Ocean Master

Chapter 125 - New Encounters.

[You have killed a mutated Bone Fish- Level 16: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 14 Skill points and 10 Adaptation points.]

[You have killed a mutated Fire Shrimp- Level 12: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 9 Skill points and 5 Adaptation points.]

[You have killed a Fire Mogul- Level 17: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained 22 Skill points and 10 Adaptation points.]

[You have unlocked the basic profile information of the Bonefish.]

[You have unlocked the basic profile information of the Fire Shrimp.]

[You have unlocked the basic profile information of the Fire Mogul.]

10 minutes after Sebastian left into the deeper parts of the cliff to hunt, he finally met and killed his first Fire Shrimp but this was not the highlight of his encounter. It was the other predators that he met.

In these few minutes of hunting, he understood the difference between this region and the seamount where he originally bossed and lived.

During his time in the seamount, his victims were mostly Giant Crabs, Yeti Crabs, and Poison Worms. In the seamount, the big hitters like the Draconic Lizards and Mammoth Crocodiles were a rarity.

While in this region after 10 minutes of hunting, his most frequent opponents were these frightening fishes called bonefish.

Apart from the bonefish, this was only his second time encountering the Fire Mogul but this terrifying predator left the most impression on him.

The Bone Fish was a mutated version of a Wolfish. This fish mutated in this ocean volcano region in a way that its bones that were supposed to be inside its body jutted out, covering its body to form an exoskeleton.

This mutation made them extremely frightening; not only were their teeth countless times more sharp and powerful than a Wolfish, but their thick bony exoskeleton was also another headache on its own.

These 2 adaptations of teeth and exoskeleton gave them the frightening combo of all-powerful predators, impeccable offense, and defense.

They attacked with such tenacity like they had unlimited energy. In all 5 times that Sebastian and his team already encountered them, he suffered injuries as he had to take on the burden of protecting Shanks.

And yes, this was only because he didn't go all out against them.

He already finalized it in his mind but encountering such opponents, he started regretting his decision to take a white tier liability like Shanks into his team.

Even when not in battle, this predator had a constant fire field surrounding its body like it didn't give a damn if its mana points were being exhausted just like a real fire mogul which corresponded to its name.

It didn't have impressively sharp rows of teeth for biting, it didn't have an arrow-head tail for attacking like the Draconic Lizards either, all it had was its fire and its fire was frighteningly OP.

According to the basic profile information that Sebastian just read, this creature was actually birthed inside a volcano which explained the high temperature and high damage of its fire magic.

Sebastian kited the first one with his magic teeth skill, allowing Tosh to kill it with his light magic. But the second one, he decided to kill it himself.

Shanks shared in the killing of the Bone Fishes, enabling him to take part in the spoils as Sebastian had no intentions of taking everything for himself. That would destroy the notion of him calling themselves a team.

Though all these encounters were just for a brief 10 minutes, Sebastian still felt thrilled by them as he started reviving a peculiar feeling that he had already forgotten after months of hunting in the seamount.

When he just arrived at the seamount, he always felt this feeling that every battle he fought was an uphill one but the feeling disappeared as he grew stronger and more familiar with his skills.

Yes, with his water transmutation skill, he could trash both the bonefish and the fire mogul but why do that when his skills were not all maxed out yet?

Fighting an uphill battle was the best way for his skills to level up, and finding himself in an environment like this again pleased him to no end.

For his team members, he already evaluated Tosh's strength during the time when they left the seamount together. He only needed to observe Shanks.

After the previous battles, the conclusion that he came to was that Shanks was indeed a liability but he was not about to kick him out of his team. Why do that when he could just power level him?

Shanks was a water domain shark magician. Water magic was fairly boring in water but it was powerful in its own right.

Together, Sebastian believed that his team would break records and he could bring out Shanks' full battle potential.

During the past 10 minutes, he also already sounded out this region to his satisfaction. Now, he was confident to go deeper and hunt even stronger predators, his only don't was to go invade a predator clan.

[You have activated skill: Advanced Electroreceptors.]

[You have activated skill: Triple Reverse Swim.]

With these 2 skills active, Sebastian communicated with his 2 team members one last time before leading the way into the deeper parts of the cliff.

This time, Sebastian decided to ignore every small predator except Fire Shrimps for efficiency till he found a prey big enough for the 3 of them to attack and feed on.

As they swam, it did not take long before they found another Fire Shrimp. Acknowledging the order from their team leader, Tosh and Shanks let Sebastian hunt and have the shrimp for himself. 

Anytime that Sebastian encountered Shrimps, it always reminded him of Ray and Fay back in the Leroy clan lair. This didn't prevent him from feasting on them though, food and memory were entirely different things to him.

[You have activated skill: Crushing Bite.]


The Shrimp instinctively retaliated with its fire magic but it meant little as Sebastian already had his magic shield active. 

[You have activated skill: Shredding Bite.]

Sebastian switched mid-way and started his holy dance of shaking his body, shredding his prey apart in the process. 

[You have killed a Fire Shrimp- Level 11: You have gained Experience.]

[You have gained…]

Sebastian didn't finish reading the notification because his electroreceptors just picked up the emergence of another predator.

"A Jellyfish!"

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