Obsession: The Lycan King's Human Mate

Chapter 92 - The Pregnancy Tests Kits.

"Are you sure?" Jason asked again as he prepared breakfast and Adeline had taken a seat at the counter stool. "Because I would have to make the arrangements necessary to get you out of homeschooling which I have no problem with," he rose a finger, "but I just want you to be sure." He explained his point of view not watching her feel bad. 

She took in a king breath and thought about it. Homeschooling was only attracting them both to each other and Adil and found it to be harder every second to stay away from him. The moment he appeared in front of her eyes she wanted to jump at his bones and if not, she could feel his continuous gaze on her.

So homeschooling was in no way going to give Adeline in the window she needed to leave and think carefully about this.

"Yes," she nodded, "I am sorry but going to school and physically attending classes sounds so much better than sitting at home and just staring at a laptop screen. It makes me feel more than I already am and I would love to go out again." She gave a cheeky smile at the end making her father smile too.


So Adeline had officially started her school again and her friends who waiting for her in the parking lot with a lot of gifts and balloons. 

"Why would you do that?" She whined but ended up taking all of them with a smile on her face. They were not expensive gifts but she could tell that they had put their friendship forward and had given her these considering their friendship with her.

"Thank you so much." She gratefully said as they all moved inside. Since Adeline still seem a little pain while moving around it seemed best to her to move before the corridor overcrowded with kids who never looked to where they were heading. 

"Ah, Don't mention it," Marshall waved his hand at her dismissing her. "We all missed you so much and sorry we could not visit you much at your place. They have been burying us for the second semester."

"That's so true!" Christine groaned. "It's awful the amount of homework they give us."

Elizabeth just sighed. "They are still giving you time to catch up on your homework. Don't worry you can take all my notes." She gave Adeline a side hug. 

Adaline nodded gratefully. Her friends did not know that she had opted for homeschooling for three days before opting out of it again.

The class was Latin. They had been a mix of and she had her first class and then the one after lunch with the Xavier. The classes were so much interesting to him.

He was already sitting there when she arrived and her mood brightened up at that. Just as before she took a seat in front of him and he took to playing with her hair. It was as if everything had gone back to normal and nothing was out of the ordinary.

She missed it. She missed the normalcy they had. The routine that they had set in.

She missed those days when all she had to do was trust him with everything and now she knew that every word coming out of his mouth could be a possible lie. 

His very existence was one.

"How are you? She heard him from behind her. He murmured the words and she was able to catch them easily. 

"Good." She sighed blissfully, loving how he played with her hair. To be honest, she had always wonder how could he possibly have heard the matter how low toned it was. Now she knew that it was supernatural hearing that made it possible for him to hear whatever she said and whatever turn it was at.

"Please tell me if you feel any kind of strain." He caressed the back of her neck lightly with his hands relaxing her muscles immediately. She felt a calm rush through. "We will go to the nurse immediately and if not then I will take you to the hospital. I have the car ready to go." He informed. "I even have your painkillers with me too, just in case." 

An involuntary smile came to her face at the care he showed. From the beginning to till today she had done the same, Caring and adoring her. Then why did he feel the need to lie? If he had told her the truth at the very beginning she for sure would have avoided it then as but if she thought of it now she would have given it a try. Now all he seems to like is a big, fat lier and something he was trying to tie her with down with so that she would never leave. His love seemed like a trap for her and she did not want to be caged. 

Xavier's nose did a quick sniff as he caught a quick change in her smell. From happy, it had gone to complete the sad.

"What's more?" He teasingly pulled on her hair for a quick tug as he asked the question. "Do you want to eat candy?" He then remembered something and taking it out of his bag, he slipped it in hers.

She chuckled and shook her head. Adeline decided that she would be honest and tell him what she wanted at that very moment. "I am just appreciating the moment." She could feel him smiling behind her and she loved how he understood that you wanted the silence to appreciate it. "You never know when the moment might be over." 

"With you, my moments would always get better." She blushed at his words. "All the time spent together seems to be less and I want more." 

She did too. 

If he felt the same then was it the bond or something they both mutually felt? 

The day seemed to have dragged on and now he had dropped her home before returning to his own. She had assured him that if anything happened she would call him as the first person which was on her speed dial apart from her father. Both of them would get an SOS the moment Adeline something was wrong.

She smiled. They were such worrywarts but the two of them had made her whole world. Her father and Xavier were the Oy two she knew she could count on and it shocked her how quickly he had been able to take his place in her heart. 

She sighed and opened her bag. Taking her books out, she put the sheets together and started on her homework. It was time she got her life together and back on track because she still wanted to get into the best school in the country.

Just as she was about to write a first word the doorbell rang and she slammed her pencil down in annoyance. There was no one else in the house, she obviously cannot ask for the other person to get it while she was working. Getting up she moves down and opens the door only to come face to face with Noah holding a paper bag. Why was Noah here? He had so many jobs earlier and he seems to be freer than a newborn. 

"What's that?" She pointed to the bag. Had he gotten her food? 

He came in which she allowed him to. "Pregnancy test kits." He answered as soon as she closed the door making her snap her head towards him. That—

"What?!" She yelled and pointed to the back with her finger as if it was something very, very unholy. "Why do you have them in the first place!" She glanced at them as she pointed. 

"I bought them—"

"Why!" She again without having him finish his prior sentence. He was stepping out of the boundary that she had given him. He had no right to buy her pregnancy test kits or even suggest that one thing could happen like this. 

He tsked and looked mildly irritated. "If you would let me complete in peace. I did it for you. If you bought these kits for yourself then someone would have seen you and told him about it, so I did it for you." He waved them in front of her face.

She blinked and looked at it. "Oh." She muttered. He did not have to. 

"Well," he pushed the bag to her. "Go and take a test." He said as if it was the most simple thing in the world. 

She gawked at him. "No! I don't want!" She shook her head and stepped back. 

He takes again and looked very irritated. "How the hell are we supposed to know if you don't take the test!"

"Maybe, I don't want to know." She said in a calm voice. But in her mind were emotions running around like headless chickens.

He shook his head while looking bored about it all. That was not going to do.

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