was going to die and kill the beloved car.

"Honey," Jason sighed, "It's not that tough. Yes, you have to be careful, a little more, in the beginning, is normal but calm the nerves. No one is out there in the early morning which is why I am telling you to go now."

So all in all, she was driving very carefully. Glancing around in the rearview mirrors, and then in the front, she kept her eyes on the road and was a lot of what was happening in the back.

In this small town, Nylon, there was a lot of wood. Nothing too deep but locals tended to avoid going into them as she had been told they were wild animals inside and someone has seen a snake too.

Plus not long ago Marshall had seen a wolf and that was something that Adaline would not take a chance to meet.

But what was about the history of wolves? She had to look into that one for sure. Maybe the public library would have something about that since the always has a soft copy of newspapers if not the hard one. Also, her friends were a bit mum on the topic, which only raised her curiosity more. What was it all? 

The town was wrapped around in so many questions. 

She carefully drove through the woods on the road but felt something crawl her spine. She glanced at the roads that were surrounding the road from both sides and felt creepiness come in. She also felt eyes on her back but with one glance at the rearview mirror, she shut that thought out there was no way something is watching her when there was no one around her.

Why did she always have the feeling of being watched even though she could see that no one was around her? 

She always felt this and it was only here, in this time. It was spooky as hell. 

She swallowed and continued to drive but the silence scaring the living daylights out of her. So she decided to put on the radio.

Sighing she looked over and pressed a few buttons and the song came in.

She tsked at the song that had played. There was no way that the network was this bad. She couldn't even make out what song it was and her father did it have any pen drives or CDs in his car. 

Sighing she leaned over and started fiddling with the radio until a new song came with its words clear. Why was there no network here?

Rookie mistake. She shouldn't have done that.

As she continued to fiddle with the radio, the car jerked widely as it hit something. She jumped ahead but the seat belt stopped her moments but not before giving her a wild jerk forward. She hurriedly took control of the steering wheel.

Adeline saw a black dog being hit, and the car almost running him over, in a split second, she changed the direction of the car and turned the steering wheel into a new direction making the car turn to the left.

Hitting the dog could be avoided and tried for that.

She immediately turns around and when he got of the way and saw his shadow I'm the mirror when the car slammed into something and her head met with the hard steering wheel. The impact had her yelled immediately and within moments she lost consciousness. 


Wincing at the pain she felt, she slowly moved her head. "Ah!" She cried as she felt the searing pain in her hair that was bleeding. She had even worn the seat belt but the airbag didn't come out as it was supposed to and there was smoke coming out of the engine as she looked around her.

Smoke! Her eyes widened as she realised it. The smoke was not good.

She had to get out of the car. Adeline no idea for how long she had been unconscious and the smoke had been coming out. This was probably the time when the power went up in flames and she probably with it.

What had happened? Where did the wild dog come from? How was it big enough to hit her car and have an impact on it.

She tried to get up more and pain came from all over her body. She cried as she moved. Her back hurt as she tried to straighten it. Someone was constantly banging a hammer on her head. Her eyesight was a little woozy but she could make out things. Her right was not clear and she couldn't process anything.

She was huffing as she still tried to get up. The pain was severe. The distress caused by it was enough to force her to go back to the unconscious. She sobbed as the pain hit more. It was coming and increasing by the passing moment.

"It's too much. . . ." she muttered still crying. But she had to get out of the car. . . or at least try.

"Please help. someone help" she cried but her throat ached like hell. She couldn't even talk. Painfully, she raised her hand and unbuckled the seatbelt. It clicked but didn't snap back like it usually did. It just stayed there. Sighing as she sobbed because of the pain, she still tried to raise the other arm, not looking at what was causing the pain, she pulled at the belt and threw it with as much as the strength she could muster making it dangle at the side.

'That's it..' she praised herself, an 'a bit more..' the phone was in her pocket, she could feel it. All she had to go was get out and call her father or the authorities. . . Yes, she could do that. She had to do that.

She moved to the door and pulled on the handle. It didn't move. She moved again and pulled more harshly making her arm jolt up in pain but she didn't deter. She had to get out of the car.

With a war cry, she pushed herself to the door and opened the door with her body force. It opened a bit but as she pushed further something blocked it.

She turned to push it. Her body was not allowing it as she was injured for what appeared for her to be everywhere. There was no path on her body that did not ache or she felt like was broken.

She sighed as she started sobbing once more. The curse of pain left her mouth as her body cried too. 

"Why?" She whispered, closing her eyes as she cried. Why was this happening to her? What has she don't to wrong?

Her eyes blinked drowsily as unconsciousness once again took over.

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