She made a face at that. An uneasy, confused, what the fuck face.

"M-My family?" Dumbfounded, Adeline repeated the last words he just said. Not that she had any problem with her boyfriend meeting her father, it was just that he was none of them. He was a long way from it, to her currently.

"Yes. I want to be with you and I think it's best if I would seek his permission for it." And because after talking to him, it would be acceptable to claim her and drive him out of town for good or in this case his good.

'Is he on drugs? Why would he want to meet my family?' She blinked twice.

Adeline was desperately trying to find a way out of this situation without crying. She had to act smart and for being smart she needed her BFF James to rule out those ideas that were too smart for her to say and get stuck and then it clicked, she knew what to say.

"Don't you think that you should wait? My father wouldn't agree you know, since it's the first day." She looked at him and found the wheels in his head working their way to work out the logic and reasoning in her words. "We can't exactly...fall for each other and be sure about our feelings the very first day."

But she might be right, he looked away for a second. After all, she and her family were human. They had different traditions or habits as compared to the people of his kind. Did her family even eat non-vegetarian food? Were they superstitious? In fact, would they even accept him? By now he was sure that his little beloved female was right. Looking deep into her eyes he searched for any evil or cunning intentions but came up with none. His mate was innocent and the prettiest of them all. She could lie, no she wouldn't lie he could sniff it out.

Taking in a deep breath he leaned in and kissed her forehead lingering his lips on her forehead and inhaling the scent of mangos that she possessed. He was going to trade his morning drink of pulpy Orange juice with mango. They seemed to be way tastier.

He looked down at her, nodding his head. He agreed. He didn't know how these humans worked but for starters, he knew he had to stop being forceful and make her come to him willingly. This was the only way he could afford to tell her his secrets without having her running off to the hills.

Adeline was relieved. Not that her father won't be happy with meeting her future boyfriend. She gave him a weary, tight-lipped smile. Not knowing how to react in a win-win situation in front of him.

"U-uh I think I should leave for the last class," Adele spoke with dread which was still deep down in her heart she knew he was a stranger, a handsome stranger.

Xavier nodded his head, took her hand in his warm large one and pulled her forward to walk out and to the next class. He led her to the end of the class and gently pushed her to the inside of the bench near the window and sat down next to her. Just as on the previous class, he kept his hand on her thigh, occasionally rubbing circles with his thumb.

The class went by the same routine, lectures and assignments and the ringing of the bell which indicated that the period was over. He got up and held out a hand for her to be taken and gently pulled her out and walked along with her. He had to be careful; his mate was a fragile creature who he had to be gentle with always.

They walked to the parking lot together. When he stopped and turned to her.

"Did you drive here?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"No." She replied she hoped to have McDonald's on the way home.

He smiled, genuine not sadistic or creepy but natural. "Good I'll drive you home." He stated.

Adeline was shocked. Why would he be so nice and that too all of a sudden? He seemed happy. But the question was; was he happy to drop her home?

And that question had her thinking for the worst.

'Would he even drop me home?'

'Would he rape and dump me somewhere?'

'Oh my god! Would he sell me for money?? It's a new town anything could happen.'

By now she had decided to run away from him. Adele was breathing heavily, thinking of the worst to happen.

"Hey." He called her, snapping his fingers in front of her eyes, trying to gain her attention. She flinched away from him. The mere thought of him touching her had her running mile's away.

"Adeline, it's okay. Look at me. It's fine. Calm down baby, it's alright, everything is alright." He hugged her shaking fragile form. She wasn't aware of the fact that overthinking about the worst had caused her a panic attack.

"It's fine. It's fine. I am here to protect you." He continued to whisper sweet nothings in her ear rubbing her back gently in a sweet and comforting gesture, making her feel safe and sound was his number one priority. Her shaking and breathing heavily had scared Xavier to the core. He never thought a human let alone the fact that his mate could be so fragile.

He, now, was even more scared to hold her. What if she broke just by his touch? He pulled apart noticing that she was fine now. He gently cooed her name.

"Adeline," he called.

"Y-yes" her hesitance was a clear indication, that she was still panicking inside.

"Hey look at me." He called out to her gently caressing her cheeks with his thumbs.

"You're going to be fine. No one will hurt you, ever. I won't let it happen." He spoke gently letting every word settle in her mind. His words had a strange calmness, gently pushing aside every worry in her mind. She looked up at him to find his eyes looking at her already. She nodded feeling calm, even when she made no effort to feel it. He made her feel it.

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